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Splunk Knowledge Manager

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By completing the Splunk Knowledge Manager 101, 102 & 103, you will be able to create knowledge objects including lookups, data models, and different types of fields. In addition to this, you will learn to build dashboards and add inputs for filtering.

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From Splunk Inc. via Coursera
Hours 60
Instructor Splunk Instructor
Language English
Subjects IT & Networking

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Knowledge Technician $50k

Log Monitoring Specialist (Splunk) $55k

Splunk Government Account Representative $55k

Unix - Linux - Splunk SME $67k

Knowledge Strategist $73k

Splunk Admin $78k

Splunk Analyst / Devloper $83k

Splunk Development $84k

Engineer - Splunk $88k

Splunk Services Engineer $98k

Knowledge Broker $102k

Splunk Architect/SME $117k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Splunk Knowledge Manager 101

This course will introduce you to the basics of machine data, Splunk’s architecture, and how to navigate the Splunk Web interface. You will gain fundamental knowledge for...

Coursera | Splunk Inc.



Splunk Knowledge Manager 102

In this course, you will learn how fields are extracted and how to create regex and delimited field extractions. You will upload and define lookups, create automatic lookups, and...

Coursera | Splunk Inc.



Splunk Knowledge Manager 103

In this course, you will go beyond dashboard basics and learn about Dashboard Studio's underlying framework, the dashboard development process from prototyping and wireframing to...

Coursera | Splunk Inc.




Splunk Inc.

From Splunk Inc. via Coursera
Hours 60
Instructor Splunk Instructor
Language English
Subjects IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Knowledge Technician $50k

Log Monitoring Specialist (Splunk) $55k

Splunk Government Account Representative $55k

Unix - Linux - Splunk SME $67k

Knowledge Strategist $73k

Splunk Admin $78k

Splunk Analyst / Devloper $83k

Splunk Development $84k

Engineer - Splunk $88k

Splunk Services Engineer $98k

Knowledge Broker $102k

Splunk Architect/SME $117k

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