Save For Later

Economic systems in different countries of the world

Save For Later

Specialisation provides all-inclusive information about most important countries in the world. It covers the peculiarities of the leaders among countries in the world, the future leaders, and even the youngest countries. The specialization consists of 3 courses, providing data on economic ongoing of countries, united on the regional basis. We start from the developed economies, moving to developing world, and finishing by economies in transition. The first and the last classes gives the general data and explains the system of today’s world economy. All the information given is updated due to the new external shock – the pandemic of COVID-19. It will tell you and explain why it is extremely hard to become an owner of business in Japan because of the keiretsu principle. That Brazil is in TOP-3 list of countries by hydro energy production. That France has overseas territories on all continents including Antarctica. That in Australia and United Arab Emirates they consume more solar energy per capita than even in Germany. That there a dozen countries in the world, that are younger, than 30 years old. And many more. This specialization is designed for anyone from the wondering enthusiasts of economy and cross-cultural management to specialists, planning or executing business or governmental relations with other countries. We suggest you take these courses in ascending order, as the logics follows from the first to the third one. Several references are made in cross order.

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From National Research Tomsk State University, Financial University via Coursera
Hours 72
Instructor Минчичова Валерия Сергеевна
Language English
Subjects Business

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Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

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Coursera | National Research Tomsk State University, Financial University



Current and future leaders: North American, Asian economies

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Coursera | National Research Tomsk State University, Financial University



Developing economies of Latin America, Eurasia and Africa

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Coursera | National Research Tomsk State University, Financial University




National Research Tomsk State University, Financial University

From National Research Tomsk State University, Financial University via Coursera
Hours 72
Instructor Минчичова Валерия Сергеевна
Language English
Subjects Business


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

World Logistics Coordinator $35k

World Campus Instructor $39k

Store Leaders $51k

smART Leaders Program Coordinator $53k

Faculty(World Languages) $54k

Campaign Coordinator for Florida Business Leaders for Kerry $59k

Program Leaders $63k

Emerging Leaders Program $65k

Chairperson, World Languages $74k

World Designer $90k

World Languages Teacher 2 $92k

Senior 3d World Artist $117k

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