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The Complete WebdriverIO Course- Automation Testing Bootcamp

Gianni @ FutureSkillz Academy


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WebdriverIO is an open-source testing automation framework written in JavaScript and running on NodeJS. It is particularly useful for testing web applications. It supports both Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and Test Driven Development (TDD),  making it a highly preferred choice for automation testers.

Why this course?

This course is designed to be effective, efficient and easy to follow. I have been teaching for several years on Udemy with over 6 highly successful courses to date. I have refined this course using proven teaching techniques. This course is carefully structured from start to finish and I provide downloadable code examples after each coding lecture.

What has been updated?

Everything. I have rebuilt this course from scratch using one of the latest versions of WebdriverIO. This means the material covered is relevant, making use of WebdriverIO's latest features.

What does this course cover?

All major topics are covered in detail using the below structure:

  1. Introduction

  2. WebdriverIO setup

  3. WDIO TestRunner

  4. Simple real world scenarios

  5. Synchronous vs Asynchronous - (Understanding Asynchronous JS)

  6. Locating Elements

  7. Waits and Timeouts

  8. Assertions

  9. Debugging

  10. Advanced Element Interactions

  11. Reporting

  12. Advanced Real World Example

  13. Advanced Concepts

  14. Jenkins CI and More.

What to expect by the end of this course?

You will be completely confident building automation frameworks using WebdriverIO and a whole host of complementing technologies. This is the only course you need to learn Automation Testing using the WebdriverIO framework.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Webdriverio in detail using javascript and nodejs
  • How to create a highly advanced framework using webdriverio
  • The basics all the way to advanced subjects
  • Advanced reporting and continuous integration using jenkins
  • Everything you need to know to write automation tests using webdriverio


What is WebdrverIO?
WebdriverIO API
WebdriverIO Community
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How Course Attachment Code Examples are Structured
Other Courses - (Coupon Codes)
Setup Development Environment
Nodejs - Setup
Visual Studio Code & Extensions - Setup
Chrome & Firefox - Setup
Git - Setup
Project & Package.json - Setup
WebdriverIO Wdio - Setup
Keeping WebdriveIO Up to Date
Wdio - Testrunner
Simple Real World Scenario
System Under Test
What is Mocha? & How can we Leverage Mocha?
Capturing Test Requirements
API Commands & Auto Completion
First Test - Creation - Part 1_2
First Test - Creation - Part 2_2
The Test Challenge
The Test Challenge - Solution
Recap and Improvements
Wdio Browser Object - Inspection
Synchronous vs Asynchronous - (Understanding Asynchronous JS)
WebdriverIO - Sync vs Async Mode
Synchronous vs Asynchronous - Overview
Synchronous - Example
Asynchronous - Example
WebdriverIO Sync vs Async - Example
Locating Elements
Locating Elements - Examples
$ - findElement
$$ - findElements
Waits and Timeouts
Expect vs Jest
Console.log & Wdio Logging
Advanced Element Interactions
Drop-down Lists
State Commands
Handling Windows
File Upload
JS Execute
Allure Reports
Attaching Screenshots
Autogenerate Reports
Customising Reports
Advanced Real World Example
Test Creation - Part 1/8
Test Creation - Part 2/8
Test Creation - Part 3/8
Test Creation - Part 4/8
Test Creation - Part 5/8
Test Creation - Part 6/8
Test Creation - Part 7/8
Test Creation - Part 8/8
Advanced Concepts
Wdio Hooks
Retry Flaky Tests
Custom Commands
Page Object Modelling - Introduction
POM - Base Page - Setup
POM - Sub Page - Setup - Part 1_2
POM - Sub Page - Setup - Part 2_2
POM - Real World Example - Part 1_4
POM - Real World Example - Part 2_4
POM - Real World Example - Part 3_4
POM - Real World Example - Part 4_4
POM - Challenge
POM - Solution
Generating Random Data
Custom Scripts & Test Suites
Parallel Test Execution - selenium-standalone
Parallel Test Execution - Browser Drivers
Browser Options
Managing Different Environments - Part 1/2
Managing Different Environments - Part 2/2
Other Courses - [**Coupon Codes**]
Other Course - [**Coupon Codes**]
Jenkins CI and More!

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops relevant industry skills: WebdriverIO is widely used in the industry for testing web applications
Comprehensive course coverage: The course covers a wide range of important topics in WebdriverIO
Taught by an experienced professional: The instructor, Gianni, has extensive experience in teaching and building automation frameworks using WebdriverIO
Focus on practical skills development: The course provides downloadable code examples and hands-on exercises to help learners apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios
Beginner-friendly: The course is structured from start to finish, making it suitable for those with little to no prior knowledge of WebdriverIO
Uses the latest version of WebdriverIO: The course content is up-to-date, featuring the latest version of WebdriverIO and its features

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Reviews summary

Positive overview of webdriverio course

Learners say that this course provides a helpful introduction to WebdriverIO, particularly for beginners. Students enjoyed the instructor's support and found the course engaging.
Students find the course engaging.
Suitable for those new to WebdriverIO.
"this course and the teacher is helping for the new starters in webdriver io."
Instructor provides helpful support.
"this course and the teacher is helping for the new starters in webdriver io."
Students suggest adding specific features to enhance the course.
"it would be great if this list is implemented, 1) BDD cucumber framework 2) Reading data from excel sheet 3) Gulp commands"


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in The Complete WebdriverIO Course- Automation Testing Bootcamp with these activities:
Create a Comprehensive WebdriverIO Study Guide
Improve your retention and understanding by compiling a comprehensive study guide that covers all key concepts of WebdriverIO.
Show steps
  • Gather materials from course lectures, tutorials, and other relevant resources.
  • Organize the information into logical sections and subsections.
  • Include summaries, key points, and practice questions.
  • Use visual elements like diagrams, charts, and tables to enhance understanding.
  • Regularly review and update your study guide to reinforce your knowledge.
Explore WebdriverIO Documentation and Tutorials
Deepen your knowledge of WebdriverIO by delving into the official documentation and exploring online tutorials.
Show steps
  • Visit the WebdriverIO website and read the documentation.
  • Search for WebdriverIO tutorials on platforms like YouTube, Udemy, or Coursera.
  • Follow along with a tutorial to create a basic WebdriverIO test script.
  • Experiment with different WebdriverIO commands and features.
  • Ask questions and seek clarification on WebdriverIO forums or discussion groups.
Connect with Experienced WebdriverIO Professionals
Seek guidance and mentorship from experienced professionals to accelerate your learning journey and gain valuable insights.
Show steps
  • Identify potential mentors through online forums, LinkedIn, or industry events.
  • Reach out to them and express your interest in learning from their expertise.
  • Request regular meetings or mentorship sessions to discuss your progress and challenges.
  • Take advantage of their experience and insights to enhance your understanding of WebdriverIO.
  • Express gratitude for their guidance and support.
Five other activities
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Show all eight activities
Practice Writing Test Cases
Reinforce your understanding of WebdriverIO's syntax and commands through regular practice in writing test cases.
Show steps
  • Create a new WebdriverIO project.
  • Write a simple test case to verify a web element is present and visible.
  • Add assertions to your test case to validate the expected behavior.
  • Run the test case and verify that it passes.
  • Continue practicing by writing test cases for different scenarios and web elements.
Join a WebdriverIO Study Group
Engage with fellow students or professionals in a study group to share knowledge, solve problems, and enhance your understanding of WebdriverIO.
Show steps
  • Find or create a study group dedicated to WebdriverIO.
  • Establish regular meeting times and stick to them.
  • Take turns presenting different WebdriverIO topics or challenges.
  • Discuss best practices, troubleshoot issues, and share resources.
  • Stay connected outside of meetings through online platforms or messaging apps.
Contribute to the WebdriverIO Open Source Community
Enhance your understanding of WebdriverIO's inner workings and contribute to its development by participating in the open source community.
Show steps
  • Explore the WebdriverIO GitHub repository to identify potential areas for contribution.
  • Fork the repository and create a branch for your changes.
  • Fix bugs, improve documentation, or add new features.
  • Write clear and concise commit messages.
  • Submit a pull request and collaborate with maintainers to get your changes merged.
Participate in a WebdriverIO Hackathon
Apply your WebdriverIO skills in a competitive environment to solve real-world testing challenges.
Show steps
  • Find a WebdriverIO hackathon or competition that aligns with your interests.
  • Team up with other participants or work individually.
  • Develop a creative solution to the proposed challenge using WebdriverIO.
  • Submit your solution and present it to the judges.
  • Receive feedback, learn from others, and expand your WebdriverIO expertise.
Build a WebdriverIO Test Framework Tutorial
Solidify your understanding of WebdriverIO by creating a comprehensive tutorial that guides others in building their own test frameworks.
Show steps
  • Plan the structure and content of your tutorial.
  • Write clear and concise instructions for each step.
  • Include code examples and screenshots to illustrate concepts.
  • Create a visually appealing and engaging presentation.
  • Publish your tutorial on a platform like Medium, GitHub, or your own blog.

Career center

Learners who complete The Complete WebdriverIO Course- Automation Testing Bootcamp will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Test Automation Engineer
Test Automation Engineers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining automated tests for software applications. This course is a valuable resource for a Test Automation Engineer, as it provides a comprehensive overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn how to use WebdriverIO in combination with JavaScript and NodeJS to create a highly advanced and robust automation framework for testing web applications. Additionally, this course covers advanced concepts such as custom scripts, test suites, and parallel test execution.
Automation Tester
Automation Testers are responsible for writing and executing automated tests to verify the functionality of software applications. This course is a valuable resource for an Automation Tester, as it provides a comprehensive overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn how to use WebdriverIO in combination with JavaScript and NodeJS to create a highly advanced and robust automation framework for testing web applications. Additionally, this course covers advanced concepts such as page object modelling, custom commands, and parallel test execution.
Web Developer
Web Developers are responsible for the design and development of websites and web applications. Since WebdriverIO is a framework for testing web applications, it is essential that Web Developers have a deep understanding of how it functions. This course offers a comprehensive overview of WebdriverIO's API and how to use it effectively to automate testing scenarios. Additionally, this course provides valuable insights into synchronous vs. asynchronous JavaScript, which is crucial knowledge for any Web Developer working with WebdriverIO.
Full-Stack Developer
Full Stack Developers are responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of both the front-end and back-end of web applications. This course is a valuable resource for a Full Stack Developer, as it provides a comprehensive overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn how to use WebdriverIO in combination with JavaScript and NodeJS to create a highly advanced and robust automation framework for testing web applications.
Quality Assurance Analyst
Quality Assurance Analysts are responsible for ensuring the quality of software products. This course is a valuable resource for a Quality Assurance Analyst, as it provides a comprehensive overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn how to use WebdriverIO in combination with JavaScript and NodeJS to create a highly advanced and robust automation framework for testing web applications. Additionally, this course covers advanced concepts such as reporting, continuous integration, and Jenkins.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers are responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of software systems. This course is a valuable resource for a Software Engineer, as it provides a comprehensive overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn how to use WebdriverIO in combination with JavaScript and NodeJS to create a highly advanced and robust automation framework for testing web applications.
Front-End Developer
Front-End Developers are responsible for the design and development of the user interface of web applications. This course is a valuable resource for a Front-End Developer, as it provides a comprehensive overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn how to use WebdriverIO in combination with JavaScript and NodeJS to create a highly advanced and robust automation framework for testing web applications.
Software Test Engineer
A Software Test Engineer is tasked with testing the functionality of software to ensure that it is working as intended. A strong understanding of the principles of automation testing is highly valued within this field. This course in particular will be valuable to a Software Test Engineer because it introduces WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn how to use WebdriverIO in combination with JavaScript and NodeJS to create a highly advanced and robust automation framework for testing web applications.
Project Manager
Project Managers are responsible for planning, organizing, and executing software development projects. This course may be useful for a Project Manager, as it provides a high-level overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn the basics of WebdriverIO and how it can be used to improve the quality and efficiency of software testing processes.
Software Development Manager
Software Development Managers are responsible for overseeing the development of software products. This course may be useful for a Software Development Manager, as it provides a high-level overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn the basics of WebdriverIO and how it can be used to improve the quality and efficiency of software testing processes.
Software Architect
Software Architects are responsible for designing and developing the overall architecture of software systems. This course may be useful for a Software Architect, as it provides a high-level overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn the basics of WebdriverIO and how it can be used to improve the quality and efficiency of software testing processes.
IT Manager
IT Managers are responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the IT resources of an organization. This course may be useful for an IT Manager, as it provides a high-level overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn the basics of WebdriverIO and how it can be used to improve the quality and efficiency of software testing processes.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts are responsible for understanding the business needs of an organization and translating them into technical requirements. This course may be useful for a Business Analyst, as it provides a high-level overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn the basics of WebdriverIO and how it can be used to improve the quality and efficiency of software testing processes.
Computer Scientist
Computer Scientists are responsible for advancing the field of computer science through research and development. This course may be useful for a Computer Scientist, as it provides a high-level overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn the basics of WebdriverIO and how it can be used to improve the quality and efficiency of software testing processes.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists are responsible for extracting insights from data to help businesses make better decisions. This course may be useful for a Data Scientist, as it provides a high-level overview of WebdriverIO, an open-source framework for test automation. You will learn the basics of WebdriverIO and how it can be used to improve the quality and efficiency of software testing processes.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in The Complete WebdriverIO Course- Automation Testing Bootcamp.
Classic guide to software development. It covers a wide range of topics, including software design, testing, and debugging. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their software development skills.
Comprehensive guide to agile testing. It covers all the basics of agile testing, and it includes practical examples that can be used to learn how to apply agile testing to real-world projects.
Comprehensive guide to site reliability engineering (SRE). It covers all the basics of SRE, and it includes practical examples that can be used to learn how to implement SRE in real-world projects.
Comprehensive guide to unit testing. It covers all the basics of unit testing, and it includes practical examples that can be used to learn how to write unit tests for real-world applications.
Classic guide to software testing. It provides a comprehensive overview of the testing pyramid, which framework for organizing and prioritizing tests.


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