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David Clinton, Patrick Neborg, Brian Harrison, Andru Estes, Jake Watkins, and Wes Novack

This path is a deep dive into different deployments on AWS and how to carry them out. You’ll learn about deployment applications and infrastructure. You’ll learn how to monitor and automate your deployments, and you’ll also learn how to use a technique called Blue - Green Deployment which is running two identical production environments.

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Five courses

Automating AWS Operations with the AWS CLI

(0 hours)
The AWS cloud is a great platform for nearly any compute workload, but the browser console isn't ideal for serious admin work. That's where the scriptable goodness of the AWS CLI rules. Automating AWS Operations with the AWS CLI can teach you how to harness the full power of the AWS CLI from the comfort of your local PC.

Deploying an Application on AWS

(2 hours)
Learning AWS deployment technologies and services, including CloudFormation, OpsWorks, and CodeStar, will help you choose the best option for your application deployment needs.

DevOps on AWS: Getting Started

(2 hours)
Get started with cloud native DevOps continuous delivery using AWS Developer Tools. Learn to use AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodePipeline to automate continuous delivery & continuous integration for your application or infrastructure code.

Managing AWS Operations

(3 hours)
This course helps you identify and leverage the best AWS services to make managing your AWS accounts simpler and more efficient.

Implementing and Testing Blue-Green Deployments on AWS

(1 hours)
In this course, you'll learn Blue-Green deployments on AWS to release new functionality faster and with less risk.

Learning objectives

  • Automation
  • Deployment of applications on aws
  • Deployment of infrastructure on aws
  • Operations management on aws
  • Blue green testing

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