The Treble Clef - high sounds; The Bass Clef - low sounds
Use the correct fingers and hand position when playing the piano
Hand position and Finger Numbers
Understand the various frequency ranges found on a piano and high and low sounds and the clefs used to represent them
Frequency Ranges
The Treble Clef & Bass Clef
Identifying the Treble and Bass Clef
An overview of what reading music will entail
Reading music notation
Notes and how long each one is held for. The correct terminology for naming notes
Note Values
Rests - how long each one is held for and the correct terminology for naming them
Rest Values
Rest values Test
The purpose of the stave, what it looks like and how it is divided into bars.
The Stave and Bars
What time signatures are and why we use them
Time Signatures
Testing Time Signatures
Identifying tones and semitones on the piano and stave
Identifying sharps and naturals and understanding their functions
Sharps and Naturals
Testing Sharps and Naturals
Identifying Flats and Naturals and understanding their functions
Flats and Naturals
Testing Flats and Naturals
Identify notes in the treble clef stave, notes on the lines & in the spaces and ledger lines
The Treble Clef, notes on the lines and in the spaces and ledger lines
Testing Notes in the Treble Clef
Identify and play notes in the Treble Clef
Reading and playing notes in the Treble Clef
Identify the notes in the Bass Clef
The Bass Clef, notes on the lines and in the spaces
Testing notes in the Bass Clef
Identify notes using ledger lines from the Bass Clef
Ledger Lines: The Bass Clef
The ability to read and play notes in the Bass Clef
Reading and playing notes in the Bass Clef
Playing your first line of music, hands together
Reading and playing first line Hands Together
Introduction - an overview to your first piece
Introduction: Piece in G Major
Reading and playing your first piece with the left hand (1st Section)
Playing your first piece in G Major: LH only (1st Section)
Ability to play the right hand (first section) of Piece in G Major
Piece in G Major: RH only (First Section)
Ability to play hands together (First Section) of Piece in G Major
Piece in G Major: Hands Together (1st Section)
Ability to play the left hand (second section) of Piece in G Major
Piece in G Major: Left Hand only (2nd Section)
Ability to play the right hand (second section) of Piece in G Major
Piece in G Major: Right Hand only (2nd Section)
Ability to play hands together (Second Section) of Piece in G Major
Piece in G Major: Hands Together (2nd Section)
Piece in G Major performed for your reference
Piece in G Major - played by your teacher
Ability to play the left hand, line 1& 2 of Flow.
Flow (Right Hand only) Line 1
The ability to play the left hand (Line 1) for Flow
Flow: Left Hand only
The ability to play hands together (Line 1) for Flow
Flow: Hands Together
The ability to play left hand, right hand and hands together (line 2) for Flow
Flow: Left Hand, Right Hand, Hands together (Line 2)
The ability to play Left Hand, Right Hand and Hands together (line 3, 4, 5) for Flow
Flow: Left Hand, Right Hand, Hands together (Line 3, 4, 5)
Performance of Flow for your reference
Flow - performance for your reference
Thanks for joining this course and some hints for going forward
Conclusion and tips for how to continue