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Deploying and Managing Microsoft Azure AI Solutions

Sahil Malik, James Bannan, and Ranjan Relan

Microsoft Azure offers a robust and powerful AI platform. Part of this platform helps you deploy, monitor, and manage your AI solution.This path addresses the operational elements of deploying, managing, and optimizing your AI solutions on Microsoft Azure. Included in this skill are storage and container provisioning, IoT device management, security operations, and model deployment and monitoring.

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Microsoft Azure offers a robust and powerful AI platform. Part of this platform helps you deploy, monitor, and manage your AI solution.This path addresses the operational elements of deploying, managing, and optimizing your AI solutions on Microsoft Azure. Included in this skill are storage and container provisioning, IoT device management, security operations, and model deployment and monitoring.

What You'll Learn

  • Manage and validate deployment and configuration of Microsoft Azure AI services
  • Manage security artifacts
  • Monitor and manage models in production
  • Optimize every element of your AI solution
  • Enroll now


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    Two courses

    Managing Microsoft Azure AI Solutions

    (1 hours)
    This course teaches how to manage AI solutions in Azure. It covers ML Ops, monitoring and collecting data in production AKS clusters, and automating the entire process end to end.

    Optimizing Microsoft Azure AI Solutions

    (1 hours)
    Microsoft Azure's cloud-based platform provides multiple AI services, including AzureML Compute Cluster, Azure HDInsight, Azure Databricks, and Azure DevOps. This course teaches how to design, deploy, and optimize applications built with Microsoft AI Solutions.

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