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Java Database Connectivity

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The intent of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Introduction is to get some hands-on experience with foundational JDBC concepts. On our journey we’ll learn about why and how the API makes working with databases easy for Java Developers. After this course you should not only be able to demonstrate the mechanics of JDBC but furthermore, you should be able to explain the design and intent.

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From LearnQuest via Coursera
Hours 24
Instructors Marnie Knue, Ed Lance, Derek Parsons
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking Data Science

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3M HIS Java Database Engineer $98k

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Java Web Developer & Database Specialist $113k

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Core Java Database Cloud Architect $202k

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Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Introduction (You were viewing this course)

The intent of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Introduction is to get some hands-on experience with foundational JDBC concepts. On our journey we’ll learn about why and how the...

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From LearnQuest via Coursera
Hours 24
Instructors Marnie Knue, Ed Lance, Derek Parsons
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking Data Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Java AWS $62k

Java with AWS $68k

Java with E-commerce $77k

Java Instructor $78k

Java Programmer 1 $81k

CRM and Java $81k

3M HIS Java Database Engineer $98k

Java Developer 3 4 $98k

Java Specialist $100k

Java Web Developer & Database Specialist $113k

Java Architecture $133k

Core Java Database Cloud Architect $202k

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