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Angular Denver 2019

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Angular Denver is the coolest Angular conference east of the Continental Divide. Angular developers come from all over to spend two days learning, connecting, and having fun. With around 50 different topics, including authentication, facades, observables, accessibility, and inclusivity in development, there is something for everyone to level-up their developing skills.

What You'll Learn

  • Angular
  • Angular CLI
  • RxJs
  • NgRx
  • Authentication
  • Observables
  • Facades
  • Inclusivity
  • Accessibility
  • OpenCourser is an affiliate partner of Pluralsight and may earn a commission when you buy through our links.

    From Pluralsight
    Hours 16
    Instructor Angular Denver
    Language English

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    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    MEP Coordinator - Denver, CO $45k

    Angular JS, CSS, Javascript $53k

    Angular JavaScript Developer - TS/SCI $54k

    Angular Developer - Northeast $57k

    Web Development Engineer (Angular) $60k

    Mid-Level Angular JavaScript Developer $62k

    Angular JS $65k

    South Denver Group HR Data Coordinator $66k

    Builder Channel Sales-Denver Manager $74k

    Head of Sales - Demandforce Denver Manager $118k

    Java Front End Developer with Angular JS $125k

    Angular Material Design Team Member $153k

    Courses in this Paths

    Listed in the order in which they should be taken

    Starts Course Information

    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Keynote Talk

    Join Rob Wormald for the Angular Denver 2019 Keynote.



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Simplifying Front-end State Management with Observable Store

    There are a lot of state management options for Angular applications, but which one is appropriate for your application? In this talk, Dan Wahlin discusses several options that...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Supercharge Your Angular Tests with Jest (Snapshots Included)

    You should be testing your app, but, in reality, it is hard and cumbersome to keep all your tests up to date and develop the tests using TDD methodology. Choosing the proper tools...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: What You Don't Know About Zone.js

    Every Angular developer knows about zone.js by using ngZone and async/fakeAsync with testing. Zone.js has a lot of features to tune your app’s performance, add new functionality...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Intro to Bazel

    What is going on with the new Bazel build system? It’s still in beta, but the Angular team has dedicated some serious resources to this initiative. In this talk, Bonnie Brennan...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Bridging Parallel Universes: Upgrading Huge Apps with Angular Elements

    How do you jump between the AngularJS universe and the Angular universe without tearing the fabric of reality? If you have a large AngularJS application, you have probably been...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Machine Learning in Angular with TensorFlow.js

    TensorFlow.js is a JavaScript library for training and deploying machine learning models in the browser. In this talk, Aaron Ma will show how to get up and running with TensorFlow...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Rendering Angular Applications in Terminal, Angular Platforms in Depth

    During the session, Nikita Poltoratsky will explore Angular platforms’ implementations and how their existence improves lives. Most importantly, you will learn to invent your own...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Engage Your Customers with Animated Ghost Elements

    Are you still using the blank screens, progress bars, or spinners in your web apps? While waiting for your data to load, refresh, or even while loading code, engage your customers...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: The Facade of NgRx Facades

    The facade pattern with NgRx claims to offer developers a way to encapsulate NgRx concerns and keep them separate from your component layer. In this talk, Mike Ryan and Brandon...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Strictly TypeScript: Maximizing the Compiler

    The Angular CLI is an amazing tool for being productive with Angular. In order to facilitate the impressively low barrier to entry, there are some advanced optimizations that have...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: MockStore in NgRx 8

    What’s new in NgRx testing? The two most recent releases of NgRx have quietly introduced and iterated on the @ngrx/store/testing module, giving developers easier ways to test...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1: Blast Auth

    Authentication can present a vast and daunting frontier, but Angular has great features to help you implement it in your apps. In this talk, Kim Maida will provide you with tips...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Angular Elements Make the Best React Components

    Join Brad McAlister and Ryan Chenkie to learn why Angular elements make the best React components.



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Schematics: An Untapped Frontier

    Schematics can accomplish nearly any task and can be published by anyone. Whether you want to generate hundreds of dynamic files or update source code, Kevin Schuchard and Brian...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Dark Patterns in UI: What Not to Do to Your Users

    In this talk, Alyssa Nicoll will go over some obvious and some not so obvious patterns that are used online to manipulate users. Understanding usability gives you a lot of power...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Angular for Everyone: Building Accessible Angular Applications

    When people say that the web is for everyone, that means everyone. The applications that are built today should reflect that. In this talk, Elise Heron will go over how to build...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: ngSwitch but Faster

    In this talk, Camille Wall shows a live demo with a simple illustration of advanced DOM manipulation. While the ngSwitch is easy, it is not ideal for collections because it can be...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Introduction to Angular Elements

    In this session, Arjun Yelamanch will provide you with a better understanding of web components, custom elements, shadow DOM, template, HTML imports, and how to turn an Angular...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Security Thoughts for Angular Developers

    In this talk, Kevin A. McGrail describes general security tricks to help you secure your systems with a focus towards specific security guidelines in your Angular work.



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Angular for the Visual Learner

    1 out of 10 people have dyslexia; these people are visual learners. In this talk, Samantha Brennan explains how this is a secret superpower and how to turn most words into a...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Hacking the Human Perception

    Hacking, you say? This type of hacking involves how developers create the illusion of fast load times for web applications. Performance is gaining visibility in the industry and...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: E2E Testing with

    NgRx enables Angular developers to build reactive solutions for managing state, events, and data using principles inspired by Redux. In this talk, Jesse Sanders explores the...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Component ILL-ities

    Join Justin Schwartzenberger and Mike Brocchi for this Angular Denver 2019 session.



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Reactive Angular

    What does it mean to be reactive? The most valuable skill that Angular developers can learn is how to reactively program using Angular and RxJS, and the most requested topic by...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Architecting Angular Apps for Scalability

    The router-first approach to Single Page Application (SPA) architecture enables developers to start small with a decoupled and lazy-loaded architecture, giving them the option to...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Make Your Component Tell You Stories with Storybook

    Developing and testing components in isolation can be difficult. Storybook is a tool that can help you build stories around your components that help with everything from working...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Diversity in Tech Made Easy

    Getting diverse candidates into an organization is sometimes treated like a secret that you need a cheat code for, but it’s actually more simple than that. In this lightning talk,...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Demystifying Token Authentication in NgRx

    You have a new Angular application and you're thrilled to be managing your state with NgRx. You have your store, reducers, and actions set up, but your boss asks, “How do I log...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Quasi-human Angular Automated Testing with Cucumber

    Automated E2E testing is critical to your development release cycle because software quality is of utmost importance despite the fact that humans do not scale. You should not let...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Universally Speaking

    In this session, Craig Spence explores what is actually involved in getting Angular Universal up and running.



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: A Deep Dive into RxJS Subjects

    In this talk, Michael Hladky and Jan-Niklas Wortmann demonstrate how to use subjects to solve multicasting problems, implement caching, maintain your subscribers, and implement a...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: So Little Code! Are You Even Still a Programmer Anymore?

    In this talk, Jon Rista introduces the simplicity and power of NgRx Auto-Entity.



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Designing against Domestic Violence

    Eva Penzeymoog works to ensure that digital products cannot be be used as tools of abuse and she shares her findings with other people who create digital products. This work...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: The Crazy Train of Legacy Apps

    In this session, Hudson Baker acknowledges some negative emotions when approaching legacy apps and addresses how to change one's perspective to show that upgrading legacy apps can...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Debugging Your Angular Apps 101

    Join Kyle Bastien to learn how to debug your Android apps.



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Enhance! Customizing the Angular CLI

    The Angular CLI is one of the best features of the Angular Platform. It handles bundling, built optimization, code split, and the generation of components. However, not every...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: More Unit Testing, Less Effort

    You have a decent-sized Angular app, but the voice in the back of your head is shouting, "You need unit tests." Then, you run into a hurdle. You want to test your components, but...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Building PWAs with Angular and Ionic

    Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are the next wave in web development, offering an app-like experience using a traditional web deployment model. PWAs are highly optimized, reliable,...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Subjecting State to Good Behavior

    Apps of all sizes need to manage state, but not all apps need a state machine like NgRx. What if you can't afford the code cost and indirection? What if you don't want to decouple...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: ~920 Bytes: Creating the Smallest Angular App in the World

    In this talk, Robert Wilemelis presents an experimental idea on how to reduce the bundle size of a simple Angular application to a size under 1Kb by using a code coverage report...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Inclusivity Now

    Lazily loading code with the router is awesome, but what about when you need to lazily load something that is big for which you don't want to change the URL? In this session,...



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: 1x Programmer, 10x Programmer, 100x Programmer

    Join Ado Kukic and some special guests as they participate in a live coding exercise, racing against the clocks to ensure the Angular Denver Band Camp app is ready to go.



    On Demand

    Angular Denver '19: Q&A Session

    Tune in for an Angular Q&A session with a huge speaker panel.




    From Pluralsight
    Hours 16
    Instructor Angular Denver
    Language English
    Subjects n/a n/a n/a


    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    MEP Coordinator - Denver, CO $45k

    Angular JS, CSS, Javascript $53k

    Angular JavaScript Developer - TS/SCI $54k

    Angular Developer - Northeast $57k

    Web Development Engineer (Angular) $60k

    Mid-Level Angular JavaScript Developer $62k

    Angular JS $65k

    South Denver Group HR Data Coordinator $66k

    Builder Channel Sales-Denver Manager $74k

    Head of Sales - Demandforce Denver Manager $118k

    Java Front End Developer with Angular JS $125k

    Angular Material Design Team Member $153k

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