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Google Career Certificates and Onlea support

Ce cours vous permettra de passer du travail sur un seul ordinateur à un parc entier. L'administration des systèmes est le domaine informatique responsable du maintien de systèmes informatiques fiables dans un environnement multi-utilisateurs. Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez les services d'infrastructure qui permettent à toutes les organisations, grandes et petites, de fonctionner. Nous plongerons dans le cloud afin que vous compreniez tout, des configurations typiques de l'infrastructure cloud à la gestion des ressources cloud. Vous apprendrez également à gérer et à configurer les serveurs et à utiliser les outils du secteur pour gérer les ordinateurs, les informations des utilisateurs et leur productivité. Enfin, vous apprendrez comment récupérer l'infrastructure informatique de votre organisation en cas de sinistre.

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Ce cours vous permettra de passer du travail sur un seul ordinateur à un parc entier. L'administration des systèmes est le domaine informatique responsable du maintien de systèmes informatiques fiables dans un environnement multi-utilisateurs. Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez les services d'infrastructure qui permettent à toutes les organisations, grandes et petites, de fonctionner. Nous plongerons dans le cloud afin que vous compreniez tout, des configurations typiques de l'infrastructure cloud à la gestion des ressources cloud. Vous apprendrez également à gérer et à configurer les serveurs et à utiliser les outils du secteur pour gérer les ordinateurs, les informations des utilisateurs et leur productivité. Enfin, vous apprendrez comment récupérer l'infrastructure informatique de votre organisation en cas de sinistre.

À la fin de ce cours, vous serez capables de :

● utiliser les meilleures pratiques pour choisir le matériel, les fournisseurs et les services pour votre organisation

● comprendre les services d'infrastructure les plus courants qui assurent le bon fonctionnement d'une organisation

et la façon de gérer les serveurs d'infrastructure

● comprendre comment tirer le meilleur parti du cloud pour votre organisation

● gérer les ordinateurs et les utilisateurs d'une organisation à l'aide des services de répertoire, Active

Directory et OpenLDAP

● choisir et gérer les outils que votre organisation utilisera

● sauvegarder les données de votre organisation et savoir comment récupérer votre infrastructure informatique en cas de


● utiliser vos connaissances en administration des systèmes pour planifier et améliorer les processus pour les environnements informatiques

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Qu'est-ce que l'administration système ?
Bienvenue dans le cours sur l'administration système du Google IT Support Certificat Professionnel ! Au cours de la première semaine de ce cours, nous aborderons les bases de l'administration système. Nous aborderons les politiques organisationnelles, les services d'infrastructure informatique, l'approvisionnement des utilisateurs et du matériel, l'entretien de routine, le dépannage et la gestion des problèmes potentiels. À la fin de ce module, vous comprendrez les rôles et responsabilités d'un administrateur système. Commençons !
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Services de réseau et d'infrastructure
Au cours de la deuxième semaine de ce cours, nous en apprendrons davantage sur les services de réseau et d'infrastructure. Nous découvrirons ce que sont les services d'infrastructure informatique et quel est leur rôle dans l'administration du système. Nous aborderons également les systèmes d'exploitation de serveur, la virtualisation, les services réseau, le DNS pour les services web et la manière de dépanner les services réseau. À la fin de ce module, vous connaîtrez les services d'infrastructure informatique les plus courants que vous rencontrerez lors de la gestion des tâches d'administration de système.
Services logiciels et services de plateforme
Durant la troisième semaine de ce cours, nous explorerons les services logiciels et les services de plateforme. Nous aborderons les types de services logiciels et de services de plateforme que vous pouvez rencontrer dans un rôle technique et comment les gérer. Nous apprendrons à configurer les services de messagerie, les services de sécurité, les services de fichiers, les services d'impression et les services de plateforme. Nous explorerons les moyens d’analyser les problèmes liés aux services de plateforme et les problèmes courants à surveiller. À la fin de ce module, vous comprendrez comment configurer et gérer les services d'infrastructure informatique afin d’aider une entreprise à rester productive, à sécuriser les informations et à fournir des applications à ses utilisateurs.
Services d’annuaire
Lors de la quatrième semaine de ce cours, nous apprendrons ce que sont les services d’annuaire. Plus précisément, nous verrons comment deux des services d’annuaire les plus populaires, Active Directory et OpenLDAP, fonctionnent concrètement. Nous explorerons le concept de gestion centralisée et comment cela peut aider les administrateurs système à maintenir et à prendre en charge toutes les différentes parties d’une infrastructure informatique. À la fin de ce module, vous saurez comment ajouter des utilisateurs, des mots de passe et utiliser des stratégies de groupe dans Active Directory et OpenLDAP.
Récupération de données et sauvegardes
La cinquième semaine de ce cours est consacrée à la récupération des données et aux sauvegardes. Dans tout rôle technique, il est important de savoir comment sauvegarder et récupérer des données. C'est encore plus important dans le cadre de l'administration système. Nous apprendrons aussi les pratiques courantes des entreprises, comme la conception d'un plan de reprise après sinistre et la rédaction de documents post-mortem. À la fin de ce module, vous connaîtrez les compromis entre les sauvegardes sur site et hors site ; comprendrez l’intérêt et l’importance des tests de sauvegarde et de récupération ; connaîtrez les différentes options de sauvegarde de données (ainsi que les risques) ; et comprendrez l’objectif et le contenu d’un plan de reprise après sinistre.
Projet final
Félicitations, vous êtes arrivé à la dernière semaine du cours ! La dernière semaine de ce cours est consacrée au projet final. Pour le projet final, vous appliquerez toutes les compétences que vous avez acquises dans ce cours en fournissant des conseils en administration des systèmes. Vous évaluerez l’infrastructure informatique de trois entreprises fictives (mais très réalistes !) et fournirez des recommandations et des conseils sur la façon de prendre en charge leur infrastructure informatique. À la fin de ce projet, vous démontrerez les compétences et les techniques de résolution de problèmes d’un administrateur système. Bonne chance !

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Développe des compétences essentielles en administration système, telles que la gestion du cloud, la maintenance et la récupération après sinistre, qui sont très demandées dans l'industrie informatique
Fournit une base solide pour les débutants qui souhaitent se lancer dans l'administration système
Enseigné par des instructeurs de Google Career Certificates et Onlea support, reconnus pour leur expertise dans le domaine de l'administration système
Couvre des services d'infrastructure clés tels que les services de réseau, les services logiciels et les services de répertoire, qui sont essentiels pour les entreprises modernes
Adopte une approche pratique avec des laboratoires interactifs, permettant aux apprenants de mettre en pratique les concepts et les techniques appris
Nécessite une compréhension de base de l'informatique et des systèmes d'exploitation

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Administration système et services d’infrastructure informatique with these activities:
Organize your course materials
Establish a structured system for managing your notes, assignments, and other course materials to enhance accessibility and facilitate effective review.
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  • Create a designated workspace for your course materials.
  • Develop a filing system to categorize and organize your materials.
Review networking fundamentals
Refresh your understanding of foundational networking concepts to better grasp the intricacies of system administration, particularly in relation to network management.
Browse courses on Networking Fundamentals
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  • Review notes or textbooks on networking fundamentals.
  • Participate in online discussions or forums to reinforce your understanding.
Join a study group with peers
Engage with fellow learners in a study group to discuss course topics, share knowledge, and provide support to enhance comprehension.
Browse courses on Collaborative Learning
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  • Identify or form a study group with other participants in the course.
  • Establish regular meeting times and create a collaborative study environment.
  • Review course materials, discuss concepts, and work through problems together.
Six other activities
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Review system administration basics
Solidify your understanding of core system administration concepts to better grasp the intricacies of the course materials.
Browse courses on System Administration
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  • Read through notes or textbooks on system administration fundamentals.
  • Practice basic system administration tasks in a virtual environment or on personal devices.
Attend a system administration workshop
Participate in a workshop led by experienced system administrators to gain hands-on experience and learn from industry experts.
Show steps
  • Identify and register for a relevant system administration workshop.
  • Attend the workshop and actively participate in discussions and hands-on exercises.
  • Network with other participants and industry professionals.
Create a repository of useful resources
Build a personalized collection of helpful resources, including articles, tutorials, documentation, and tools, to support your learning throughout the course.
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  • Identify and gather relevant resources from reputable sources.
  • Organize the resources into a systematic and accessible format.
  • Review and update the repository regularly to ensure its currency.
Explore industry best practices
Enhance your knowledge by exploring industry-leading practices and methodologies to optimize system performance and security.
Browse courses on Industry Standards
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  • Seek out and follow online tutorials and webinars on best practices.
  • Read industry whitepapers and case studies to gain insights from experts.
  • Join online communities and forums to engage with other professionals.
Practice server management tasks
Gain practical experience by performing hands-on tasks related to server management, configuration, and troubleshooting.
Browse courses on Server Management
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  • Set up a virtual environment or use online platforms to practice server management.
  • Configure and manage servers, including installing software, creating user accounts, and setting up networking.
  • Troubleshoot common server issues and apply solutions.
  • Document the steps and outcomes of your practice sessions for future reference.
Design a system administration plan
Apply your knowledge to create a comprehensive plan that outlines strategies for managing and optimizing a system administration environment.
Browse courses on Infrastructure Design
Show steps
  • Identify the specific goals and requirements of the system administration environment.
  • Research and evaluate different system administration tools and technologies.
  • Design a system architecture that meets the identified requirements.
  • Develop a plan for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining the system.
  • Document the plan thoroughly, including diagrams, flowcharts, and detailed descriptions.

Career center

Learners who complete Administration système et services d’infrastructure informatique will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Systems Administrator
A Systems Administrator is responsible for the day-to-day operation of an organization's computer systems. They ensure that the systems are running smoothly and securely and that users have access to the resources they need. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Systems Administrator by providing you with a foundation in systems administration and security. You will also learn how to manage and troubleshoot servers, operating systems, and applications.
Network Administrator
A Network Administrator manages the network infrastructure of an organization. They ensure that the network is running smoothly and securely and that users have access to the resources they need. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Network Administrator by providing you with a foundation in networking and network security. You will also learn how to manage and troubleshoot network devices and services.
IT Director
An IT Director is responsible for the strategic direction of an organization's IT department. They work with senior management to develop and implement IT strategies that align with the organization's business goals. This course can help you prepare for a career as an IT Director by providing you with a foundation in IT leadership and strategy. You will also learn how to develop and implement IT strategies, manage IT budgets, and lead IT teams.
Cloud Architect
A Cloud Architect designs and manages cloud computing systems. They work with clients to understand their business needs and develop cloud solutions that meet those needs. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Cloud Architect by providing you with a foundation in cloud computing. You will also learn how to design and manage cloud infrastructure and applications.
IT Manager
An IT Manager is responsible for the overall IT operations of an organization. They develop and implement IT policies and procedures, manage IT staff, and budget for IT projects. This course can help you prepare for a career as an IT Manager by providing you with a foundation in IT management. You will also learn how to manage IT projects, budgets, and staff.
Computer Network Architect
A Computer Network Architect designs and implements computer networks. They work with clients to understand their business needs and develop network solutions that meet those needs. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Computer Network Architect by providing you with a foundation in networking and network design. You will also learn how to design and implement network infrastructure and services.
Information Security Analyst
An Information Security Analyst protects an organization's computer systems and data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. This course can help you prepare for a career as an Information Security Analyst by providing you with a foundation in information security. You will also learn how to identify and mitigate security risks, implement security controls, and respond to security incidents.
Database Administrator
A Database Administrator manages and maintains an organization's databases. They ensure that the databases are running smoothly and securely and that users have access to the data they need. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Database Administrator by providing you with a foundation in database management. You will also learn how to manage and troubleshoot databases, design database schemas, and implement database security measures.
Web Developer
A Web Developer designs and develops websites. They work with clients to understand their business needs and develop websites that meet those needs. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Web Developer by providing you with a foundation in web development. You will also learn how to design, develop, and test websites.
Data Analyst
A Data Analyst collects, analyzes, and interprets data to help organizations make informed decisions. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Data Analyst by providing you with a foundation in data analysis. You will also learn how to collect, analyze, and interpret data, and communicate your findings to stakeholders.
Software Engineer
A Software Engineer designs, develops, and maintains software applications. They work with clients to understand their business needs and develop software solutions that meet those needs. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Software Engineer by providing you with a foundation in software development. You will also learn how to design, develop, and test software applications.
IT Consultant
An IT Consultant provides advice and guidance to organizations on how to use IT to meet their business goals. This course can help you prepare for a career as an IT Consultant by providing you with a foundation in IT consulting. You will also learn how to gather and analyze requirements, develop IT solutions, and communicate your findings to stakeholders.
Business Analyst
A Business Analyst works with stakeholders to understand their business needs and develop solutions to meet those needs. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Business Analyst by providing you with a foundation in business analysis. You will also learn how to gather and analyze requirements, develop business solutions, and communicate your findings to stakeholders.
Project Manager
A Project Manager plans, executes, and closes projects. They work with stakeholders to define project goals, develop project plans, and manage project resources. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Project Manager by providing you with a foundation in project management. You will also learn how to plan, execute, and close projects, and manage project teams.
Technical Writer
A Technical Writer creates documentation for technical products and services. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Technical Writer by providing you with a foundation in technical writing. You will also learn how to gather and analyze requirements, develop technical documentation, and communicate your findings to stakeholders.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Administration système et services d’infrastructure informatique.
Comprehensive guide to Active Directory. It covers everything from basic tasks like installing and configuring Active Directory to more advanced topics like security and troubleshooting. It's an essential resource for any Active Directory administrator.
Comprehensive reference guide to TCP/IP. It covers everything from the basics of TCP/IP to advanced topics like routing and security. It's an essential resource for any network engineer or administrator.
Comprehensive guide to DNS and BIND. It covers everything from the basics of DNS to advanced topics like security and troubleshooting. It's an essential resource for any DNS administrator.
Is an excellent introduction to system administration. It covers all the basics, from setting up a server to managing users and files. It's a great starting point for anyone who wants to learn more about this field.
Provides a comprehensive overview of firewalls and internet security. It covers all the major firewall technologies, as well as the benefits and challenges of firewall security. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about this important topic.
Provides a comprehensive overview of computer viruses. It covers everything from the basics of computer viruses to advanced topics like virus analysis and prevention. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about this important topic.
Provides a comprehensive overview of cloud computing. It covers all the major cloud computing platforms, as well as the benefits and challenges of cloud computing. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about this rapidly growing field.
Provides a comprehensive overview of data recovery. It covers all the major data recovery methods, as well as the benefits and challenges of data recovery. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about this important topic.
Provides a comprehensive overview of networking. It covers all the major networking technologies, as well as the benefits and challenges of networking. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about this complex and ever-changing field.
Provides a comprehensive overview of systems engineering. It covers the entire lifecycle of a system, from conception to retirement. It's a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the systems engineering process.


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