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Droidcon Boston 2019

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Droidcon Boston brings the best of Android to Boston since 2017. This conference is part of the vision of Double Espresso ( that aims to keep training affordable to everyone and to give equal opportunities to speak to speakers from all over the world. Droidcon Boston is where Android experts from around the world come together to look into the future of Android, mobile development and ethics to prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead. Droidcon Boston is where the Android community creates its own future.

What You'll Learn

  • Kotlin
  • Flutter
  • Error Handling
  • Automation
  • WorkManager
  • MotionLayout
  • OpenCourser is an affiliate partner of Pluralsight and may earn a commission when you buy through our links.

    From Pluralsight
    Hours 20
    Instructor Droidcon Boston
    Language English

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    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    Boston Police Department, Jail Diversion Clinician $50k

    Associate boston sales $52k

    Copy editor at Boston Globe Magazine $59k

    Developer - Boston, MA $63k

    Boston M&A Office Head $72k

    Assistant Project Manager - City of Boston Career Education Project $75k

    J2EE Enterprise System Developer (Boston site) $96k

    Associate Partner, Labor & Employment Practice Group, Boston Office $98k

    Boston Event Correspondent $101k

    Project Manager - City of Boston Career Education Project $111k

    Network Engineer Boston Scientific $113k

    Account Executive, Boston Team $125k

    Courses in this Paths

    Listed in the order in which they should be taken

    Starts Course Information

    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Keynote: Ethical Product Design and You!

    Our job as engineers does not stop with building a dizzying array of features, eliminating technical defects and ensuring high reliability. Engineers of all kinds must ensure...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Destination Navigation: You’re Going to Love the Transition

    Come to learn how simple and testable your app's navigation can be with the new Navigation Architecture Component. We’ll start with the basics, assuming no prior experience, and...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Inhibiting the Impostor

    Have you ever had an experience where a small voice in your head prevented you from acting on an idea, stopped you from sharing your knowledge or trying something new, or maybe...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Lightning Talk: I Like to Move It, Move It!

    Let's be honest. Until 3 years ago, adding motion to your app was probably the last thing to be implemented if it would be implemented at all. The main reasons were (a) it was a...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: SELECT * FROM Kotlin

    Now that Kotlin is the preferred language of Android developers, what is the best library to work with SQLite databases using Kotlin? Room just released support for Kotlin...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Building at the Speed of Thought

    Breaking away from the traditional steps of a design sprint, we blur them together to further reduce the development cycle in what we call “Building at the speed of thought". Over...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: WorkManager: Clever Delegate for Deferrable Background Tasks

    Do you need a guaranteed, battery friendly solution to the problem of ensuring that critical background tasks are executed despite the restrictions of a constraint environment,...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Writing Tests That Stand the Test of Time

    One of the promises of test-driven development is the confidence and ease with which we can refactor our production code. However, sometimes we find ourselves in situations where...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Do the Loco-MotionLayout: Building Animations with MotionLayout

    You’ve heard, seen or witnessed the buzz around MotionLayout. But what does it really look like in real life? What are some of its current limitations? How easy is it to use? Are...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Test the Untested: Our Journey from Zero Coverage to Automated Testing

    Do you fear changes in the shape of a monster legacy code base? Do you have zero test coverage and don’t know how to regain safety in your day-to-day work? Come to this talk and...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Solving the Hard Problems

    Do you ever find yourself staring at a problem that you have NO IDEA how to fix? Somehow I end up with those a lot, maybe I'm low on ideas, or I'm just good at finding the right...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Flutter, a Designer and a Developer Walk into a Project

    Two longtime friends with complementary skills meet a new mobile SDK for building high-performance apps from a single codebase, what could go wrong? Flutter is quite powerful but...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Achieving Fully Reactive Code Using Both LiveData and RxJava

    Modern mobile applications make use of a wide array of technical solutions to achieve clean, testable and performant code. Among these tools is the reactive programming paradigm....



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Using Automation to Spark Joy for Developers and Boost App Quality

    A good release is an uneventful one. While often overlooked, continuous integration (CI) and automation can be pivotal to shipping a quality app timely. A good CI system helps...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: How We Seamlessly Internally Test Our Android Apps Within Microsoft

    Do you use Outlook or Skype on your phone? At Microsoft, we have over 100,000 employees that beta test these apps internally. How do we get the apps to that many users seconds...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Keynote: Android Routines on Coroutines

    Coroutines have been around since the dawn of programming languages, but it's only recently come to Android programmers through Kotlin. Journey through the history of coroutines,...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Keynote: Lessons from Teaching Android on the Ground and in the Cloud

    Chances are that you're a teacher - whether you've formally taught in a classroom, shared an engineering experience as a talk or blog post, or helped out someone new on your team....



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Finite State Machines to the Rescue: Get Complex App Flows Under Control

    Complex Android app flows consist of many screens, synchronous and/or asynchronous calls, and potentially involve third-party libraries with different life cycles. On top of that,...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Programming for Nomads: How to Program on Mobile Devices

    Your laptop is broken! What do you do? When this happened to me I used my smartphone to make a development environment with all the modules I needed for my ambitious artsy...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Asynchrony in Kotlin: How You Can Choose Between Using Rx or Using Coroutines

    The time is here to start thinking about the architecture of your Android app. You know your app will be all Kotlin (right?) it needs to do network requests, and it must...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Error Handling on Android

    We all use crash reporting tools in our apps, but have you ever wondered what happens under the hood? How do these crash reporters do what they do to make our debugging lives...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Lightning Talk: Leveling Up as an Android Dev

    Chances are you were already a Software Engineer before switching to Android Development. You might also have learnt your first line of Kotlin solely in the bid to become an...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Simple MVI Architecture for Android (You were viewing this course)

    An introduction to the Model View Intent architecture pattern. This pattern takes ideas and concepts from Reactive and Functional programming. We'll go over the core principles of...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Augmenting Reality: From Fun to Furnished

    You may already have an AR app or a portion of your app using AR. And while it may be a fun small experience for the users, where do you go from there? How do you expand on the...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Community-driven, Community-built: The Droidcon Boston App Story

    Crowd sourcing a team of professionals from around the globe for a conference is not an easy task. Get a first-hand account from two first-time volunteers about how just a little...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Working Offline: Data Sync Patterns at Toast

    The move to cloud-based tablet POS systems has been a big win for restaurants. But what happens when the Internet goes out? How do you keep the five tablets in your restaurant...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Optimizing Android Apps for Chromebooks

    The Chromebook represents an extraordinary opportunity for Android app distribution, but it also poses significant development and testing challenges for Android developers. In...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: A Dozen Techniques for Everyday DSLs

    You've heard all about how Kotlin supports Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) and now it is time to put Kotlin's DSL features into action in your everyday code. You may not be...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Fast Prototypes with Flutter + Kotlin/Native

    Combining Flutter and Kotlin/Native done on a conference app, I will share how to do this approach and the things I learned.



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: App Optimizations: A Case-based Exploration

    Discussions around app optimizations and cold start times are nothing new. However, in this talk I’d like to take a slightly different approach, taking individual cases for the...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: On-device Machine Learning for Android Developers

    Machine Learning is everywhere it seems, and its usefulness is growing daily. In this session, you'll get a deep dive into Machine Learning, and a tour of the options available to...



    On Demand

    Droidcon Boston '19: Code + ML: Will Automation Take Our Jobs?

    Did you know "neural-network based classification" is really just a fancy way to squish a bunch of data until all the things that look alike are right next to each other? Machine...




    From Pluralsight
    Hours 20
    Instructor Droidcon Boston
    Language English
    Subjects n/a n/a n/a n/a


    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    Boston Police Department, Jail Diversion Clinician $50k

    Associate boston sales $52k

    Copy editor at Boston Globe Magazine $59k

    Developer - Boston, MA $63k

    Boston M&A Office Head $72k

    Assistant Project Manager - City of Boston Career Education Project $75k

    J2EE Enterprise System Developer (Boston site) $96k

    Associate Partner, Labor & Employment Practice Group, Boston Office $98k

    Boston Event Correspondent $101k

    Project Manager - City of Boston Career Education Project $111k

    Network Engineer Boston Scientific $113k

    Account Executive, Boston Team $125k

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