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Google Career Certificates

Voici le sixième cours de la Certification en cybersécurité de Google. Ces cours vous permettront d'acquérir les compétences dont vous avez besoin pour postuler à un emploi de niveau débutant dans le domaine de la cybersécurité. Vous vous appuierez sur votre compréhension des sujets qui ont été introduits dans le cinquième cours de la Certification en cybersécurité de Google.

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Voici le sixième cours de la Certification en cybersécurité de Google. Ces cours vous permettront d'acquérir les compétences dont vous avez besoin pour postuler à un emploi de niveau débutant dans le domaine de la cybersécurité. Vous vous appuierez sur votre compréhension des sujets qui ont été introduits dans le cinquième cours de la Certification en cybersécurité de Google.

Ce cours porte sur la détection des incidents et la réponse à apporter. Nous préciserons la définition d'un incident de sécurité et expliquerons le cycle de vie de la réponse aux incidents, notamment les rôles et les responsabilités des équipes de réponse aux incidents. Nous analyserons et interpréterons les communications réseau pour détecter les incidents de sécurité à l'aide d'outils de reniflage de paquets (“sniffing” en anglais) pour intercepter le trafic réseau. En évaluant et en analysant les artefacts, nous explorerons les processus et les procédures d'enquête et de réponse en cas d'incident. Vous aurez également la possibilité de vous entraîner à utiliser des systèmes de détection d'intrusion (IDS) et des outils de gestion des informations et des événements de sécurité (SIEM).

Les employés de Google qui travaillent actuellement dans le domaine de la cybersécurité vous guideront à travers des vidéos, des activités pratiques et des exemples qui simulent des tâches courantes de cybersécurité, et vous aideront à développer vos compétences pour vous préparer à l'emploi.

Les participants qui termineront cette certification seront aptes à postuler à des emplois de niveau débutant dans le domaine de la cybersécurité. Aucune expérience préalable n'est nécessaire.

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What's inside


Introduction à la détection et à la réponse aux incidents
La détection et la réponse en cas d'incident constituent une part importante du travail d'un analyste cybersécurité. Vous découvrirez comment les professionnels de la cybersécurité examinent les menaces malveillantes et y répondent, et vous vous familiariserez avec les étapes de la réponse aux incidents.
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Surveillance et analyse du réseau
Vous allez découvrir les outils d'analyse réseau, communément appelés renifleurs de paquets. En particulier, vous reniflerez le réseau et analyserez les paquets à la recherche de menaces malveillantes. Vous élaborerez également des commandes de filtrage pour analyser le contenu des paquets capturés.
Enquête et réponse aux incidents
Vous allez découvrir les différents processus et procédures applicables aux étapes de détection, d'enquête, d'analyse et de réponse aux incidents. Vous allez ensuite analyser les détails des hachages de fichiers suspects. Vous découvrirez l'importance que revêt la collecte de documents et de preuves au cours des étapes de détection et de réponse. Enfin, vous établirez une chronologie approximative d'un incident en cartographiant les artefacts afin de reconstruire le déroulé de l'incident.
Analyse du trafic réseau et des journaux à l'aide d'outils IDS et SIEM
Vous allez explorer les journaux et leur rôle dans les systèmes de détection d'intrusion (IDS) et les systèmes de gestion des informations événements de sécurité (SIEM). Vous apprendrez comment ces systèmes détectent les attaques. Vous serez également initié à certains produits IDS et SIEM. En outre, vous écrirez des règles IDS de base pour fournir des alertes en cas de trafic réseau malveillant.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Ce cours est recommandé aux personnes qui cherchent à accéder à un poste de premier niveau dans le domaine de la cybersécurité
Il permet d'acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour répondre aux exigences des postes de débutants dans le secteur de la cybersécurité
Ce cours s'appuie sur les connaissances acquises dans le cadre du cinquième cours de la Certification en cybersécurité de Google
Il est recommandé de suivre les cours dans l'ordre pour une meilleure compréhension
Les exercices pratiques et les exemples proposés permettent de se préparer efficacement aux tâches courantes en matière de cybersécurité

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Tirer la sonnette d'alarme : détection et réponse with these activities:
Review networking concepts
Reviewing networking fundamentals will provide a solid foundation for the course's deep dive into network security.
Browse courses on Network Fundamentals
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  • Review OSI model and TCP/IP suite
  • Identify different network topologies
  • Understand network protocols (e.g., HTTP, DNS, DHCP)
Review network protocols
Prepare for this course by reviewing network protocols, including TCP/IP, UDP, and DNS.
Show steps
  • Read up on different network protocols
  • Go through practice questions on network protocols and their functions
Join a study group or online forum
Connect with peers, share knowledge, and learn from others' experiences by joining a study group or participating in online forums.
Show steps
  • Find a study group or online forum for cybersecurity
  • Participate in discussions and ask questions
  • Collaborate on projects or assignments
Six other activities
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Practice packet analysis
Enhance your understanding of network traffic and potential threats by practicing packet analysis with tools like tcpdump or Wireshark.
Browse courses on Packet Analysis
Show steps
  • Set up a packet sniffing environment
  • Capture and analyze network traffic
  • Identify and interpret common network protocols
Attend industry webinars and conferences
Stay up-to-date with industry trends, innovations, and best practices by attending webinars and conferences related to cybersecurity.
Show steps
  • Search for upcoming webinars and conferences
  • Register for and attend the events
Work through IDS and SIEM tutorials
Strengthen your understanding of IDS and SIEM systems by following guided tutorials and exploring their features and capabilities.
Show steps
  • Find online tutorials on IDS and SIEM
  • Go through the tutorials and set up sample systems
  • Configure rules and alerts
Compile a cybersecurity resources hub
Create a centralized resource hub for cybersecurity tools, articles, and online communities to support your learning and reference.
Show steps
  • Identify and gather relevant resources
  • Organize the resources into categories
  • Create a digital or physical resource hub
Develop a threat detection and analysis plan
Apply your learning by creating a comprehensive threat detection and analysis plan that outlines procedures for identifying, analyzing, and responding to potential cybersecurity threats.
Browse courses on Threat Detection
Show steps
  • Identify potential threats and vulnerabilities
  • Establish detection mechanisms and monitoring tools
  • Define response protocols and procedures
  • Document the plan for future reference and review
Conduct simulated incident response exercises
Test your incident response skills by participating in simulated exercises that mimic real-world cybersecurity incidents.
Browse courses on Incident Response
Show steps
  • Join an online cybersecurity community or platform
  • Identify and participate in simulated incident response exercises
  • Document your findings and lessons learned

Career center

Learners who complete Tirer la sonnette d'alarme : détection et réponse will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Incident Responder
An Incident Responder is responsible for responding to security incidents and breaches. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst
A Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst is responsible for monitoring and responding to security events and incidents. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Information Security Analyst
An Information Security Analyst is responsible for protecting an organization's computer networks and systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Security Analyst
A Security Analyst is responsible for protecting an organization's computer networks and systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Cybersecurity Analyst
A Cybersecurity Analyst is responsible for protecting an organization's computer networks and systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Forensic Analyst
A Forensic Analyst is responsible for investigating and analyzing computer crimes. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Penetration Tester
A Penetration Tester is responsible for testing the security of an organization's computer networks and systems. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Malware Analyst
A Malware Analyst is responsible for analyzing malware and developing countermeasures to protect organizations from malware attacks. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Ethical Hacker
An Ethical Hacker is responsible for testing the security of an organization's computer networks and systems. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Network Security Engineer
A Network Security Engineer is responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining an organization's network security infrastructure. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Security Engineer
A Security Engineer is responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining an organization's security infrastructure. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Security Architect
A Security Architect designs and implements security solutions for organizations. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Security Consultant
A Security Consultant provides advice and guidance to organizations on how to improve their security posture. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is responsible for overseeing the security of an organization's information assets. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.
Cybersecurity Manager
A Cybersecurity Manager is responsible for overseeing the security of an organization's computer networks and systems. This course may help you get started in this career by providing you with a foundation in incident detection and response. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents, as well as how to investigate and analyze security breaches.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Tirer la sonnette d'alarme : détection et réponse.
Provides a comprehensive overview of security incident handling, covering topics such as incident detection, investigation, and response. It valuable resource for students and practitioners alike.
Provides a comprehensive overview of network security monitoring and analysis, covering topics such as network traffic analysis, intrusion detection, and security event management. It valuable resource for students and practitioners alike.
Provides a comprehensive overview of incident response and computer forensics, covering topics such as evidence collection, analysis, and reporting. It valuable resource for students and practitioners alike.
Provides a comprehensive overview of network detection and response, covering topics such as network traffic analysis, intrusion detection, and security event management. It valuable resource for students and practitioners alike.
Provides a comprehensive overview of intrusion detection systems, covering topics such as machine learning, data mining, and anomaly detection. It valuable resource for students and practitioners alike.
Provides a comprehensive overview of incident response and computer forensics, covering topics such as evidence collection, analysis, and reporting. It valuable resource for students and practitioners alike.


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