Save For Later

Algorithms and Data Structures

Save For Later

In this track, you'll learn about two of the fundamental topics in computer science - algorithms and data structures. With increasing frequency algorithms are starting to shape our lives in many ways - from the products recommended to us, the friends we interact with on social media and even in important social issues like policing, privacy and healthcare. By the end of this track you will understand what algorithms and data structures are, how they are measured and evaluated and how they are used to solve common, complex problems.

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From Treehouse
Hours 7
Instructors Pasan Premaratne, Jay McGavren
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Structures/Bridge $81k

Structures Technician 1 $81k

Associate Structures Engineering $83k

Structures Designer $85k

Structures CADD $91k

Structures Mech $94k

Aircraft Structures $96k

Structures Foreman $98k

Engineer of Structures $100k

Structures Engineer 1 2 $103k

Product Engineer - Structures $115k

Structures Estimator Manager $127k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Introduction to Algorithms

Algorithms are a fundamental topic in computer science, power many of the largest companies today and are used in making many decisions that affect our day to day lives - in...



On Demand

Introduction to Data Structures

In computer science a data structure is a construct that allows us to organize and store data in our programs. In this course we're going to learn about two introductory data...



On Demand

Algorithms: Sorting and Searching

This course will look at algorithms in two categories: sorting and searching. We'll implement well-known sorting algorithms like selection sort, quicksort, and merge sort. You'll...




From Treehouse
Hours 7
Instructors Pasan Premaratne, Jay McGavren
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Structures/Bridge $81k

Structures Technician 1 $81k

Associate Structures Engineering $83k

Structures Designer $85k

Structures CADD $91k

Structures Mech $94k

Aircraft Structures $96k

Structures Foreman $98k

Engineer of Structures $100k

Structures Engineer 1 2 $103k

Product Engineer - Structures $115k

Structures Estimator Manager $127k

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