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Java Enterprise Edition

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Expand your potential with Java Enterprise Edition

This Specialization is intended for intermediate learners that have some knowledge of Java who are seeking to continue developing skills with Java Enterprise Edition (EE). Through four courses, we will cover everything from web basics and the building blocks of the internet, to Servlet lifecycles and session management, to scripting elements and Java Beans. These skills will prepare you to perform Enterprise-level Java development.

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From LearnQuest via Coursera
Hours 65
Instructors Ed Lance, Elizabeth Campbell, Derek Parsons, Grayson Lyvers
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

Intermediate Cook $28k

Intermediate Accountant 2 $44k

Intermediate Facilitator $51k

Accountant - Intermediate $51k

Teacher of English Language Learners $53k

ELL Instructional Specialist (English Language Learners) $60k

ELL (English Language Learners) and Spanish Teacher $64k

Intermediate Auditor $66k

Coordinator/Instructor, Adult Learners Program $70k

IT Intermediate $76k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Introduction to Java Enterprise Edition (EE)

This course focuses on JEE as a platform. We discuss the motivation and purpose, as well as some of the frequently used libraries and technologies, in the Java Enterprise...

Coursera | LearnQuest



Managing Scope in a Java Enterprise Edition Application (You were viewing this course)

We’ll learn the purpose and some of the features of sessions. We’ll review basic servlet construction, examine servlet lifecycle, and take a look at how servlets maintain state....

Coursera | LearnQuest



Java Servlet Pages (JSPs)

This course will provide an overview of JSP and show the power of using Scripting Elements. Additionally, key JSP Directives are covered. We’ll do an overview of JSP Tags and...

Coursera | LearnQuest



Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) and the Jakarta Persistence API (JPA)

The EJB architecture was the first component-based development model for Java EE specification. It consists of three main components; enterprise beans (EJBs), the EJB container,...

Coursera | LearnQuest





From LearnQuest via Coursera
Hours 65
Instructors Ed Lance, Elizabeth Campbell, Derek Parsons, Grayson Lyvers
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

Intermediate Cook $28k

Intermediate Accountant 2 $44k

Intermediate Facilitator $51k

Accountant - Intermediate $51k

Teacher of English Language Learners $53k

ELL Instructional Specialist (English Language Learners) $60k

ELL (English Language Learners) and Spanish Teacher $64k

Intermediate Auditor $66k

Coordinator/Instructor, Adult Learners Program $70k

IT Intermediate $76k

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