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Automated Software Testing

Save For Later

Master software testing and become a better developer

Software testing gets a bad rap for being difficult, time-consuming, redundant, and above all - boring. But in fact, it is a proven way to ensure that your software will work flawlessly and meet release schedules.

In this two-course series, we will teach you automated software testing in an inspiring way. We will show you that testing is not as daunting a task as you might think, and how automated testing will make you a better developer who programs excellent software.

This program will cover software testing as it is practiced in industry. The first course will cover various techniques, including specification-based testing, boundary testing, test adequacy and code coverage, mock objects, design for testability and test code quality. The second course will cover state-based and web testing, combinatorial testing, mutation testing, static analysis tools, and property-based testing.

This is a highly practical program and, while the code examples are in java, it suits software developers, QA engineers and software testers in general.

What you'll learn

  • How to test any software system using current state-of-the-art techniques.
  • How to derive test cases that deal with exceptional, corner, and bad weather cases by means of several different techniques.
  • How to develop testable architectures and to write maintainable test code.
  • The limitations of current testing techniques, and how to choose the best testing strategies for a given context.

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From DelftX, Delft University of Technology via edX
Hours 50
Instructors Arie van Deursen, Maurício Aniche
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Software Testing Coordinator $70k

QA Software Testing $79k

Specialist Software Testing $80k

Software Testing Analyst 3 $84k

Software Engineer - Testing $88k

Software Engineer(QA Testing) $89k

Associate Software Testing $91k

Software Quality Assurance and Testing $95k

Software Testing Analyst 4 $104k

Software Testing and IT $106k

Software Design Engineer in Testing $110k

Software Testing Lead $133k

Courses in this Professional Certificate

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Automated Software Testing: Model and State-based Testing

Software testing gets a bad rap for being difficult, time-consuming, redundant, and above all - boring. But in fact, it is a proven way to ensure that your software will work...

edX | DelftX, Delft University of Technology


On Demand

Automated Software Testing: Unit Testing, Coverage Criteria and Design for Testability

Software testinggets a bad rap for being difficult, time-consuming, redundant, and above all - boring. But in fact, it is a proven way to ensure that your software will work...

edX | DelftX, Delft University of Technology




DelftX, Delft University of Technology

From DelftX, Delft University of Technology via edX
Hours 50
Instructors Arie van Deursen, Maurício Aniche
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Software Testing Coordinator $70k

QA Software Testing $79k

Specialist Software Testing $80k

Software Testing Analyst 3 $84k

Software Engineer - Testing $88k

Software Engineer(QA Testing) $89k

Associate Software Testing $91k

Software Quality Assurance and Testing $95k

Software Testing Analyst 4 $104k

Software Testing and IT $106k

Software Design Engineer in Testing $110k

Software Testing Lead $133k

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