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Learn Spanish

Basic Spanish Vocabulary

Dr. Robert Blake and Joseph Santarcangelo
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What's inside

Five courses

Spanish Vocabulary: Meeting People

(0 hours)
¡Hola! ¿Como Estas? This entry-level Spanish course introduces grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. You'll learn to talk about yourself and your family in the present tense and explore Spanish-speaking culture through videos and interactive activities.

Spanish Vocabulary: Cultural Experience

(0 hours)
¡Bienvenidos! This second course in the specialization will build on the basic vocabulary you learned in the first course and begin to build the skills necessary to express your likes and dislikes orally and in writing. You’ll also begin to explore some of the common cultural experiences of the Spanish-speaking world through a visit to the marketplace. Interactive activities and videos provide opportunities for practice and continued exploration of the cultural context.

Spanish Vocabulary: Sports, Travel, and the Home

(0 hours)
Ready for the big game? This third course introduces vocabulary for discussing sports, pastimes, and politics. You’ll also learn about travel and living arrangements, and expand your vocabulary of helping verbs.

Spanish Vocabulary: Careers and Social Events

(0 hours)
¡Hola! This course introduces new vocabularies in dining, fashion, professions, and careers, bringing you closer to the 500-word threshold for beginning Spanish. It also introduces the subjunctive and future tense for discussing future events, desires, and professional goals. This is the final course before a project showcasing your mastery of basic Spanish vocabulary and grammar.

Spanish Vocabulary Project

In this course, we'll imagine you're applying for an all-expenses-paid educational trip to a Spanish-speaking nation. You'll introduce yourself to a host family, research the culture and history of your destination, and plan an itinerary. You'll also summarize your report in an oral presentation.

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