Save For Later

GPU Programming

Save For Later

Solve Challenges with Powerful GPUs

This specialization is intended for data scientists and software developers to create software that uses commonly available hardware. Students will be introduced to CUDA and libraries that allow for performing numerous computations in parallel and rapidly. Applications for these skills are machine learning, image/audio signal processing, and data processing.

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From Johns Hopkins University via Coursera
Hours 121
Instructor Chancellor Thomas Pascale
Language English
Subjects Programming Data Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Data 1 2 $50k

Data 2 $50k

Environmental Scientists $54k

Clinical Lab Scientists $62k

Outbreak Response Scientists $72k

scientists $88k

Data Analyst, Data Warehousing $93k

Atmospheric Scientists/Physical Oceanographer $103k

Computer Scientists $105k

Data Administrator / Data Modeler $108k

Data Integration Engineer| Data Warehouse $116k

Senior Research Scientists $164k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Introduction to Concurrent Programming with GPUs

This course will help prepare students for developing code that can process large amounts of data in parallel. It will focus on foundational aspects of concurrent programming,...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University



Introduction to Parallel Programming with CUDA

This course will help prepare students for developing code that can process large amounts of data in parallel on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). It will learn on how to...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University



CUDA at Scale for the Enterprise

This course will aid in students in learning in concepts that scale the use of GPUs and the CPUs that manage their use beyond the most common consumer-grade GPU installations....

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University



CUDA Advanced Libraries

This course will complete the GPU specialization, focusing on the leading libraries distributed as part of the CUDA Toolkit. Students will learn how to use CuFFT, and linear...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University




Johns Hopkins University

From Johns Hopkins University via Coursera
Hours 121
Instructor Chancellor Thomas Pascale
Language English
Subjects Programming Data Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Data 1 2 $50k

Data 2 $50k

Environmental Scientists $54k

Clinical Lab Scientists $62k

Outbreak Response Scientists $72k

scientists $88k

Data Analyst, Data Warehousing $93k

Atmospheric Scientists/Physical Oceanographer $103k

Computer Scientists $105k

Data Administrator / Data Modeler $108k

Data Integration Engineer| Data Warehouse $116k

Senior Research Scientists $164k

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