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Life is beautiful! From atoms to cells, from genes to proteins, from populations to ecosystems, biology is the study of the fascinating and intricate systems that make life possible. Dive in to learn more about the many branches of biology and why they are exciting and important. Covers topics seen in a high school or first-year college biology course.

From Khan Academy
Hours 45
Language English
Subjects Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Temporary Assistant Biology Teacher $37k

Assistant Lecturer, Biology $43k

Science Teacher- Biology, Chemistry, and Physics $50k

Biology Teacher 1 $54k

Research Associate, Department of Cell Biology $60k

Postdoctoral PHD Researcher in Developmental Biology $67k

Chair of the Biology Department $71k

Assistant Department of Biology $92k

Molecular Biology Scientist $100k

Scientist - Cell Biology $100k

Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biology and Environmental Sciences $110k

Visiting Stuart Mudd Professor of Biology $131k

Courses in this Topic

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

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Intro to biology

New to biology? You're in the right place! Start your biological journey here.This course contains 2 segments:Welcome to biology!Biologists study life at many scales, from...

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Chemistry of life

Learn how chemistry makes life possible! From you, to your dog, to your dinner, to the global ecosystem, all living systems are made out of atoms that obey the basic rules of...

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On Demand

Water, acids, and bases

Where would we be without water? Well, we probably wouldn't exist at all! Learn more about this fascinating molecule: its hydrogen bonds, its properties, and why it's a key...

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On Demand

Properties of carbon

Did you know that your body is approximately 18% carbon? Learn more about carbon and why it makes a great building block for biological molecules. We'll look at the bonding...

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On Demand


There's an old saying, "You are what you eat." In some senses, this is literally true! When we eat food, we take in the large biological molecules found in the food, including...

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On Demand

Energy and enzymes

You, like other living systems, are an amazing energy transformer. As you move your eyes to read these words, your body is busily converting chemical energy from your lunch into...

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On Demand

Structure of a cell

You, my friend, are made up of cells. Lots and lots of them. Some of them are eukaryotic (human), but many more of them are prokaryotic, thanks to the friendly bacteria of your...

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Membranes and transport

How do the cells in your body define their boundaries (and control what comes in or goes out)? As it turns out, cells have a sophisticated and flexible barrier, the plasma...

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On Demand

Cellular respiration

How do your cells extract energy from the food that you eat? As it turns out, cells have a network of elegant metabolic pathways dedicated to just this task. Learn more about...

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On Demand


There's a lot of carbon in your body - in DNA, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and other key biological molecules. How did that carbon get there? Drumroll... photosynthesis! Learn...

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Cell signaling

Did you know that your cells are continually "talking" to one another? Cells communicate by sending and receiving chemical signals. This molecular conversation allows the cells in...

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Cell division

All living things, including you, are made up of cells. Find out how cells divide through mitosis and meiosis, how the cell cycle is controlled, and how problems in cell cycle...

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Classical and molecular genetics (You were viewing this course)

Have you ever been told that you have your mother's eyes or grandfather's nose? Learn why traits run in families and how they're passed on. We'll look at Mendel's model of...

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DNA as the genetic material

What exactly is DNA? This seemingly simple polymer, made up of just four different types of monomers, serves as the genetic material for all living organisms. For example, your...

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Central dogma (DNA to RNA to protein)

How does a gene in your DNA provide instructions for building a protein? In gene expression, a DNA sequence is first copied to make an RNA molecule, which is then "decoded" to...

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On Demand

Gene regulation

You have tens of thousands of genes in your genome. Does that mean your cells express all of those genes, all the time? Not by a long shot! Even an organism as simple as a...

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On Demand


What is biotechnology? Well, if you've ever taken the antibiotic penicillin or eaten bread made with yeast, you've experienced it firsthand! Biotechnology is the use of a living...

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Developmental biology

Did you know that a frog starts out as a single cell? In fact, so do dogs, elephants, and even human beings! Learn how multicellular organisms end up with many different cell...

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Bacteria and archaea

They're everywhere. They number in the millions of trillions of trillions. They live on every surface, in every environment, and even in your gut. That's right...I'm talking about...

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Viruses: Are they alive? Are they dead? Are they...undead? Learn more about these fascinating (and clinically important) particles that occupy a "gray area" between living and...

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Evolution and the tree of life

Discover the diversity of life on Earth and the forces that shape it! In this section, you can learn about evolution, natural selection, and the tree of life, as well as basic...

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History of life on Earth

Our planet has an amazing history spanning about 4.5 billion years! Learn more about how Earth formed, the early history of life on Earth, and the origins of humans.This course...

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Why are polar bears found only in the Arctic? Why does mildew grow in your shower and not (hopefully) in your sock drawer? Learn how ecologists study the interactions between...

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Biodiversity and conservation

From penguins to palm trees to bacteria, our planet is host to an awe-inspiring diversity of organisms. Dive deep into Earth's breathtaking biodiversity, learn why this...

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Behavioral biology

What do a dog begging for food, and ant leaving a chemical trail to food, and a human baby learning language all have in common? These are all examples of behaviors. Behavior is a...

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Principles of physiology

How is your body organized? How do your organ systems work together to keep you running? What keeps your blood at the right pH or your body at the right temperature? Learn more...

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Human biology

Your body is an amazing system! The human body is made up of groups of organs, called organ systems, that work together to keep the body in balance. In this section, we'll travel...

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Plant biology

Plants may seem less interactive than animals. But they actually have many ways of responding to their environment, changing their growth or physiology to make the best use of...

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Studying for the AP Biology exam?

Review for the AP Biology exam by working through practice problems with Sal!This course contains 5 segments:Free-response questions: 2015 AP Biology examPrepare for the AP...

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Crash Course: Biology and Ecology

Brush up on a wide range of biology topics, from biochemistry to mitosis to ecology, with fun and informative Crash Course videos!This course contains 2 segments:Crash Course:...

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Meet the biology professional

Do you enjoy your biology class, like nature, have an interest in medicine, or simply feel lots of curiosity about living things? If so, you may be thinking about focusing on or...

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Khan Academy

From Khan Academy
Hours 45
Language English
Subjects Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Temporary Assistant Biology Teacher $37k

Assistant Lecturer, Biology $43k

Science Teacher- Biology, Chemistry, and Physics $50k

Biology Teacher 1 $54k

Research Associate, Department of Cell Biology $60k

Postdoctoral PHD Researcher in Developmental Biology $67k

Chair of the Biology Department $71k

Assistant Department of Biology $92k

Molecular Biology Scientist $100k

Scientist - Cell Biology $100k

Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biology and Environmental Sciences $110k

Visiting Stuart Mudd Professor of Biology $131k

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