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droidcon SF 2019

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Droidcon is the largest global network of developer conferences which bring together the industry's foremost experts dedicated to advancing the Android platform. Droidcon engages a global network of over 25,000 developers attending events in 22 cities. The first droidcon conference was held in 2009 in Berlin and, since, it has spread its influence across the globe and established itself as the world's foremost community-driven conference format. Droidcon is the place to meet the international Android community, learn from expert speakers, and dive into the latest Android advances and explore cutting edge technologies.

What You'll Learn

  • Android
  • Kotlin
  • Flutter
  • Jetpack
  • MotionLayout
  • OpenCourser is an affiliate partner of Pluralsight and may earn a commission when you buy through our links.

    From Pluralsight
    Hours 39
    Instructor droidcon SF
    Language English
    Subjects IT & Networking

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    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    IT Process Leader - Global Network Services $85k

    IT Technical Analyst (Global Network Services) $89k

    Global Network Security Engineer $90k

    Global Network Administrator $95k

    Global Financial Controller, Network Services $115k

    Global Network Operations Engineer $121k

    Global network $121k

    Senior Global Network Architect $125k

    Network Planning Engineer, Global Operations $131k

    Global Pursuit Leader - Network Outsourcing $139k

    Project Manager/Global Network Services $145k

    Global Network and Firewall Architecture $157k

    Courses in this Paths

    Listed in the order in which they should be taken

    Starts Course Information

    On Demand

    droidcon SF 2019 Welcome Address

    Welcome to droidcon SF 2019! In this session, you'll receive an intro to all things going on at droidcon Global and you'll hear a few words from our program committee co-chairs.



    On Demand

    Opening Keynote: Android Then & Now

    Android development has come a long way since 1.0. How did we get here? And, now that we're here, what do we do next? In this keynote, Romain Guy and Chet Haase will go over the...



    On Demand

    Easy, Scalable Backends for Android Developers

    In the past, engineering teams typically split front end and back end responsibilities. As an Android developer, you almost certainly slotted into the front end category with no...



    On Demand

    The Facebook Mobile Performance Tooling Ecosystem: An Overview (You were viewing this course)

    Keeping the Facebook family of apps performant is a company-level priority, and the team has developed an extensive ecosystem of performance tooling and developer workflows to...



    On Demand

    The Journey from Legacy Code to Idiomatic Kotlin

    We are often faced with large legacy codebases in Java that need to be converted to Kotlin. Sure, you can let Android Studio do the conversion, but then you end up with...



    On Demand

    Full-stack Automation of UI Testing on a Custom Android Firmware

    Working on a custom Android firmware has its own challenges, especially if you have a suite of system applications that requires UI testing. Manually, you would need to flash your...



    On Demand

    A Day in the Life of a Mobile Malware Reverse Engineer

    Android applications are a powerful vehicle to deliver content and new experiences to the users of mobile devices. Unfortunately, bad actors can also use this type of applications...



    On Demand

    MotionLayout & Motion Editor

    MotionLayout is a new class in ConstraintLayout 2.0 that dramatically simplifies the creation of animations, particularly related to handling motion and touch events. In this...



    On Demand

    Coroutines Zero to Hero

    In this session, Paulo Sato will cover what coroutines are, how coroutines work in Kotlin, including the principal methods like launch, withContext, and async, what...



    On Demand

    Results of Scanning the Top 45 Android Mobile Banking Apps

    In this session, Scott King provides details on development best practices, data leakage risk, and security exposure for 45 Android mobile apps from the top US banks and mobile...



    On Demand

    Your Strengths Include: Work/Life Balance

    As developers, many of us are fortunate to be passionate about our work. However, passion often ends up being coded language for working extra hours. Things like personal...



    On Demand

    We Gave a Mouse an NDK: Non Android Developers' Experience with NDK

    In this session, you'll hear a story about debugging native code on Android in production and how that builds through the lens of developers who were previously not exposed to the...



    On Demand

    Growing at Work with Community-oriented Development

    Professional development stagnation is a common problem in any industry. Let's consider some not-so-obvious solutions to reinvigorate learning and growth in the workplace. In this...



    On Demand

    Kotlin Internal DSL - Create Your Own Language!

    Want to make your code eloquent, artistic, and expressive with a removed boilerplate? DSL (Domain specific language), though around for quite some time, has gained more momentum...



    On Demand

    ARCore: Visualizing the Invisible

    In this session, participants will learn about a National Science Foundation-funded project to develop a smartphone app to visualize magnetic fields with AR. Chrystian Vieyra and...



    On Demand

    Consistent Design with Custom Lint Checks

    Android Lint is an extremely useful tool that scans your app for hundreds of potential bugs and common issues, and Lint can do much more for advanced users. In this talk, Alex...



    On Demand

    Linux & Android Development on Chrome OS

    Chromebooks can run Android apps, but they can also be used to develop them. Emilie Roberts' and Adriana Jara's short talk takes a look at the current state of Linux on Chrome OS...



    On Demand

    Killing XML with Contour

    XML is this weird thing that was invented over 20 years ago as an early web solution for encoding data. It is now 2019 and we are still building apps using this archaic format....



    On Demand

    Playing Videos on Android? ExoPlayer2 at Your Service!

    Playing videos might be easy at first, but this can get tricky when you have to support multiple video/audio formats or offline medias. ExoPlayer2 is here for you! In this...



    On Demand

    Powering Worldwide Learning with Kotlin Multiplatform

    Learn how Quizlet uses Kotlin Multiplatform to build iOS, Android, and web learning experiences for over 50 million users per month. By pinpointing the best areas of Quizlet's...



    On Demand

    Performance by Construction

    In this session, Miguel Azevedo describes the philosophy of "Performance by Construction" and efforts to keep the application and codebase simple, small, and reliable. Miguel will...



    On Demand

    Get Your App to Work at Work

    In this session, Aser Samak discusses delivering the best experience for Android apps running in the enterprise.



    On Demand

    Box Enterprise Security

    In this session, Sudeep Bhowmick and Don Cung will talk on an introductory level about implementing an enterprise grade Android application. They will explain how they built a...



    On Demand

    Implementing a Design System

    Design systems can help teams move fast and create coherent products. On paper, they are the perfect state of productivity. In practice, they are difficult to get right. The...



    On Demand

    Leveling up

    In this panel, you will learn about Android leadership.



    On Demand

    Native, React Native, Flutter, and More

    How does each solution stack up and which should you use? Barlow Tucker will present the highs and lows of each solution.



    On Demand

    Learn to Think Like a Hacker

    When your Android app is published, it leaves the safety of your development environment and goes out into the wild. To understand the risks it will be exposed to, it is important...



    On Demand

    Performance in a Kotlin World

    Users expect apps to be snappy, responsive, and jank-free. As a developer, you want to use new language features and libraries. How do you make sure these new features deliver the...



    On Demand

    State-machine Driven Payment Flow

    As the world's top-grossing mobile app, payment processing is a crucial part of Tinder. Scaling the payment system is very challenging with a legacy, untestable code base. To...



    On Demand

    Kotlin Multiplatform Library Development

    One of the most important parts of any software ecosystem is the community support and library development. Kotlin as a platform is no exception. For developers looking to get...



    On Demand

    Android at Scale @Square

    Codebases naturally grow over time by adding new features, abstractions, and migrating code to new architectures. In this session, Ralf Wondratschek introduces layers to hide...



    On Demand

    Creating Augmented Reality Solutions in Enterprise Verticals

    Smartphone augmented reality (AR) frameworks have brought AR creation within every developer's reach. The consumer AR app space is saturated with games, novelty, furniture...



    On Demand

    Kotlin beyond Android

    Join Guillermo Orellana as he tells the story of how he used Kotlin to open up and broaden his horizon. It started with taking the vertical path toward server with Ktor as a...



    On Demand

    Scalable, Flexible, Modular, Preventative Architecture

    You never want to face issues that you can prevent and it is important to prepare for the next task at hand. Having a flexible and modular architecture allows for easy scaling...



    On Demand

    Hands On MvRx: Building Real Apps

    MvRx is an Android architecture library built at Airbnb on top of Jetpack. MvRx is used in hundreds of feature across many companies and exists to make your life as an Android...



    On Demand

    Reactive Approach to Delegation in Kotlin

    In this session, Aida Issayeva will talk about delegation and delegated properties in Kotlin, how to incorporate them into your custom views, and how to make them react...



    On Demand

    TP3 & KTP: Simple, Fast, and Boilerplate-free DI for Kotlin

    When you want to use dependency injection (DI) in Kotlin you need to make a decision: Either you sacrifice your coding style by using a Java library or you choose a Kotlin one...



    On Demand

    Deep Learning: A Practical Introduction from an Android Dev Perspective

    Are you an Android developer interested in building your own Deep learning models but don't know where to start? That was Joaquim Verges a few months ago. Now, Joaquim wants to...



    On Demand

    Architecture Agnostic UI Development

    Over the course of the last few years, Vinay Gaba and Marcos Paulo Damasceno have seen a host of different architectures being used and recommended in their ecosystem. With each...



    On Demand

    Structure Unit Testing with Spek

    Are you tired of decrypting the JUnit test that you wrote a few weeks back? Do you want to write nice, readable and structured tests that are fun to write and a joy to read? In...



    On Demand

    Let's Build a Dependency Injection Framework [Live Coding]

    Gain a deep understanding of dependency injection (DI) as Leland Takamine live codes a DI framework from scratch. Dependency injection frameworks are often viewed as magical black...



    On Demand

    Jetpack Security Extension Overview, Data-at-rest, and in-transit

    In this session, Nicole Borrelli will cover the strategies for data encryption on Android using Jetpack Security. The key takeaways include: Learning to encrypt data safely on...



    On Demand

    ConstraintLayout 2.0 and MotionLayout Workshop

    In this workshop, Nicolas Roard and John Hoford will highlight a series of examples through some of the new layout concepts and features of ConstraintLayout 2.0 and how to best...



    On Demand

    Coroutines and Rx: A Battle Towards Asynchronicity

    Coroutines have already changed the way that we all thought of doing asynchronous programming. The transition from the traditional way of doing asynchronous programming to...



    On Demand

    JUnit 5 Testing: Android Unidirectional Data Flow with LiveData

    Beginning to test the Coinverse app from scratch was daunting at first. You may ask a number of questions. Where do you begin between testing the UI and business logic? How do you...



    On Demand

    Working with Alternative Build Systems

    As a mobile codebase grows, there are new types of challenges developers must tackle. One of the common challenges is the scalability of build systems like Gradle. Uber, Google,...



    On Demand

    Intro to App Modularization

    In this session, Mario Sanoguera will cover the current state of Modularization on Android by covering these questions: What is modularization? Why should I modularize my app?...



    On Demand

    Next Generation Android UI with Jetpack Compose

    Android Widgets have existed since the very first version of Android. Mobile UI paradigms and application needs have changed dramatically since Android 1.0. There have been great...



    On Demand

    UI Testing at Pinterest

    At Pinterest, UI testing is a core process of ensuring our Android app does not have any problems. The team has a substantial UI testing suite that they run at scale on every...



    On Demand

    Machine Learning on Android Demystified

    What does it take to implement machine learning in your app? In this talk, Tatyana Casino will suggest different ways to approach this. There will be comparisons between...



    On Demand

    Attributed Everything: Ensuring Quality for Large Apps

    In this droidcon SF session, engineers from Snapchat's module infrastructure team will talk about various strategies that Snapchat uses to ensure quality for its new Android...



    On Demand

    Advanced & Practical MotionLayout

    ConstraintLayout 2.0 has been steadily releasing new features that give Android developers better animation tools. In this session, Jason Pearson will discuss how to practically...



    On Demand

    Powering Modularization at Airbnb: Plugin Architecture

    Airbnb prizes modularization for helping the team drive code ownership and decrease build times. These benefits also bring increased complexity and boilerplate. Our Plugin...



    On Demand

    Level up Your Extension Game

    In this talk Aida Issayeva will go over some good and bad practices for using extensions in Kotlin as well as use cases for the Kotlin's standard and Android KTX extension functions.



    On Demand

    E2E2U: Slack's Journey to Developer-driven End-to-end Testing

    Two years ago, the Slack team presented on an approach that makes authoring reliable Android UI tests easier. To date, Slack Android developers have written 637 UI tests and all...



    On Demand

    From Pandora's Box to a Bento Box: Using the Bento Framework to Upgrade Legacy Apps

    At Yelp, the team has used Bento to progressively modularize their UI, transitioning from a Pandora's box of nested adapters, ListViews, and minimal test coverage to a Bento box...



    On Demand

    Dagger 2, 2 Years Later

    A few years ago, we started using Dagger 2 in our applications. We saw some quick wins and were able to do some neat things like mock mode for testing and better support our...



    On Demand

    Going with the Flow - Using Coroutines 1.3.x

    In this talk, Rick Busarow will evaluate the options for reactive programming with coroutines. This session will also cover Android-specific problems and how to fit their...



    On Demand

    The (Not So) Hidden Cost of Sharing Code between iOS and Android

    Until very recently, Dropbox had a technical strategy on mobile of sharing code between iOS and Android via C++. The idea behind this strategy was simple: Write the code once in...



    On Demand

    Navigating Android Like a Pro

    Ever since Google introduced Jetpack Navigation, there has been mixed reception on how to get it to work on existing or new projects. Navigation library underwent numerous changes...



    On Demand

    MUwS, PHA, Vulnerabilities: A Walk through on What Not to Do

    Mobile unwanted software, potentially harmful applications, and vulnerabilities are three important threats that may impact the security and privacy of Android users if...



    On Demand

    Android Canvas: Building One of the World's Largest Interactive Data Visualization Experiences

    Have you wondered what would it be like to translate a traditional Android app experience to an 80-inch touch surface? In the process of making a data visualization tool,...



    On Demand

    Adding Flutter to Your Android App

    Flutter is a UI toolkit for building beautiful and performant apps across multiple platforms. While many independent app developers have chosen to rewrite their apps with Flutter,...



    On Demand

    MVVM & Nested Fragments/Views - ViewModel Contracts

    As smartphones get more powerful with bigger screens, the complexity of tasks that people want to be able to do with them follows the same growth. Fragments are making a comeback,...



    On Demand

    Working Around KAPT

    Lyft is using Kotlin and Dagger without KAPT. How? Their team developed NAPT. NAPT allows Lyft to have annotation processing on Kotlin classes without the overhead of KAPT but...



    On Demand

    Breaking down Modularization

    Modularizing your repository can take extra effort; however, once done, you'll be able to more easily develop in parallel, reduce cohesion between components, improve your build...



    On Demand

    Dagger Reflect - The Circle from Runtime to Compile Time and Back to Runtime

    Working on a custom Android firmware has its own challenges, especially if you have a suite of system applications which need UI testing. Manually, you'd need to flash your device...



    On Demand

    Voyager: Navigation and DI for Flutter

    Voyager is the widget router for Flutter. It combines YAML configuration map, custom plugins architecture, and dependency injection into one comprehensive system that allows you...



    On Demand

    Inside the Room

    Take a deep dive into how Google's persistence library, Room, works with SQLite. In this talk, Effie Barak will cover the 3 layers used to persist to a local database, how they...



    On Demand

    Magic of ADB

    Android Debug Bridge is a powerful tool that many of us use everyday but never take a closer look at. In this session, Wojciech Sadurski will dive into the internals of ADB and...




    From Pluralsight
    Hours 39
    Instructor droidcon SF
    Language English
    Subjects IT & Networking


    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    IT Process Leader - Global Network Services $85k

    IT Technical Analyst (Global Network Services) $89k

    Global Network Security Engineer $90k

    Global Network Administrator $95k

    Global Financial Controller, Network Services $115k

    Global Network Operations Engineer $121k

    Global network $121k

    Senior Global Network Architect $125k

    Network Planning Engineer, Global Operations $131k

    Global Pursuit Leader - Network Outsourcing $139k

    Project Manager/Global Network Services $145k

    Global Network and Firewall Architecture $157k

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