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Working with Node.js

Samer Buna, Nate Taylor, Jonathan Mills, Joe Eames, Brian Clark, Brice Wilson, Justin Boyer, and Armen Avanesi

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. Node.js enables developers to use JavaScript to write command line tools and to utilize server-side scripting to create dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser. This path will take you from the basics of Node.js to writing and testing asynchronous Node.js code.

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Four courses

Automating Node.js 6 with NPM Scripts

(2 hours)
What if you could greatly improve your efficiency as a developer? This course will teach you how to use automation to optimize your time and reduce manually executed, repetitive tasks. You will see NPM is the tool for this when building Node.js apps.

HTTP with Node.js 12

(0 hours)
This course teaches you how to work with the HTTP module in Node.js, providing a foundation for building web-based applications.

Managing Files with Node.js 12

(1 hours)
Working with files in Node.js is a powerful skill. This course covers reading and writing files in Node.js.

Async Patterns in Node.js 12

(1 hours)
Node.js is built for asynchronous coding patterns. This course teaches techniques for writing modern, asynchronous JavaScript for fast and responsive Node applications.

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