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AWS Application Development

Save For Later

In this path, you will learn how to develop applications using primarily Amazon Web Services. We will cover the various tools of AWS development, how to continuously deliver and automate deployments. Then you'll understand how to use AWS Messaging tools to exchange your information across different software systems. You will then secure your application and learn how to use AWS databases.

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From Pluralsight
Hours 18
Instructors Jordan Yankovich, Tom Compagno, Armen Avanesi, Saravanan Dhandapani, Joshua Edwards, Ryan Lewis, Michael Heydt, Fabien Ruffin, Daniel Donbavand, Nertil Poci, Fernando Medina Corey, Jeff Hopper
Language English

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

IT Applications Trainer $44k

Applications Analyst/Web Applications Specialist $57k

Advanced Applications $72k

Applications Analyst - IT $72k

Specialist, IT Applications $73k

Develop Ops Engineer $81k

Applications Engineeer $101k

Mfg Applications $103k

Applications Engr. $108k

Software Develop Engineer in Test $121k

Applications Admin $137k

Enterprise Applications $149k

Courses in this Paths

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Coding in AWS Cloud9 IDE

With AWS Cloud9 you can write code on any internet-connected machine without having to install files or configure development machines. In this course, Coding in AWS Cloud9 IDE,...



On Demand

Developing Applications with AWS Lightsail

AWS Lightsail provides a straightforward approach to launching virtual private servers. In this course, Developing Applications with AWS Lightsail, you’ll learn to launch,...



On Demand

Performing Continuous Delivery with AWS CodeStar

CodeStar is a great tool that helps you quickly build robust and scalable applications. In this course, Performing Continuous Delivery with AWS CodeStar, you will gain the...



On Demand

Managing Source Control with AWS CodeCommit

One of the challenges in a software development project is having a source control system that can scale well as your project grows without a huge learning curve for the...



On Demand

Deploying Code with AWS CodeDeploy

Previously, hosting a web application would mean updating the code manually on the server or managing a system which will automate this. With AWS CodeDeploy, you can automate this...



On Demand

Performing Continuous Integration with AWS CodeBuild

Knowing how to create arifacts in a number of ways is a useful skill. In this course, Performing Continuous Integration with AWS CodeBuild, you will learn to utilize the AWS...



On Demand

Practicing CI/CD with AWS CodePipeline

Deploying code to production can be a manual and difficult process for many software engineers and IT professionals. In this course, Practicing CI/CD with AWS CodePipeline, you’ll...



On Demand

Implementing Message Brokering with Amazon MQ

In this course, Implementing Messaging with Amazon MQ, you’ll learn to implement secure messaging with Amazon MQ, including securing and monitoring of those services. First,...



On Demand

Implementing Pub/Sub Messaging with Amazon SNS

With the advent of distributed architectures over the last few years, it becomes increasingly important for the different parts of our systems to communicate with each other in a...



On Demand

Message Queuing with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)

Creating messaging queues inside your code is time-consuming and prone to introducing bugs into your application. Cloud-based providers and the services that they offer are...



On Demand

Building Multi-step Applications with AWS Step Functions

With the rise of microservices and serverless functions, businesses need to break down their logic into smaller pieces that can be executed serverlessly anytime. Executing on most...



On Demand

Connecting Amazon DynamoDB to Your Application

Learning how to leverage the benefits of a scaleable, highly-performant NoSQL technology like DynamoDB can be a challenge for any organization. In this course, Connecting Amazon...



On Demand

Implementing User Access and Authentication with Amazon Cognito

With modern applications becoming decentralized and consuming a multitude of different services we need a robust scalable authentication solution that integrates seamlessly with...



On Demand

Querying Data in AWS Databases

Storing and querying data is core to any line of business application. In this course, Querying Data in AWS Databases, you will learn foundational knowledge of how to query an RDS...




From Pluralsight
Hours 18
Instructors Jordan Yankovich, Tom Compagno, Armen Avanesi, Saravanan Dhandapani, Joshua Edwards, Ryan Lewis, Michael Heydt, Fabien Ruffin, Daniel Donbavand, Nertil Poci, Fernando Medina Corey, Jeff Hopper
Language English
Subjects n/a n/a n/a n/a


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

IT Applications Trainer $44k

Applications Analyst/Web Applications Specialist $57k

Advanced Applications $72k

Applications Analyst - IT $72k

Specialist, IT Applications $73k

Develop Ops Engineer $81k

Applications Engineeer $101k

Mfg Applications $103k

Applications Engr. $108k

Software Develop Engineer in Test $121k

Applications Admin $137k

Enterprise Applications $149k

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