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Ab Klink, Ahmed Sheikh, Ahmed Qurei, Alan McKinnon, Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, Arne Solli, Colum Gorman, Denis A. Cortese, Dirk Barth, Francis Deng, François Chabannes, Frits Bolkestein, Gemma Kobessen, Gert Rosenthal, Gert van Dijk, Haakon Bruun-Hanssen, Hans Hillen, Hassan Rachidi, Henk Polinder, Herman Schaper, Horst Teltschik, Jacques Lanxade, James Blaker, Jeroen van der Veer, John Groffen, John H. Noseworthy, Klaus Naumann, Mariëlle Dekker, Martha Bejar, Martijn Dadema, Mohamed Krichen, Mostefa Souag, Natalie Landman, Nicholas Larusso, Nils Wang, Paul Baan, Paulo F. Ribeiro, Peter Inge, Pieter de Rijcke, Roel Kuiper, Shelly Plutowski, Shimon Peres, Shirley Weis, Simon Adams, Sverre Diesen, Theo Bosters, Uri Savir, William A. Owens, William Pace, and Wim Post
... Owens, William Pace, Wim Post Henk van den Breemen, Douglas Murray, Benjamin ... data, GPS and mobile phone apps all integrated into supply chain management ... quality, efficiency, sustainability and resilience at all these levels. The ...
The ...

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