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SAS Statistical Business Analyst

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Distinguish Yourself as a Modeler

This program is for those who want to enhance their predictive and statistical modeling skills to drive data-informed business outcomes. If modeling data for business outcomes is relevant in your job role or industry, this certificate is a valuable indication of your proficiency.

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From SAS via Coursera
Hours 60
Instructors Jordan Bakerman, Michael J Patetta, Marc Huber
Language English
Subjects Data Science Mathematics

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Patient Outcomes Leader $47k

Cardio Outcomes Coordinator $50k

Analyst, Marketing Outcomes $61k

Care Outcomes Advocate $70k

Quality Outcomes Analyst $71k

Data Outcomes Analyst $82k

Outcomes Liaison Manager $84k

Strategic Outcomes Analyst $86k

Health Outcomes Manager $91k

Clinical Outcomes Analyst $94k

Outcomes Specialist Manager $94k

Outcomes Research $117k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Introduction to Statistical Analysis: Hypothesis Testing

This introductory course is for SAS software users who perform statistical analyses using SAS/STAT software. The focus is on t tests, ANOVA, and linear regression, and includes a...

Coursera | SAS



Regression Modeling Fundamentals

This introductory course is for SAS software users who perform statistical analyses using SAS/STAT software. The focus is on t tests, ANOVA, and linear regression, and includes a...

Coursera | SAS



Predictive Modeling with Logistic Regression using SAS

This course covers predictive modeling using SAS/STAT software with emphasis on the LOGISTIC procedure. This course also discusses selecting variables and interactions, recoding...

Coursera | SAS





From SAS via Coursera
Hours 60
Instructors Jordan Bakerman, Michael J Patetta, Marc Huber
Language English
Subjects Data Science Mathematics


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Patient Outcomes Leader $47k

Cardio Outcomes Coordinator $50k

Analyst, Marketing Outcomes $61k

Care Outcomes Advocate $70k

Quality Outcomes Analyst $71k

Data Outcomes Analyst $82k

Outcomes Liaison Manager $84k

Strategic Outcomes Analyst $86k

Health Outcomes Manager $91k

Clinical Outcomes Analyst $94k

Outcomes Specialist Manager $94k

Outcomes Research $117k

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