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React is a Javascript library, developed in 2013 by Jordan Walke of Facebook. You’ll find React is both very popular (it’s the 5th most starred JS library on GitHub) and used on major sites including on Facebook, Netflix, and Khan Academy. You’ll love the flexibility of using React with your favorite web technologies (except for jQuery. ), and this path will take you from the fundamentals all the way up to building full apps with custom styling.

What You'll Learn

  • Component state
  • Props object
  • JSX
  • Component lifecycle
  • Events and event binding
  • React forms
  • Performance enhancements
  • Styling
  • OpenCourser is an affiliate partner of Pluralsight and may earn a commission when you buy through our links.

    From Pluralsight
    Hours 47
    Instructors Cory House, Liam McLennan, Hendrik Swanepoel, Jake Trent, Samer Buna, Daniel Stern, Peter Kellner
    Language English
    Subjects Programming

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    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    Library Technician 5 $53k

    JavaScript Instructor $76k

    Javascript Specialist $83k

    JavaScript Wrangler $83k

    Product Engineer (JavaScript) $88k

    Javascript Developer Consultant $89k

    JavaScript/Web Developer $90k

    .NET/Javascript Programmer $94k

    Flash/ javascript developer $106k

    Interactive Javascript Developer $110k

    Principal JavaScript Engineer $162k

    Staff JavaScript Engineer $219k

    Courses in this Paths

    Listed in the order in which they should be taken

    Starts Course Information

    On Demand

    React: The Big Picture

    You've heard of React, but is it right for you? In this course, React: The Big Picture, you will first learn why React has become so popular. Next, you will learn the tradeoffs...



    On Demand

    React: Getting Started

    Building efficient web and mobile interfaces is often challenging and requires the use of imperative logic. React enables you to declaratively describe user interfaces in terms of...



    On Demand

    React Fundamentals

    The web has become the dominant programming model of our time, but building rich web applications can become extremely complicated. In this course, React Fundamentals, you will...



    On Demand

    Securing React Apps with Auth0

    Learn how to use Auth0 to handle authentication and authorization in your React apps. In this course, Securing React Apps with Auth0, you will learn how to add secure login,...



    On Demand

    Using React Hooks

    React Hooks reduce the complexity associated with managing state and lifecycle events exclusively in React Functional Components. What previously was complex, and often required...



    On Demand

    Building Applications with React and Flux

    Get started with React, React Router, and Flux by building a real-world style data-driven application that manages Pluralsight course data. This course uses a modern client-side...



    On Demand

    Building Applications with React and Redux

    React is a library with so much power, but so few strong opinions. So building something significant requires a large number of decisions and work to build the foundation. Learn...



    On Demand

    Building Scalable React Apps

    In this course, Building Scalable React Apps, you will remove the guesswork with the React-Boilerplate stack so that you can keep on delivering features, without needing to evolve...



    On Demand

    Styling React Components

    When writing React components, you have so many great options for styling. Which do you choose? In this course, Styling React Components, you will gain the ability to choose which...



    On Demand

    Advanced React.js

    Have you ever wanted to create full-stack Javascript applications with React.js? This course, Advanced React.js, covers many advanced topics and best practices about React.js....



    On Demand

    Testing React Applications with Jest

    At the heart of building durable and reliable React applications is a solid understanding of testing, starting with Jest. In this course, Testing React Applications with Jest, you...



    On Demand

    Building a Full-Stack App with React and Express

    In this course, we'll build a full-featured web application which emphasizes lighting-fast load times and live updates. We'll learn how to use React.js to build a front-end web...



    On Demand

    Building a Full Stack App with React and Express

    Making scalable, responsive websites with a secure server component is one of the most daunting tasks in web development. In this course, Building a Full Stack Application with...




    From Pluralsight
    Hours 47
    Instructors Cory House, Liam McLennan, Hendrik Swanepoel, Jake Trent, Samer Buna, Daniel Stern, Peter Kellner
    Language English
    Subjects Programming


    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    Library Technician 5 $53k

    JavaScript Instructor $76k

    Javascript Specialist $83k

    JavaScript Wrangler $83k

    Product Engineer (JavaScript) $88k

    Javascript Developer Consultant $89k

    JavaScript/Web Developer $90k

    .NET/Javascript Programmer $94k

    Flash/ javascript developer $106k

    Interactive Javascript Developer $110k

    Principal JavaScript Engineer $162k

    Staff JavaScript Engineer $219k

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