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Get Ahead in PHP: PHP 7 Features and Frameworks

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Keep your PHP professional skills and knowledge current by learning how to use new features in PHP 7 and latest versions of the most popular MVC frameworks: Laravel 5, Zend Framework 3, Symfony 3, CodeIgnter 3, and CakePHP 3. Catch up on the latest developments and design patterns.

  • Leverage new features in PHP 7.
  • Identify which MVC framework is right for you.
  • Explore popular PHP design patterns.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 7
Instructors Kevin Skoglund, David Powers, Keith Casey, Annapurna Agrawal, Drew Falkman
Language English
Subjects Programming

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 7
Instructors Kevin Skoglund, David Powers, Keith Casey, Annapurna Agrawal, Drew Falkman
Language English
Subjects Programming


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PHP Wordpress Developer $49k

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