Save For Later

Full Stack Foundations

Save For Later

When you are done with this track, you’ll be a polyglot, a person who uses multiple languages. That is a big accomplishment, and a title that you can hold with pride. Not only is it going to be exciting and rewarding, it’s also a whole lot of fun. The best news, you don't have to go it alone. We provide the curriculum and community to help you along the way. By the end of this track, you’ll be prepared to tackle any challenge you may come across in your programming journey.

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From Treehouse
Hours 56
Instructors Treasure Porth, Guil Hernandez, Kenneth Love, Craig Dennis, Joel Kraft, Chris Ramacciotti, Dave McFarland, Alena Holligan, Ashley Boucher
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Multiple Jobs $51k

Center for Excellence in Survey Research - Multiple Opportunities $52k

Freelance Multiple Line Representative $59k

IT Professionals (multiple openings) $65k

Vice Assistant President Multiple Line Representative $68k

Multiple Sales and Marketing Positions $71k

Multiple IT Openings $72k

JAVA/JEE Engineer (multiple openings) $81k

Multiple Sales Support/Administration, incl. Event Planning Positions Manager $98k

Regional Multiple Sclerosis Nurse Educator Lead $99k

Multiple Sclerosis Nurse Educator Consultant 4 $129k

Regional Multiple sales and marketing leadership positions Manager $162k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Introduction to HTML and CSS

Get started creating web pages with HTML and CSS, the basic building blocks of web development. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a standard set of tags you will use to tell...



On Demand

Debugging CSS with Chrome DevTools

In this workshop, we'll explore the most useful and efficient tool for debugging CSS: Chrome Developer Tools.Segments in this WorkshopIntroduction to Chrome DevTools Getting to...



On Demand

Python Basics

Learn the building blocks of the wonderful general purpose programming language Python.What you'll learnFundamental programming concepts Input and Output Conditional branching...



On Demand

Introducing Lists

Lists are a powerful data type that allow you to store multiple ordered values in a single container. You are gonna love them.What you'll learnCommon use cases of lists Manipulate...



On Demand

Introducing Dictionaries

Another useful Python data structure is the dictionary. Learn how to write one and use one in your day to day Python code.What you'll learn**kwargs Writing dictionaries Key:value...



On Demand

Python Collections

We can get pretty far in Python with numbers, strings, lists, booleans, and basic logic. Eventually, though, we're going to need more complex containers for our data. We're also...



On Demand

Python Sequences

Discover several types of Python sequences, many ways of sequence iterations, and all of the common sequence operations.What you'll learnFor loops Slicing Ranges Sequence...



On Demand

The Landscape of JavaScript

JavaScript is everywhere and used in all phases of development from software to hardware. This course walks you through the modern landscape of JavaScript, and what it means to...



On Demand

Functions, Packing, and Unpacking

Learn the ins and outs of Python functions, how to send and receive values to functions, and all about Python packing and unpacking.What you'll learnFunction definition Arguments...



On Demand

Introducing Tuples

Learn about a python data structures that's similar to lists, but with one key difference. What you'll learnTuplesSegments in this Workshop



On Demand

JavaScript Quickstart

This course is a primer for programmers wanting to get up to speed with the basics of JavaScript. You will learn the fundamental concepts and syntax of the JavaScript programming...



On Demand

Python Collections (2016, retired 2019)

We can get pretty far in Python with numbers, strings, lists, booleans, and basic logic. Eventually, though, we're going to need more complex containers for our data. We're also...



On Demand

JavaScript and the DOM

JavaScript lets you create interactive web pages which can respond to a user's actions. In this course, you'll learn how to bring web pages to life using the power of...



On Demand

DOM Scripting By Example

Use JavaScript to build an RSVP web application. Many of the features you'll build are common to other web applications. When you're done programing the app, you'll have the...



On Demand

Debugging JavaScript in the Browser

JavaScript programs are mysterious and hidden realms where magic happens. This can be delightful when everything is working. During development, though, things often won't work so...



On Demand

Object-Oriented Python

Sometimes simple scripts with functions in them just aren't enough. Eventually you'll need logical models of your work and that'll lead you to creating custom classes in Python....



On Demand

HTTP Basics

During this course, we'll take a look at the underlying method that devices use to communicate with each other: HTTP, or the HyperText Transfer Protocol. In particular, we'll...



On Demand

Flask Basics

Flask is one of the easiest ways to bring your Python skills online. It's a great microframework used by thousands of people to create prototypes and small web apps.What you'll...



On Demand

Using Databases in Python

When you want to store data from a program, you have two general choices: files or databases. In this course, we're going to explore using a database from within Python by using...



On Demand

Introduction to REST APIs

Many of the APIs you'll encounter on the Web use an underlying design idea known as REST, which stands for Representational State Transfer. Understanding what and how aWhat you'll...



On Demand


Building an API with Flask can be pretty simple but you'll often end up with a large amount of code in just one or two files. In other words, it can be messy. But with a few...



On Demand

AJAX Basics

AJAX is an important front-end web technology that lets JavaScript communicate with a web server. It lets you load new content without leaving the current page, creating a better,...



On Demand

Working with the Fetch API

Learn how to use the Fetch API to fetch resources.Segments in this WorkshopWhat is the Fetch API? Write a Basic Fetch Request Displaying the Content Create a Reusable Fetch...



On Demand

Vue.js Basics (You were viewing this course)

Vue.js is a front end JavaScript framework with a gentle learning curve. Vue’s lower barrier to entry, ease of use and fantastic documentation make it a fun and accessible...



On Demand

AJAX Basics (retiring)

AJAX is an important front-end web technology that lets JavaScript communicate with a web server. It lets you load new content without leaving the current page, creating a better,...




From Treehouse
Hours 56
Instructors Treasure Porth, Guil Hernandez, Kenneth Love, Craig Dennis, Joel Kraft, Chris Ramacciotti, Dave McFarland, Alena Holligan, Ashley Boucher
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Multiple Jobs $51k

Center for Excellence in Survey Research - Multiple Opportunities $52k

Freelance Multiple Line Representative $59k

IT Professionals (multiple openings) $65k

Vice Assistant President Multiple Line Representative $68k

Multiple Sales and Marketing Positions $71k

Multiple IT Openings $72k

JAVA/JEE Engineer (multiple openings) $81k

Multiple Sales Support/Administration, incl. Event Planning Positions Manager $98k

Regional Multiple Sclerosis Nurse Educator Lead $99k

Multiple Sclerosis Nurse Educator Consultant 4 $129k

Regional Multiple sales and marketing leadership positions Manager $162k

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