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Addressing Racial Health Inequity in Healthcare

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Recent events have once again put a spotlight on 400+ years of racism that has deeply entrenched our everyday structures, notably healthcare delivery. There is a significant need to provide a deep skillset to learners who have significant potential to change this system towards equity. Reducing racial and ethnic health disparities is core to the mission of public health. The healthcare delivery system contributes to these disparities in unique and complex ways. In this MOOC series, we will learn about the sociological contributions and historical backdrop of why racial inequities exist in healthcare. We will also critically analyze the various causes of racial inequities in healthcare. And lastly, we will go through approaches to achieving equity in healthcare.

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From University of Michigan via Coursera
Hours 74
Instructor Minal R. Patel
Language English
Subjects Science

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Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


History of Racial Inequity in Healthcare

The first course of the Addressing Racial Health Inequity in Healthcare specialization will first situate the role of public health in healthcare, and walk through important...

Coursera | University of Michigan



Causes of Racial Inequity in Healthcare

The second course of the Addressing Racial Health Inequity in Healthcare specialization you will journey through a survey of critical drivers of racial inequities in healthcare....

Coursera | University of Michigan



Achieving Health Equity in Healthcare

The third and the last course of the Addressing Racial Health Inequity in Healthcare specialization will go through various approaches that are used to addressing racial inequity...

Coursera | University of Michigan




University of Michigan

From University of Michigan via Coursera
Hours 74
Instructor Minal R. Patel
Language English
Subjects Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

HealthCare Rep $42k

Healthcare IT administrator $51k

Healthcare Lender $64k

Healthcare Editor $68k

Healthcare 4 $69k

Healthcare Paralegal $69k

Healthcare IT Services $69k

IT Healthcare Specialist $75k

Healthcare Consultant 1 $77k

Healthcare Facilitator $80k

Healthcare IT $105k

Sales & Delivery- Consulting, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Manager $111k

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