Save For Later

Become a Node.js Developer

Save For Later

Node is a popular and fast-growing programming language that allows you to run JavaScript on the server side. After learning the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Git in the Become a Web Developer learning path, discover how to build lightening-fast applications in Node.js. In this comprehensive learning path, you can learn how to work with data as well as test, secure, and deploy your Node.js applications. Get practical experience building websites, microservices, and APIs using Node.js.

In this learning path,

  • Build web apps and microservices.
  • Work with data and build APIs.
  • Test secure, and deploy your Node.js apps.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 14
Instructors Alexander Zanfir, Daniel Khan, Jon Peck, Emmanuel Henri, Kirsten Hunter
Language English
Subjects Programming

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Data Path / Forwarding Engineer $85k

Algorithm Engineer - Path-Planning $101k

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 14
Instructors Alexander Zanfir, Daniel Khan, Jon Peck, Emmanuel Henri, Kirsten Hunter
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

PATH Employment Specialist $34k

Regional PATH Coordinator $47k

Path Forward Program: Solutions Technician $47k

Fast Path Property Loss Specialist $58k

Speech Lang Path- EIP $59k

Speech Path $59k

Speech Language Path PRN-CTX $60k

Speech Language Path PRN CTX $62k

Technical Specialist Path $68k

Data path/forwarding Engineer $81k

Data Path / Forwarding Engineer $85k

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