Save For Later

Personal finance

Save For Later

Making financial decisions can be intimidating, especially if you’re just starting to manage your own money. But you don't have to figure things out on your own. Whether you’re creating your first budget or saving for retirement, these lessons can help you make the financial choices that work best for you.

From Khan Academy
Hours 13
Language English
Subjects Personal Development

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer coach/recruiter $38k

Volunteer Movie Making Teacher $48k

Financial Advisor at Thrivent Financial $55k

Financial Analyst Financial Reporting $64k

Customer Financial Services-Financial Analyst $74k

Tool and die-making /assembler $87k

Python Developer - eTrading Market Making $93k

Financial Control/Financial Reporting $98k

Project Manager | Making Homes Affordable $99k

Software Engineer - Market Making $99k

Senior Software Engineer - Market Making $120k

Options Market Making Software Engineer Contractor $127k

Courses in this Topic

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Saving and budgeting

To save and budget effectively, start by identifying your financial priorities. Are you saving money to travel or buy a house? Do you and your partner share the same financial...

Khan Academy


On Demand

Interest and debt

How is interest calculated? What factors influence your credit score? What is the impact of only paying the minimum balance on your credit card? Build your knowledge of these key...

Khan Academy


On Demand

Investments and retirement (You were viewing this course)

Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401(k)s...learn about different options for investing your money and saving for retirement. This course contains 4 segments:Retirement accounts: IRAs...

Khan Academy


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Income and benefits

Why is your paycheck smaller than you expected? What are all those deductions? Learn about the factors that impact your take home pay.This course contains 2...

Khan Academy


On Demand


Where you choose to live is both a personal and a financial decision. Should you rent or buy? How does your credit score impact your interest rate for a loan? And what exactly is...

Khan Academy


On Demand

Car expenses

Looking for a new car? Should you rent or lease? Do the math to see which option is better for your financial situation. This course contains 1 segments:Buying vs....

Khan Academy


On Demand


Prepare for tax season. Learn about the US tax system, deductions, and common forms. This course contains 3 segments:Personal taxes overviewBenjamin Franklin (and several other...

Khan Academy


On Demand

Paying for college

Getting into the college of your dreams is nice, but figuring out how to afford attending that college is even better! Learn how to navigate the financial aid process with...

Khan Academy


On Demand

Keeping your information safe

Learn strategies to keep your personal information secure and protect against identity theft. This course contains 1 segments:Password strength and other strategiesLearn...

Khan Academy


Khan Academy

From Khan Academy
Hours 13
Language English
Subjects Personal Development


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer coach/recruiter $38k

Volunteer Movie Making Teacher $48k

Financial Advisor at Thrivent Financial $55k

Financial Analyst Financial Reporting $64k

Customer Financial Services-Financial Analyst $74k

Tool and die-making /assembler $87k

Python Developer - eTrading Market Making $93k

Financial Control/Financial Reporting $98k

Project Manager | Making Homes Affordable $99k

Software Engineer - Market Making $99k

Senior Software Engineer - Market Making $120k

Options Market Making Software Engineer Contractor $127k

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