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Global Procurement and Sourcing

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Learn about Global Procurement and Sourcing

We will start with a “proven” model for Strategic Sourcing, then move on to the very important topic of Supplier Management. In Supplier Management, you will learn how to select and evaluate suppliers, implement appropriate contracts, and how to mitigate risks. In Supply Market Analysis, you will learn and understand various tools and techniques to evaluate supply markets. Lastly, the course will cover the very important topic of negotiation. Outside reading will be provided to reinforce your knowledge. In addition, case studies will be used to bring these learning to life, and assessment will be used to test your overall knowledge.

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From Rutgers the State University of New Jersey via Coursera
Hours 128
Instructor Don Klock
Language English
Subjects Business

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Supplier Quality Management Technician $65k

Supplier Management Representative $67k

Supplier Management Analyst $70k

Supplier Relationship Management $84k

The Worlds Most Important Editor $84k

The Worlds Most Important Editor $84k

IT Sourcing and Supplier Management $90k

Supplier Quality Management $92k

Supplier Quality Management Leader $94k

Project Manager - Purchasing & Supplier Management $101k

IT Supplier Management $111k

Senior Supplier Quality Management Leader $114k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Procurement & Sourcing Introduction

After a warm Welcome to the Global Procurement and Sourcing Specialization, I will provide a brief introduction to the specialization and its courses covering the following:...

Coursera | Rutgers the State University of New Jersey



Procurement Basics

This Course includes basic information on procurement, Importance of the procurement organization and its’ role in the organization, cost vs. value, processes such as the use...

Coursera | Rutgers the State University of New Jersey



Strategic Sourcing

This course will provide a detailed overview of a Strategic Sourcing Process (7 step Process): Profile the Category, Develop a Category Sourcing Strategy, Generate Supplier...

Coursera | Rutgers the State University of New Jersey



Supplier Management

This course will cover Supplier Selection and Evaluation, Contract Management, Quality & Risk Management, and Ethics. One of the important decisions that a Procurement...

Coursera | Rutgers the State University of New Jersey



Supply Market Analysis (You were viewing this course)

In this course you will learn some tools to evaluate supply markets from a Strategic level (e.g. Macro) (PESTLE) to Tactical level (e.g. Industry) (Supply Market Segmentation,...

Coursera | Rutgers the State University of New Jersey



Procurement Negotiation

This course will teach you the necessary negotiation skills to be successful. We will be covering the overall negotiation process, how to establish objectives (e.g.Most...

Coursera | Rutgers the State University of New Jersey



Strategic Procurement and Sourcing Conclusions

This course will be the final course in the Global Procurement and Sourcing Specialization. We will covering three things: First, there will be a final set of readings of...

Coursera | Rutgers the State University of New Jersey




Rutgers the State University of New Jersey

From Rutgers the State University of New Jersey via Coursera
Hours 128
Instructor Don Klock
Language English
Subjects Business


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Supplier Quality Management Technician $65k

Supplier Management Representative $67k

Supplier Management Analyst $70k

Supplier Relationship Management $84k

The Worlds Most Important Editor $84k

The Worlds Most Important Editor $84k

IT Sourcing and Supplier Management $90k

Supplier Quality Management $92k

Supplier Quality Management Leader $94k

Project Manager - Purchasing & Supplier Management $101k

IT Supplier Management $111k

Senior Supplier Quality Management Leader $114k

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