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Statistical Thermodynamics

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This specialization was developed for the mechanical or aerospace engineering advanced undergraduate graduate or graduate student who already has a strong background in undergraduate engineering thermodynamics and is ready to tackle the underlying fundamentals of the subject. It is designed for those entering advanced fields such as combustion, high temperature gas dynamics, environmental sciences, or materials processing, or wishes to build a background for understanding advanced experimental diagnostic techniques in these or similar fields. It covers the relationship between macroscopic and microscopic thermodynamics and derives properties for gases, liquids and solids. It also covers non-equilibrium behavior as found in kinetic theory and chemical kinetics. The main innovation is the use of the postulatory approach to introducing fundamental concepts and the very clear connection between macroscopic and microscopic thermodynamics. By introducing basic ideas using postulates, students are given a very straightforward way to think about important concepts, including entropy and temperature, ensembles and quantum mechanics.

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From University of Colorado Boulder via Coursera
Hours 308
Instructor John W. Daily
Language English
Subjects Science Engineering

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Advanced Data Specialist 2 $66k

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Engineer - Advanced $79k

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Advanced Analytics Architect $113k

Advanced Geophysicist 2 $127k

Advanced Management - Management $129k

Associate Advanced Geophysicist $141k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Fundamentals of Macroscopic and Microscopic Thermodynamics

Course 1 first explores the basics of both macroscopic and microscopic thermodynamics from a postulatory point of view. In this view, the meaning of temperature, thermodynamic...

Coursera | University of Colorado Boulder



Quantum Mechanics (You were viewing this course)

Course 2 of Statistical Thermodynamics presents an introduction to quantum mechanics at a level appropriate for those with mechanical or aerospace engineering backgrounds. Using a...

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Ideal Gases

Course 3 of Statistical Thermodynamics, Ideal Gases, explores the behavior of systems when intermolecular forces are not important. This done by evaluating the appropriate...

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Dense Gases, Liquids and Solids

Course 4 of Statistical Thermodynamics addresses dense gases, liquids, and solids. As the density of a gas is increased, intermolecular forces begin to affect behavior. For small...

Coursera | University of Colorado Boulder



Non-Equilibrium Applications of Statistical Thermodynamics

Course 5 of Statistical Thermodynamics explores three different applications of non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamics. The first is the transport behavior of ideal gases,...

Coursera | University of Colorado Boulder




University of Colorado Boulder

From University of Colorado Boulder via Coursera
Hours 308
Instructor John W. Daily
Language English
Subjects Science Engineering


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Advanced Clerk Typist $45k

Assistant Program Manager - Professional Development/STEM fields $50k

Advanced Writer and Editor 2 $56k

Accounting Advanced Specialist $59k

Advanced Data Specialist 2 $66k

Website Builder, Advanced $66k

Engineer - Advanced $79k

Recruiter/Market Developer for Rodan + Fields Consultant $101k

Advanced Analytics Architect $113k

Advanced Geophysicist 2 $127k

Advanced Management - Management $129k

Associate Advanced Geophysicist $141k

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