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IBM Applied AI

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Kickstart your career in artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming our world. Whether you’re a student, a developer, or a technology consultant - understanding AI and knowing how to create AI-powered applications can give you an edge in your career. This Professional Certificate is designed to arm you with the skills to work as an AI developer. This program will give you a firm understanding of AI technology, its applications, and its use cases. You will become familiar with concepts and tools like machine learning, data science, natural language processing, image classification, image processing, IBM Watson AI services, OpenCV, and APIs. Even if you have no programming background, through this Professional Certificate, you will learn practical Python skills to design, build, and deploy AI applications on the web. The courses will also enable you to apply pre-built AI smarts to your products and solutions. Rather than create complex AI algorithms and interfaces from scratch, you’ll use IBM Watson AI services and APIs to create smart applications with minimal coding. By the end of this Professional Certificate, you will have completed several projects that showcase proficiency in applying AI and building AI-powered solutions. In addition to earning a Professional Certificate from Coursera, you'll also receive a digital badge from IBM recognizing your proficiency in applied AI.

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From IBM, IBM Skills Network, The University of California San Diego, UCSanDiegoX, UC San DiegoX via Coursera
Hours 61
Instructors Yi Leng Yao, Sacchit Chadha, Aije Egwaikhide, Joseph Santarcangelo, Ilkay Altintas, Leo Porter, Rav Ahuja, Antonio Cangiano, Tanmay Bakshi
Language English
Subjects Programming Data Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Financial Aid Officer- Ai Virginia Beach (Sourcing Requisition) $33k

Financial Aid Officer - Ai Houston $43k

Full Time Interior Design Faculty - Ai Pittsburgh $44k

FT Graphic Design Faculty - Ai Pittsburgh $55k

Payments (AI) Innovation Tech Leader $59k

Character AI Developer $67k

AI Developer Technology Engineer $126k

AI Software Engineer $132k

Robotics / AI Software Engineer $135k

Senior AI & Gameplay Programmer $149k

Research Engineer, AI $151k

Research Engineer, Amazon AI $157k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In this course you will learn what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is, explore use cases and applications of AI, understand AI concepts and terms like machine learning, deep learning...

Coursera | IBM, IBM Skills Network



Python for Data Science, AI & Development

Kickstart your learning of Python with this beginner-friendly self-paced course taught by an expert. Python is one of the most popular languages in the programming and data...

Coursera | The University of California San Diego, UCSanDiegoX, UC San DiegoX, IBM, IBM Skills Network



Building AI Applications with Watson APIs (You were viewing this course)

A learner will be able to write an application that leverages multiple Watson AI services (Discovery, Speech to Text, Assistant, and Text to Speech). By the end of the course,...

Coursera | IBM, IBM Skills Network



Introduction to Computer Vision and Image Processing

Computer Vision is one of the most exciting fields in Machine Learning and AI. It has applications in many industries, such as self-driving cars, robotics, augmented reality, and...

Coursera | IBM, IBM Skills Network




IBM, IBM Skills Network, The University of California San Diego, UCSanDiegoX, UC San DiegoX

From IBM, IBM Skills Network, The University of California San Diego, UCSanDiegoX, UC San DiegoX via Coursera
Hours 61
Instructors Yi Leng Yao, Sacchit Chadha, Aije Egwaikhide, Joseph Santarcangelo, Ilkay Altintas, Leo Porter, Rav Ahuja, Antonio Cangiano, Tanmay Bakshi
Language English
Subjects Programming Data Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Financial Aid Officer- Ai Virginia Beach (Sourcing Requisition) $33k

Financial Aid Officer - Ai Houston $43k

Full Time Interior Design Faculty - Ai Pittsburgh $44k

FT Graphic Design Faculty - Ai Pittsburgh $55k

Payments (AI) Innovation Tech Leader $59k

Character AI Developer $67k

AI Developer Technology Engineer $126k

AI Software Engineer $132k

Robotics / AI Software Engineer $135k

Senior AI & Gameplay Programmer $149k

Research Engineer, AI $151k

Research Engineer, Amazon AI $157k

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