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International Humanitarian Law in Theory and Practice

Robert Heinsch, Emma Irving, Cinny Buys, and Giulia Pinzauti

“International Humanitarian Law in Theory and Practice” is the first MOOC of the Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum on International Humanitarian Law, which is the platform within the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies of Leiden University for the research, teaching and dissemination of international humanitarian law (IHL).

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“International Humanitarian Law in Theory and Practice” is the first MOOC of the Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum on International Humanitarian Law, which is the platform within the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies of Leiden University for the research, teaching and dissemination of international humanitarian law (IHL).

In this course, Prof. Robert Heinsch, Dr. Giulia Pinzauti and Dr. Emma Irving will give you a deep insight into the rules that govern armed conflict, and aim to mitigate human suffering on the battlefield. You will explore the why and how of IHL, followed by the different types of conflict. In no time you will find out which rules apply to the civil war in Syria, the military intervention in Ukraine and the occupation of the West Bank. During this course, you will learn how hostilities should be waged: Which weapons can be used by combatants and other fighters? And, who should never be a target during military operations? We will also look into the concept of protected persons, and you will find out how IHL affords protection to the sick and wounded, medical personal, detainees, children, journalists and other persons who are not - or not anymore - fighting. At the end of this course, you are introduced to the different implementation and enforcement mechanisms that aim to increase respect for IHL. Here, you are invited to think critically whether IHL works!

Throughout this course you will benefit from a mix of theory and practice, which is at the heart of the vision and mandate of the Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum. You can participate for instance in an ongoing case study where drones are flying over the fictitious country Arfula, and detainees are locked up in tiny cells. Or, you can join our discussions about IHL success stories and the major IHL challenges we face today, with distinguished speakers from the International Committee of the Red Cross and US Naval War College! This course is free to join and to participate in. There is the possibility to get a verified certificate for the course, which is a paid option. If you want a certificate, but are unable to pay for it, you can request financial aid via Coursera.

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Welcome to this course!
It is great that you are joining us! In this course you will get a deep insight into the law that governs armed conflict. Before you start with “International Humanitarian Law in Theory and Practice”, we invite you to first take a look around the course content. As you will notice, this MOOC starts with an introduction module in order to help you study successfully in an online environment, and to familiarize you with international humanitarian law. If you encounter any difficulties while studying, please let us know in the forum. For technical difficulties or questions regarding the course certificate, you can always contact the Coursera Learner Helpdesk. We truly hope that you will enjoy this course. Good luck!
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Introduction to International Humanitarian Law
In the first week, we will introduce you to the basic concepts of IHL, its history and place in the international legal order. We will discuss two different areas of IHL, “Hague law” and “Geneva law” respectively, and its main legal instruments. At the end, we will look at armed conflict and the protection of war victims from a human rights law perspective, in an engaging discussion with Prof. Helen Duffy.
Conflict classification
In this second week, we will study the scope of application of IHL. IHL regulates armed conflict, and therefore we will start by exploring the two different types of armed conflicts: international and non-international armed conflicts (IACs and NIACs). We will also look at the different rules that apply to each type of conflict. In this module, we will furthermore discover special situations of conflict, like belligerent occupation, foreign intervention and NIAC-spill over, which can impact the character of a conflict. At the end of this week we will touch upon situations below the armed conflict threshold, and Prof. Robin Geiss will tell us all about the so-called “global war on terror”.
Conduct of hostilities
In this week, we will look through the eyes of combatants and other fighters, and learn how military operations should be conducted. We will familiarize ourselves with the most important principles that need to be applied on the battlefield including those of distinction, proportionality, precautions and the prohibition of unnecessary suffering. We will discover that civilians who refrain from hostilities should never be targeted. At the end of this module we will see that IHL also sets limits to the weapons that can be used by combatants, and Prof. Michael Schmitt will share his viewpoint on whether armed drones and other modern technologies like cyber warfare are lawful under IHL.
Protection of persons
In this module we will look through the eyes of sick and wounded soldiers, detainees, enemy civilians and vulnerable persons in conflict, including children and women. We will discover how IHL safeguards persons who are not - or not anymore - fighting. Together, we will find out that each person should be treated humanely; that detainees should receive water and food; and that young children should never be recruited by the military. At the end of this module, Vincent Bernard from the ICRC will discuss with us the biggest challenges to protect persons who refrain from fighting, and will give us an insight into various IHL success stories across the globe.
Implementation and enforcement
In this final module, we will look into the implementation and enforcement of IHL, which is crucial to increase respect for IHL. After discussing different enforcement methods, we will highlight two methods: Demands for compensation and criminal prosecutions. Here, we will learn how war victims can claim compensation and how States and International Courts and Tribunals can initiate criminal prosecutions for war crimes when serious violations of IHL have been committed. At the end of this module, Jeroen van den Boogaard from the Netherlands Defense Academy will explain what the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, as well as the military can do in order to make wars more humane. He will also inform us what everyone can do to increase respect for IHL.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Covers principles and rules that govern armed conflicts and are applied on the battlefield to mitigate human suffering
Offers a detailed overview of the application of international humanitarian law during armed conflicts and its impact on situations such as belligerent occupation, foreign intervention, and non-international armed conflict spillover
Provides insights into the legal frameworks protecting persons during conflicts, including civilians, detainees, children, and the sick and wounded
Delivered by a team of experienced instructors, including professors, researchers, and practitioners in the field
Emphasizes the importance of implementation and enforcement mechanisms in upholding international humanitarian law
Provides a combination of theory and practice, including case studies, discussions, and insights from guest speakers

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Reviews summary

Humanitarian law in action

According to students, this course on international humanitarian law is largely positive. Learners say numerous guest experts and professors deliver engaging assignments, lectures, and readings. The course concludes with a case study that helps learners apply their knowledge in a practical way.
The course is well-structured and easy to follow, with each module building on the previous one.
"A very well designed course. I believe you will enjoy it!"
"A very well organised and taught course!!!Many thanks!!"
"The course and the learning platform are excellent,... just join and have an amazing learning experience."
The course includes a case study that helps learners apply their knowledge of international humanitarian law to a real-world scenario.
"The whole experience was very good, learned about international humanitarian laws, practice and implementation."
"This was a wonderfully arranged course."
"The course is incredibly presented and the material is outstanding!"
The course materials are engaging and include a variety of formats such as videos, podcasts, and readings.
"Very enjoyable! Loved how it wasn't just readings but podcasts and videos to keep students hooked."
"I really liked this course. It's very well presented and explained."
"The videos were great and the readings extremely informative"
The course is taught by renowned professors and experts in international humanitarian law.
"The course is expertly taught by professors..."
"Top experts on the topic, useful material, and a very comprehensive approach to the general concepts and applicability of IHL."

Career center

Learners who complete International Humanitarian Law in Theory and Practice will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Humanitarian Affairs Officer
Humanitarian Affairs Officers assist victims of armed conflict and natural disasters. In order to understand the legal framework and context in which they operate, they need to build a foundation in IHL. This course helps build that foundation and provides officers with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions in challenging situations.
International Relations Analyst
International Relations Analysts help governments and NGOs develop foreign policy, analyze geopolitical trends, and address global challenges. To do so, they must understand the legal and ethical frameworks that govern international relations. This course provides a comprehensive overview of IHL, which is essential for analysts working on issues related to armed conflict and humanitarian crises.
Human Rights Researcher
Human Rights Researchers investigate and report on human rights violations around the world. They need a deep understanding of international law, including IHL, in order to effectively document and analyze human rights abuses and advocate for change. This course provides a solid foundation in IHL, which is essential for researchers working on issues related to armed conflict and human rights violations.
Lawyers who specialize in international law, human rights law, or criminal law may find this course helpful in their work. The course provides a comprehensive overview of IHL, including the laws of war and the protection of civilians.
Journalists who cover armed conflict and humanitarian crises need to understand the legal framework that governs these situations. This course provides a comprehensive overview of IHL, which can help journalists report on these issues accurately and responsibly.
Policy Advisor
Policy Advisors who work on issues related to armed conflict and humanitarian assistance need to understand the legal framework that governs these situations. This course provides a comprehensive overview of IHL, which can help Policy Advisors develop and implement effective policies.
Academics who teach or research international law, human rights law, or political science may find this course helpful in their work. The course provides a comprehensive overview of IHL, which can help academics develop and deliver engaging and informative lectures and seminars.
Diplomats who work on issues related to armed conflict and humanitarian assistance need to understand the legal framework that governs these situations. This course provides a comprehensive overview of IHL, which can help diplomats negotiate and implement international agreements and policies.
Military Officer
Military Officers who work on issues related to armed conflict and humanitarian assistance need to understand the legal framework that governs these situations. This course provides a comprehensive overview of IHL, which can help Military Officers comply with their legal obligations and make informed decisions in challenging situations.
Peacekeepers who work on issues related to armed conflict and humanitarian assistance need to understand the legal framework that governs these situations. This course provides a comprehensive overview of IHL, which can help Peacekeepers protect civilians and promote peace.
Social Worker
Social Workers who work on issues related to armed conflict and humanitarian assistance need to understand the legal framework that governs these situations. This course provides a comprehensive overview of IHL, which can help Social Workers provide effective support and protection to vulnerable populations.
Volunteers who work on issues related to armed conflict and humanitarian assistance need to understand the legal framework that governs these situations. This course provides a comprehensive overview of IHL, which can help Volunteers make informed decisions and contribute effectively to their missions.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in International Humanitarian Law in Theory and Practice .
This document contains the text of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, which are the core treaties of IHL.
Provides a detailed account of the role of the International Committee of the Red Cross during the Holocaust.
This document contains the text of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which establishes the Court's jurisdiction over war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.
Of photography provides a powerful visual record of the human cost of war.
This classic work on military theory provides valuable insights into the nature of war and the conduct of hostilities.
This documentary film provides a unique perspective on the nature of war and the conduct of hostilities.
This handbook provides practical advice on how to survive in a variety of emergency situations, including armed conflict.


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