Save For Later

Visual Communication for Business Professionals

Save For Later

Business professionals spend their days sharing information and must be able to do so quickly and memorably. In this learning path, you'll master visual communication (passing information via images, signs, posters, short films, and so on), the most effective way of communicating information.

In this learning path,

  • Discover why good visual communication matters.
  • Master the basic principles of visual communication.
  • Learn the foundations of graphic design.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 3
Instructors Amy Balliett, Curtis Harris, John McWade
Language English
Subjects Art & Design Business Data Science IT & Networking

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Faculty, Visual Communication (User Experience Design) $28k

Visual Communication Coordinator $29k

Visual Communication Designer Consultant $29k

Visual Communication Instructor $31k

Visual Communication Specialist | Aerospace Network $38k

Department of Communication $47k

Assistant Visual Communication Design Instructor $49k

IS Communication Specialist $55k

Professor of Visual Communication $59k

Owner Visual Communication Designer $62k

IS Communication Analyst $74k

IT Communication Specialist $78k

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 3
Instructors Amy Balliett, Curtis Harris, John McWade
Language English
Subjects Art & Design Business Data Science IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Faculty, Visual Communication (User Experience Design) $28k

Visual Communication Coordinator $29k

Visual Communication Designer Consultant $29k

Visual Communication Instructor $31k

Visual Communication Specialist | Aerospace Network $38k

Department of Communication $47k

Assistant Visual Communication Design Instructor $49k

IS Communication Specialist $55k

Professor of Visual Communication $59k

Owner Visual Communication Designer $62k

IS Communication Analyst $74k

IT Communication Specialist $78k

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