Save For Later

Software Testing and Automation

Save For Later

Develop Skills in Software Testing

This Specialization is intented for beginning to intermediate software developers seeking to develop knowledge and skill in implementing testing techniques and tools in the development of their projects. Through four courses, you will cover black-box and white-box testing, automated testing, web & mobile testing, and formal testing theory and techniques, which will prepare to you to plan and perform effective testing of your software.

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From University of Minnesota via Coursera
Hours 74
Instructors Mike, Kevin Wendt, Sanjai Rayadurgam
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Intermediate Cook $28k

Intermediate Accountant 2 $44k

Associate Senior Intermediate Software Engineer $49k

Intermediate Facilitator $51k

Accountant - Intermediate $51k

Intermediate Software Engineer Contractor $56k

Intermediate Auditor $66k

Intermediate Architect 3 $70k

Junior Intermediate Software Engineer $72k

IT Intermediate $76k

Assistant Intermediate Software Engineer $79k

Team Intermediate Software Engineer Lead $119k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Introduction to Software Testing

After completing this course, you will have an understanding of the fundamental principles and processes of software testing. You will have actively created test cases and run...

Coursera | University of Minnesota



Black-box and White-box Testing

After completing this course, learners will have an understanding of a variety of black-box and white-box testing techniques. The learner will have put this understanding into...

Coursera | University of Minnesota



Introduction to Automated Analysis

This course introduces state-of-the-art techniques for automated analysis. Automated analysis encompasses both approaches to automatically generate a very large number of tests...

Coursera | University of Minnesota



Web and Mobile Testing with Selenium

Modern applications that we build invariably have touch-points with its users through web-based and mobile platforms. Users interact with the software through these interfaces...

Coursera | University of Minnesota




University of Minnesota

From University of Minnesota via Coursera
Hours 74
Instructors Mike, Kevin Wendt, Sanjai Rayadurgam
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Intermediate Cook $28k

Intermediate Accountant 2 $44k

Associate Senior Intermediate Software Engineer $49k

Intermediate Facilitator $51k

Accountant - Intermediate $51k

Intermediate Software Engineer Contractor $56k

Intermediate Auditor $66k

Intermediate Architect 3 $70k

Junior Intermediate Software Engineer $72k

IT Intermediate $76k

Assistant Intermediate Software Engineer $79k

Team Intermediate Software Engineer Lead $119k

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