Save For Later

Desarrollador front-end de Meta

Save For Later

Launch your career as a front-end developer

Want to get started in the world of coding and build websites as a career? This certificate, designed by the software engineering experts at Meta—the creators of Facebook and Instagram, will prepare you for a career as a front-end developer. Upon completion, you’ll get access to the Meta Career Programs Job Board—a job search platform that connects you with 200+ employers who have committed to sourcing talent through Meta’s certificate programs, as well as career support resources to help you with your job search. In this program, you’ll learn: How to code and build interactive web pages using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. In-demand design skills to create professional page layouts using industry-standard tools such as Bootstrap, React, and Figma. GitHub repositories for version control, content management system (CMS) and how to edit images using Figma. How to prepare for technical interviews for front-end developer roles. By the end, you’ll put your new skills to work by completing a real-world project where you’ll create your own front-end web application. Any third-party trademarks and other intellectual property (including logos and icons) referenced in the learning experience remain the property of their respective owners. Unless specifically identified as such, Coursera’s use of third-party intellectual property does not indicate any relationship, sponsorship, or endorsement between Coursera and the owners of these trademarks or other intellectual property.

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From Meta via Coursera
Hours 22
Instructor Taught by Meta Staff
Language Spanish
Subjects Programming IT & Networking

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Intellectual Property Support Specialist $54k

Paralegal, Intellectual Property $69k

Intellectual Property Attorney 2 $116k

Intellectual Property Strategy $129k

Attorney-Intellectual Property $132k

Intellectual Property Engineer $137k

Intellectual Property / Licensing $144k

Intellectual Property Extern $164k

Attorney, Intellectual Property $178k

Assistant Intellectual Property $185k

Partner (Intellectual Property) $225k

Partner- Intellectual Property $387k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Introducción al desarrollo de front-end

Bienvenido a Introducción al desarrollo de front-end development, el primer curso del programa de desarrolladores de front-end de Meta. Este curso es un buen punto de partida si...

Coursera | Meta



Programación con JavaScript

JavaScript es el lenguaje de programación que impulsa la web moderna. En este curso, aprenderá los conceptos básicos del desarrollo web con JavaScript. Trabajará con funciones,...

Coursera | Meta



Control de versiones

Descubra cómo los desarrolladores de software modernos colaboran en todo el mundo sin estropear el código de los demás. Conocerá los diferentes sistemas de control de versiones y...

Coursera | Meta



HTML y CSS en detalle

En este curso, utilizará herramientas de desarrollo de software como HTML para construir páginas web atractivas que funcionen bien y utilizará datos semánticos estructurados para...

Coursera | Meta



Conceptos básicos de React

React es una potente biblioteca JavaScript que se puede utilizar para crear interfaces de usuario para aplicaciones web y móviles (aplicaciones). En este curso, explorará los...

Coursera | Meta



React avanzado

Aprenda a utilizar conceptos y funciones de React más avanzados, a dominar JSX y a probar sus aplicaciones con confianza. Examinará diferentes tipos de componentes de React y...

Coursera | Meta



Principios de diseño UX/UI

Aprenda los fundamentos de la investigación y el diseño de la experiencia de usuario (UX). Sumérjase en el proceso de UX, que incluye identificar problemas e iterar y probar...

Coursera | Meta



Proyecto final para desarrolladores de Front-End

El proyecto final le permite demostrar múltiples habilidades del Certificado a través de la resolución de un problema auténtico del mundo real. Cada módulo incluye un breve...

Coursera | Meta



Preparación de la entrevista de codificación

El curso final de este programa lo ayudará a prepararse para los aspectos únicos de una entrevista de trabajo de codificación, con enfoques para la resolución de problemas y...

Coursera | Meta





From Meta via Coursera
Hours 22
Instructor Taught by Meta Staff
Language Spanish
Subjects Programming IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Intellectual Property Support Specialist $54k

Paralegal, Intellectual Property $69k

Intellectual Property Attorney 2 $116k

Intellectual Property Strategy $129k

Attorney-Intellectual Property $132k

Intellectual Property Engineer $137k

Intellectual Property / Licensing $144k

Intellectual Property Extern $164k

Attorney, Intellectual Property $178k

Assistant Intellectual Property $185k

Partner (Intellectual Property) $225k

Partner- Intellectual Property $387k

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