Save For Later

Rails Development

Save For Later

Ruby on Rails is a popular choice for many startups where it’s important to be able to implement new features and ideas quickly and efficiently. Ruby on Rails was released in 2005 and is commonly used for building web applications. In fact, even Treehouse uses it. By the end of this track, you’ll have what it takes to begin your career in many well-known companies and startups, or you could even begin your own startup.

An entry-level salary for the technologies covered in this track is about $60,000 / yr on average. Some companies that use these technologies regularly include: Treehouse, Twitter, GitHub, Shopify, Airbnb, Groupon, Square, and Hulu

OpenCourser is an affiliate partner of Treehouse and may earn a commission when you buy through our links.

From Treehouse
Hours 32
Instructors Jason Seifer, Jay McGavren, Guil Hernandez, Treasure Porth, Dave McFarland
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Many different sales & marketing positions $80k

Many various sales positions Manager $81k

Many Positions $82k

DW/BI Advisor for several LA Startups Consultant $132k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Ruby Basics

Ruby is a programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. In Ruby Basics, we'll learn how to...



On Demand

HTML Basics

Learn HTML (HyperText Markup Language), the language common to every website. HTML describes the basic structure and content of a web page. If you want to build a website or web...



On Demand

Introduction to HTML and CSS

Get started creating web pages with HTML and CSS, the basic building blocks of web development. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a standard set of tags you will use to tell...



On Demand

Ruby Collections

In the Ruby Collections course at Treehouse, you'll level up your Ruby knowledge and start learning about collections. We use two basic data structures to create collections in...



On Demand

Ruby Loops

In Ruby Loops, you'll learn how to automatically repeat statements using Ruby. You'll learn about the loop construct, including while loops, until loops, for loops, and more....



On Demand

Ruby Objects and Classes

Ruby is known as an "Object Oriented" programming language. But what does object oriented mean? In this course, we'll cover the basics of Ruby Classes. We'll learn what classes...



On Demand

Building Web Apps with Sinatra

Sinatra is the second-most popular web framework written in Ruby (after Rails). It's much simpler than Rails, and it's a great way to try out web development.What you'll...



On Demand

JavaScript Basics

JavaScript is a programming language that drives the web: from front-end user interface design, to backend server-side programming, you'll find JavaScript at every stage of a web...



On Demand

Ruby on Rails 5 Basics (You were viewing this course)

In this course, we're going to set up a simple blogging app with just a handful of Rails commands. Then, we'll dive into what we've created and help you really understand what's...



On Demand

Rails Routes and Resources

You've seen how to create a Rails resource using a scaffold. But scaffolds don't offer flexibility in how a resource is set up. Let's create a resource totally by hand to see how...



On Demand

Ruby Gems

Gems are libraries that you can use in your Ruby programs that provide extra functionality. There are a lot of gems in the Ruby ecosystem that cover all types of use cases. In...



On Demand

Troubleshooting a Rails Application

In this workshop, we'll show you how to spot, diagnose, and solve common problems with your Rails applications.Segments in this WorkshopIntroduction Reading an Exception Missing...



On Demand

Active Record Associations in Rails

Most of your Rails models are going to be connected to other models in some way. An Author has many Articles, and each Article belongs to an Author. A Doctor has many Patients,...




From Treehouse
Hours 32
Instructors Jason Seifer, Jay McGavren, Guil Hernandez, Treasure Porth, Dave McFarland
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Many different sales & marketing positions $80k

Many various sales positions Manager $81k

Many Positions $82k

DW/BI Advisor for several LA Startups Consultant $132k

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