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Master the Fundamentals of AI and Machine Learning

Save For Later

Do you know the difference between AI and machine learning? Do you know how they affect you, your career path, and the world around us? After taking the courses in this learning path, you'll have a mastery of the concepts and future directions of technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. You'll be able to make more informed decisions and contributions in your work envrionment.

In this learning path,

  • Gain a clear and detailed understanding of how AI and machine learning work.
  • Learn how leading companies are using AI and machine learning to change the way they do business.
  • Learn how the next generation of thinking about AI is addressing issues of accountability, security, and explainability.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 9
Instructors Barton Poulson, Doug Rose, Deepak Agarwal, Aki Ohashi
Language English
Subjects Programming Data Science IT & Networking

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Research Scientist-Machine Learning $55k

Cloud Architect - Azure / Machine Learning $75k

Watson Machine Learning Engineer $81k

Machine Learning Software Developer $103k

Software Engineer (Machine Learning) $116k

Applied Scientist, Machine Learning $130k

Autonomy and Machine Learning Solutions Architect $131k

Applied Scientist - Machine Learning -... $136k


Machine Learning Engineer 2 $161k

Machine Learning Scientist Manager $170k

Machine Learning Scientist, Personalization $213k

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 9
Instructors Barton Poulson, Doug Rose, Deepak Agarwal, Aki Ohashi
Language English
Subjects Programming Data Science IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

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Machine Learning Software Developer $103k

Software Engineer (Machine Learning) $116k

Applied Scientist, Machine Learning $130k

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Applied Scientist - Machine Learning -... $136k


Machine Learning Engineer 2 $161k

Machine Learning Scientist Manager $170k

Machine Learning Scientist, Personalization $213k

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