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Learn English: Intermediate Grammar

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Master Intermediate Grammar

This specialization covers common topics in intermediate grammar, such as perfect verb tenses and adjective clauses. It will also cover "tricky English" grammar topics that learners of English often find frustrating. The capstone will give you a chance to review all of the knowledge you've learned in the courses and create a multi-media "scrapbook" of grammar to keep with you after the specialization ends.

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From University of California, Irvine via Coursera
Hours 91
Instructors Tamy Chapman, Brad Gilpin, Judy Hu, Emily Wong, Helen Nam
Language English
Subjects Languages Humanities

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Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Perfect Tenses and Modals

This is the first course in the Learn English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. In this course, you will learn about important intermediate verb tenses, including present...

Coursera | University of California, Irvine



Adjectives and Adjective Clauses

Being able to adeptly use adjective clauses in speaking and writing is useful for upper level English learners. Adjectives and adjective clauses are very common in English, so...

Coursera | University of California, Irvine



Tricky English Grammar

English is a difficult language to learn because of its many obscure grammatical rules, which are fairly easy to mess up--even for native speakers. While it’s easy for...

Coursera | University of California, Irvine



Intermediate Grammar Project

If you have taken the three courses in this specialization, you have learned a lot of grammar in the last few months. This will be a big help to your studies or your career. This...

Coursera | University of California, Irvine




University of California, Irvine

From University of California, Irvine via Coursera
Hours 91
Instructors Tamy Chapman, Brad Gilpin, Judy Hu, Emily Wong, Helen Nam
Language English
Subjects Languages Humanities


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Assessment Coordinator - Common Academic Program $48k

Common Trust Fund Accountant $53k

Common Area Coordinator $54k

Common Label Operations $76k

Judge, Court of Common Pleas $114k

IT Architect - Common Services $128k

Common Components Product Manager $171k

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