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Information Visualization

Enrico Bertini and Cristian Felix
This specialization provides learners with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to develop a strong foundation in information visualization and to design and develop advanced applications for visual data analysis. The specialization is characterized...
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This specialization provides learners with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to develop a strong foundation in information visualization and to design and develop advanced applications for visual data analysis. The specialization is characterized by two main complementary features: (1) providing a strong understanding of visual perception and the theory of visual encoding to design and evaluate innovative visualization methods; (2) providing the necessary skills to develop advanced web-based applications for visual data analysis. The specialization is organized around four courses that cover fundamentals, applied perception, advanced visualization method and interactive visualization. The specialization is meant to prepare students to work on complex data science projects that require the development of interactive visual interfaces for data analysis. The courses can also be taken individually to improve relevant skills in visualization. For instance, the course on applied perception provides unique skills to evaluate and design innovative visualization in all sorts of scenarios.
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Four courses

Information Visualization: Advanced Techniques

(0 hours)
This course explores advanced visualization techniques for various data types, including temporal, spatial, network, tree, and textual data. It also teaches innovative techniques in D3.js.

Information Visualization: Foundations

(0 hours)
The main goal of this specialization is to provide the knowledge and practical skills necessary to develop a strong foundation on information visualization and to design and develop advanced applications for visual data analysis.

Information Visualization: Programming with D3.js

(0 hours)
In this course, you will learn to use D3.js to create powerful visualizations for the web. D3.js enables you to create various visualizations and visualize different data types. It gives you the freedom to create simple bar charts or develop your own revolutionary technique.

Information Visualization: Applied Perception

(0 hours)
This module introduces fundamental concepts of visual perception applied to information visualization. These concepts help students ideate and evaluate visualization designs based on how well they leverage human perceptual capabilities.

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