In the age of social media, everyone has a voice.
And if you want to make your content sound amazing, this course is for you.
It is the only place where you will see real life examples of different recording equipment and associated cost. Immediately you will see where you should invest your money.
I understand, you have a burning passion for writing, teaching, creating.You want to make your ideas tangible, release it to the world.And yet sound recording, a crucial part of content creation, is seen as an obstacle, an unfortunate necessity.
In the age of social media, everyone has a voice.
And if you want to make your content sound amazing, this course is for you.
It is the only place where you will see real life examples of different recording equipment and associated cost. Immediately you will see where you should invest your money.
I understand, you have a burning passion for writing, teaching, creating.You want to make your ideas tangible, release it to the world.And yet sound recording, a crucial part of content creation, is seen as an obstacle, an unfortunate necessity.
Tell me, how many times after listening back to your recordings, you felt like it is an impossible task, and just wanted to hit delete?
Or not even that.How many times you wanted to start a podcast, online course, a YouTube channel, but when it came to audio equipment and recording, you were lost?
Why is this course right for you?
Over and over I see people confused about recording setup and sound equipment. They don’t know where to start.This course solves that issue.
You will learn basics of sound recording, audio equipment, and fundamental recording techniques.
You will learn that recording is a fun and exciting process, not a necessary barrier to jump.
And what is most important you will learn from real life examples.
I worked with bands; I have done audio for games and movies.The theory is fine; I enjoy reading and learning too.But there is no better way to learn than doing and testing.
I understand that it is not always possible to test what works best for you. You just want to start.
And that is why I recorded and filmed many examples of different recording equipment.From basic and cheap options to expensive, semi-pro.It will give you a clear idea where you should invest your money, and where you should begin.
You will not find this anywhere else; it is the only sound recording course that offers you a real picture of your options.
The course structure
Learn the basics – that is my mantra.You will start with learning about the most important piece of your equipment – the microphone.In several lectures you will understand the differences between microphones on the market, you will learn the essential characteristics of a microphone.But what is more important, you will see what choice you have available to you right now.
You will progress onto other recording equipment, gear that is sometimes overlooked, nevertheless, important.
In the middle of the course, you will see and hear how each of the options sounds like and how easy it is to set it all up.You will start thinking which way you wish to go.
You will learn important recording techniques.Some basic ones and other less known tricks too.
You will also find information on the psychology of a recording, and theory behind some recording terms.
Each section will start with an introduction where you will see what lies ahead.After the main content, you will finish with section summary.You will also find a Call To Action, a short video with a small task that you can do.And a Quiz to test your knowledge.
I know that time is the asset.I composed this course because I wanted to give you ‘straight to the point’ information, no unnecessary talk.
So after your first viewing, you may find it all a bit overwhelming.
Don’t worry.
I included Closed Captions and graphics throughout the course to make the learning easier.We are visual creatures; we learn most with our eyes.So I made the course as visually pleasing as possible.
And yet it is still not all.
Sometimes you need to remember something in an instant.And you don’t have time to rewatch the lecture, or maybe you can’t remember where to find the information.
I took the main points of the course, stripped it down to basics, and I created an ebook just for you.
You will find it in the Course Summary lecture.Use it anytime you want.
Choosing your first sound recording equipment is hard, I know that.So the best way is to listen and test different ways.
My goal is to show you the possibilities, the options and the real cost of buying a recording gear.
This knowledge will put in miles ahead of the competition; it will make your content stand out from the crowd.
In the age of social media, everyone has a voice.Unfortunately, there is a lot of noise out there.
Take the first step, make the world sound a little better.
In this lecture, you will learn why it is important to strive for a best audio quality and what are the most common sound problems.
Creators don’t often think about sound production and because of that, the final product often suffers.
In this lecture, you will learn all about the structure of the course.
You will get an insight into sections and lectures.
You will learn why I included basic and more advanced recording options in this course.
In this lecture you will learn what gear you need, both hardware and software, to get the most out of the course.
You will answer an important question: Why do you want to learn sound recording? And what will you do with this knowledge?
In this lecture, you will understand the structure of the section.
The microphone is the most important piece of your recording equipment. If you wish your content to sound amazing, you need to learn how microphones work.
In this lecture, you will learn three key features of a microphone.
What is a transducer and what are the most common types.
What is a frequency range of a microphone?
What is directionality of a microphone, described as polar patterns?
In this lecture, you will learn characteristics of a dynamic microphone, and you will hear real life examples.
You will see pros and cons of a dynamic mic, and why it is often used for live events.
In this lecture, you will learn characteristics of a condenser microphone, and you will hear real life examples. You will also listen to the difference between dynamic and condenser microphone.
In this lecture, you will learn characteristics of a lavalier microphone.
Clip microphones are awesome for interviews and talking head videos.
But are they perfect for everything?
In this lecture, you will learn the significance of polar patterns.
The directionality of a microphone is a powerful tool when it comes to sound recording. Omnidirectional, Unidirectional, and Bidirectional patterns will soon make sense to you.
In this lecture, you will learn what the most basic recording setup is.
Not everyone has access to a recording studio.
Let’s see what options you have available to you right now.
In this lecture, you will learn what more advanced recording setup is.
The more you create and produce, the more advanced equipment you will want. You don’t need it all at the beginning, but with time, your hunger for more audio gear will grow.
In this lecture, you will recap everything you have learned in this section.
Learning about a microphone was your first goal, not it’s time to review the information.
A small task, that you can do right now.
You need to start thinking about your equipment and your future goals.
In this lecture, you will understand the structure of the section.
The microphone is not the only piece of equipment you need.
Cables, connectors, stands – all these have a place in your production.
In this lecture, you will learn about most conventional audio cables.
There are many different cables when it comes to sound production.
You will learn what is balanced and unbalanced signal and how do they work.
You will see what cables you need for connecting your other gear such as USB microphone or audio interface.
You will also learn how to coil your cables properly.
In this lecture, you will learn about most standard audio connectors.
Unfortunately, it’s not always as easy as plug and play.
What is jack connector? XLR? 3.5mm clip mic?
You will see that good understanding of connectors will help you to find right sound recording equipment for your studio.
In this lecture, you will learn which stands, clips and other sound equipment you need.
Stands for microphones and clips for lavaliers are necessary.
But do you need a pop shield?
In this lecture, you will hear a real-life recording with and without a pop shield.
In this lecture, you will learn all about audio interface.
What is it and do you need it at all?
The audio interface is a step before a professional sound production.
But is it needed for a beginner?
You will also learn what is the best use of the audio interface.
In this lecture, you will learn what are the best speakers for monitoring.
Laptop speakers, loudspeaker and studio monitors.
What are they?
And should you listen to your recordings on speakers at all?
In this lecture, you will learn why good headphones are essential.
When you produce at home, headphones are your best bet.
But then you have some many choices: in-ear headphones, listening headphones, monitoring headphones.
Which are the best for your work?
In this lecture, you will recap everything you have learned in this section.
When you know your audio tools you know your possibilities and limitations.
You can plan your sound recording session in advance and make the best out of your situation.
A small task, that you can do right now.
Your equipment, your goals and present situation.
Start thinking what sound equipment you are still missing.
There is also a fun task for you, a small challenge.
In this lecture, you will understand the structure of the section.
Many beginners are confused by audio gear choice.
You will learn why it is important to hear real-life examples.
In this lecture, you will learn how to track the signal flow.
Signal flow means how the sound travels, to and from your recorder.
Wrong routing causes many issues such as not hearing any audio.
Understanding signal flow will help to resolve this problem in seconds.
In this lecture, you will learn about recording with a smartphone, with real life examples.
An essential gear is your phone. You can use it to record your content. However, you need to understand the limitations.
Can you use it for anything at all?
In this lecture, you will learn about recording with a camera, with real life examples.
If you only have a camera and want to record your project, you need to understand that audio quality will suffer. Why?
In this lecture, I show you real life examples of camera recording from different positions.
In this lecture, you will learn about recording with a camera and lavalier, with real life examples.
It is the first option that will make your product sound good.
Using clip microphone is a standard for interviews and talking head videos, but how does it compare with a built-in microphone.
Let’s listen to the recordings.
In this lecture, you will learn about recording with a laptop, with real life examples.
Many people work on their laptops. But can you use it to record your content?
Let’s have a listen how it sounds with a built-in microphone and external, handset microphone.
What is the best situation for that kind of audio setup?
In this lecture, you will learn about recording with a USB microphone, with real life examples.
USB microphone will be the first choice for many beginners.
But are all USB mics good for your sound recordings?
And why are they called “all-in-one” solutions?
You will understand all these points in this lecture.
In this lecture, you will learn about recording with an external recorder, with real life examples.
Using external sound recorder is not a popular option for beginners.
You will learn how versatile this audio recording device is and if it’s an option for you.
In this lecture, you will learn about recording with an audio interface, with real life examples.
Audio interface is a step before professional production.
You will learn the most basic options that come with audio interface and how recording setup looks.
In this lecture, you will learn how to set up Pro Tools for recording.
Pro Tools is an industry standard when it comes to recording, mixing and audio production.
You will learn how to set it up for recording and how can you use Pro Tools for free.
In this lecture, you will learn how to configure Adobe Audition for recording.
Audition is a part of Creative Cloud. It’s an awesome solution when you use Adobe Premiere for video work.
Audition comes with denoising solution and range of useful effects for the sound production.
In this lecture, you will learn how to set up Audacity for recording.
Audacity is a free, open source audio sequencer.
It’s a bit rough to use for professional recording, but many people have managed to implement Audacity into their workflows.
In this lecture, you will recap everything you have learned in this section.
I believe that you should hear how the equipment sounds to make a right decision. That’s why I recorded all your options so that you can make an honest choice.
A small task, that you can do right now.
You have one more planning work ahead of you, your last step before recording.
In this lecture, you will understand the structure of the section.
After learning about the equipment, it’s time to record sounds!
Unfortunately, it’s not that easy; you need to learn fundamental recording techniques to get most out of your gear.
In this lecture, you will learn about correct distance from a microphone.
What is the best way to set up your microphone?
What is proximity effect?
And how can you avoid it?
In this lecture, you will hear examples of proximity effect and how recordings sound from different positions.
You will listen to acoustic guitar and voice.
In this lecture, you will learn how to set up a pop shield.
A pop filter is a vital part of your equipment.
Unfortunately not many beginners know how a pop shield works and what is the correct distance from a microphone.
You will listen to examples again.
In this lecture, you will learn how to tackle sibilance at the source.
Sibilance is a high frequency “sss” sounds that add harshness to your recordings.
There are ways to solve that problem in post-production, but how can you improve sibilance during your audio recording session.
In this lecture, you will learn how to set up a good headphone mix.
Balanced headphone mix is a must when you record somebody else.
Even when you record yourself, what you hear in your headphones will affect your performance.
In this lecture, you will learn a few tips how to make headphones mix as good as it gets.
In this lecture, you will learn about acoustics and limitations of your room.
Acoustics is a vast topic. The biggest issue in your audio recordings will be your environment.
First, you need to understand what problems you may have.
Second, what can you do to improve your situation?
In this lecture, you will learn critical listening techniques.
Listening is as important as a sound recording.
You will learn how you should listen, where and when.
And why referencing your audio on different sound systems is so crucial.
In this lecture, you will learn why noise floor is needed.
Noise torments a lot of beginners. But not all the noise is bad for your recordings.
You will learn why getting rid of all the noise will make your recordings sound artificial.
And how can you achieve the balance you need.
In this lecture, you will learn a few additional recording tips and tricks.
You will go through a list of sound recording tips that will help you in your adventures.
3 to 1 rule, sound intensity, interference.
Sooner or later you will meet these terms and in this lecture, you will become familiar with them in an instant.
In this lecture, you will recap everything you have learned in this section.
The recording is an art. There is a lot of improvisation and experimentation.
But understanding the basics will make that process much more enjoyable.
A small task, that you can do right now.
You guessed it right; it’s time to make a sound recording!
In this lecture, you will understand the structure of the section.
Besides audio term, recording tips and equipment, there is another part of getting amazing sounds. The correct mindset, training, diet.
In this section, you will learn things that not many audio beginners think about.
In this lecture, you will learn the difference between mono and stereo signal.
What is mono? What is stereo?
And what is best for your recordings?
And of course, you will learn if it matters at all.
In this lecture, you will learn if you should apply effects on recording input.
You have learned that some microphones have additional options that you can use during your sound recording session.
Should you use them?
And what other choice do you have?
Understanding what effects on input do will help you to plan better audio recordings.
In this lecture, you will learn what equipment you should buy, with a budget in mind.
The big question is: “what should I buy?”
You will see the recommendation I made with budget in mind.
What you need depends on your project.
And what project you do will depend on your equipment.
Let’s learn if you need to break the bank.
In this lecture, you will learn how often should you record your voice.
You got to the psychology of sound recording.
Can you enjoy the process?
Or will it always be an obstacle?
You will learn what is the correct mindset when it comes recording audio.
In this lecture, you will learn if it is possible to restore your recordings.
Sometimes you will not realize that you made the mistake until the recording is done. What can you do then? What options do you have?
I will show you an example of the audio restoration process and that not all is lost.
In this lecture, you will learn why you sound different on recordings.
Listening to your voice may be a barrier. I know I had to get used to it.
Is there a way to make it better? Is there a way that you can enjoy listening to your voice?
In this lecture, you will learn why it sounds different when you speak vs. recorded material.
In this lecture, you will learn what are the best practices during a recording session.
Another unspoken topic is diet and rituals.
How much should you sleep before the session?
What should you drink and eat?
How long can you keep recording yourself?
You will learn the practice that will help you make best audio recordings possible.
In this lecture, you will recap everything you have gained in this section.
Technical knowledge will only take you so far.
Understanding your mind and your body will help you to achieve greater performance during a sound recording session.
A small task, that you can do right now.
Let’s see if you can enjoy your recordings today!
In this lecture, you will recap everything that you have learned in this course.
The end!
You achieved so much in such a short amount of time.
It’s time to look at all the information you studied.
You will also have an ebook that I put together for you.
A quick help on recording that you can refer to anytime you want.
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