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Dr Areti Manataki and Inés Friss de Kereki

هل تمنيت من قبل تعلم البرمجة، ولكن لم تعرف من أين تبدأ؟ سوف تتعلم من خلال هذه الدورة التدريبية كيفية البرمجة بواسطة Scratch، وهي لغة برمجة مرئية سهلة الاستخدام. والأهم من ذلك، سوف تعرفك على المبادئ الأساسية للحوسبة وستساعدك على التفكير كمهندس برمجيات.

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برنامج الكمبيوتر الأول الخاص بك
في هذه الوحدة، ستقوم بإنشاء أول برنامج كمبيوتر خاص بك! ستتعرف على مفاهيم البرمجة الأساسية وستتعرف على Scratch.
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أصبحت البرمجة أسهل!‏
في هذه الوحدة، ستواصل استخدام بنيات التحكم، وستكتشف كيفية استخدام الأحداث في برامجك وكيفية دمج المؤثرات الصوتية والمرئية في Scratch. ستبدأ أيضًا بالتفكير في متطلبات البرنامج وتصميمه.‏
تعديل الألعاب
في هذه الوحدة، ستتوفر لك إمكانية تعديل الألعاب الحالية وتمديدها لإنشاء إصدارات جديدة. ستتعرف أيضًا على ممارسات هندسة البرمجيات لاختبار برامجك وتوثيقها.‏
إعادة استخدام الرمز
في هذه الوحدة، ستتعرّف على الإجراءات والاستنساخ في Scratch، وسوف تقوم بتطبيق هذه الأفكار لإعادة استخدام الرمز الخاص بك.‏
فكّر كمهندس برمجيات
في هذه الوحدة، سوف تتبع جميع خطوات تطوير البرامج لإنشاء لعبة كمبيوتر ممتعة. ستتعلم أيضًا كيفية بث الرسائل والتزامن.‏

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Introduces learners to the basics of object-oriented programming, which is the foundation for many popular programming languages, such as Python and Java
Taught by two recognized experts in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, with over 100 publications and patents between them
Develops foundational skills in programming and computer science, which are useful for learners in all academic disciplines and in industry
May be a good fit for beginners looking to learn computer science for the first time
Focuses on data science and machine learning techniques, rather than programming

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Reviews summary

Easy programming basics

This introductory programming course teaches the basics of programming using the user-friendly language Scratch. It explores concepts of computer science and encourages learners to think like software engineers. The course syllabus is well-rounded with modules covering topics like creating the first computer program, working with events, and modifying games, along with best practices like testing and documentation.


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in برمج بنفسك! مقدمة حول البرمجة with these activities:
Review basic programming concepts
Refreshing basic programming concepts will provide a solid foundation for learning Scratch.
Browse courses on Programming Fundamentals
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  • Review the basics of variables, data types, and operators.
  • Practice writing simple programs using these concepts.
Complete the Scratch tutorials
Reinforce your understanding of Scratch by completing the tutorials provided by the Scratch Team. These tutorials cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of programming to more advanced concepts.
Browse courses on Scratch
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  • Open the Scratch tutorials
  • Choose a tutorial to complete
  • Follow the instructions in the tutorial
  • Test your knowledge by completing the challenges
  • Repeat steps 2-4 for each tutorial
حوّل ملاحظاتك إلى ملخصات
بإعادة صياغة ملاحظاتك إلى ملخصات شاملة، يمكنك تعزيز فهمك لمفاهيم البرمجة الأساسية وتحديد الفجوات في معرفتك.
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  • راجع ملاحظات المحاضرات
  • حدد النقاط الرئيسية والمفاهيم
  • أعد صياغة هذه المفاهيم في لغة واضحة وموجزة
  • قم بإنشاء ملخص بتنسيق نقطي أو مخطط
Ten other activities
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Create a Scratch project from scratch
Get started with the basics of Scratch by building your first project. This will help you understand the fundamentals of programming and get comfortable with the Scratch environment.
Browse courses on Scratch
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  • Open Scratch and explore the interface
  • Add sprites to your project and make them move
  • Use blocks to control the behavior of your sprites
  • Add sound effects and music to your project
  • Share your project with others
Follow the Scratch online courses
Expand your knowledge of Scratch by following online courses. These courses provide structured learning experiences that cover a wide range of topics.
Browse courses on Scratch
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  • Find an online course to follow
  • Sign up for the course
  • Follow the instructions in the course
  • Complete the assignments and quizzes
  • Interact with other learners in the course
قم بتدريبات على حل المشكلات
إن بذل الجهد في التمارين العملية سيُحسن مهاراتك في حل المشكلات في Scratch ويزيد من ثقتك في كتابة البرامج.
Show steps
  • ابحث عن منصات أو كتب تمارين عبر الإنترنت
  • اختر التمارين التي تناسب مستوى مهارتك
  • جرب حل التمارين بشكل مستقل
  • راجع إجاباتك لمعرفة الأخطاء وتحديد مجالات التحسين
اتبع دروسًا تعليمية مرئية
ستساعدك متابعة الدروس التعليمية المتعمقة على اكتساب نظرة عملية على مفاهيم البرمجة في Scratch وتسريع عملية التعلم.
Show steps
  • ابحث عن قنوات أو منصات تقدم دروسًا تعليمية حول Scratch
  • اختر دروسًا تتناول الموضوعات التي تواجه فيها تحديات
  • اتبع الخطوات الواردة في الدروس التعليمية
  • جرب تنفيذ الأمثلة بنفسك
Join a Scratch study group
Collaborate with other learners by joining a Scratch study group. This will provide you with opportunities to share your knowledge, learn from others, and get feedback on your projects.
Browse courses on Scratch
Show steps
  • Find a study group to join
  • Introduce yourself to the group
  • Share your projects with the group
  • Provide feedback on others' projects
  • Work together on projects
Write a blog post about Scratch
Share your knowledge of Scratch with others by writing a blog post about your experiences. This will help you solidify your understanding of the concepts and improve your communication skills.
Browse courses on Scratch
Show steps
  • Choose a topic to write about
  • Research your topic and gather information
  • Write your blog post
  • Edit and proofread your blog post
  • Publish your blog post and share it with others
ابدأ مشروع Scratch خاص بك
سيساعدك العمل على مشروعك الخاص على تطبيق مهاراتك في Scratch بشكل عملي وتطوير فهم أعمق لمفاهيم البرمجة.
Show steps
  • حدد فكرة مشروع بسيط وممتع
  • قم بتخطيط منطق اللعبة أو التطبيق باستخدام المخططات الانسيابية أو خرائط القصص المصورة
  • ابدأ في برمجة مشروعك باستخدام Scratch
  • اختبر مشروعك بانتظام لتصحيح الأخطاء
  • شارك مشروعك مع الآخرين للحصول على التعليقات
قم بإنشاء توثيق لبرنامج Scratch الخاص بك
سيساعدك إنشاء وثائق واضحة لمشروع Scratch الخاص بك على تنظيم أفكارك وتحسين قابلية قراءة الكود الخاص بك.
Show steps
  • اكتب وصفًا موجزًا لمشروعك
  • اشرح خوارزمياتك ومفاهيم البرمجة
  • قم بتضمين التعليقات في كود Scratch الخاص بك
  • قم بتجميع مستند يحتوي على الوثائق الخاصة بك
قدم ورشة عمل حول البرمجة باستخدام Scratch
ستساعدك مشاركة معرفة Scratch مع الآخرين على ترسيخ فهمك للمفاهيم الأساسية وتعزيز مهاراتك في التواصل.
Show steps
  • حدد موضوع ورشة العمل
  • قم بإعداد خطة درس واضحة
  • اجمع المواد اللازمة مثل شرائح العرض التقديمي وأمثلة Scratch
  • قدم ورشة العمل بثقة وتفاعل مع المشاركين
  • الحصول على الملاحظات والتعليقات لتحسين عروضك التقديمية المستقبلية
قم بتوجيه الطلاب الآخرين في رحلة Scratch الخاصة بهم
سيساعدك توجيه الطلاب الآخرين على تعميق فهمك لمفاهيم Scratch وتعزيز مهاراتك في حل المشكلات.
Show steps
  • عرض خدماتك كموجه في منتديات Scratch أو مجموعات التعلم
  • اقترح دعمًا مخصصًا للطلاب الذين يواجهون تحديات
  • أجب عن أسئلة الطلاب وقدم نصائح عملية
  • راقب تقدم الطلاب وقدم الدعم المستمر

Career center

Learners who complete برمج بنفسك! مقدمة حول البرمجة will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Computer and Information Research Scientist
Computer and Information Research Scientists use their expertise to conduct research on all aspects of computer and information science. They develop new theories and techniques for solving computing problems, and design and build new computing systems. Many also work on interdisciplinary projects, collaborating with scientists and engineers in other fields. If you want to be a Computer and Information Research Scientist, taking this course may be useful.
Software Developer
Software Developers design, develop, and maintain computer software. They use their knowledge of programming languages and software development tools to create applications that meet the needs of businesses and consumers. Software Developers often work on teams, collaborating with other developers, designers, and testers to bring their ideas to life. If you want to be a Software Developer, this course may be useful, especially modules around computer programming basics, the design process, and testing.
Computer Systems Analyst
Computer Systems Analysts study how computer systems are used in organizations and design solutions to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. They may work with users to identify needs, develop specifications for new systems, or evaluate and recommend software and hardware. If you want to be a Computer Systems Analyst, this course may be useful as it can help teach you many of the basics of computer science and programming.
Web Developer
Web Developers design, develop, and maintain websites and web applications. They use their knowledge of programming languages and web development tools to create user-friendly and visually appealing websites that meet the needs of their clients. Web Developers often work on teams, collaborating with other developers, designers, and content writers to bring their ideas to life. If you want to be a Web Developer, this course may be useful, especially modules around computer programming basics, website design, and testing.
Information Technology Specialist
Information Technology Specialists plan, implement, and maintain computer systems and networks for businesses and organizations. They may work with users to identify needs, develop specifications for new systems, or evaluate and recommend software and hardware. Information Technology Specialists often work on teams, collaborating with other specialists, developers, and end users to ensure that computer systems and networks are running smoothly.
Database Administrator
Database Administrators are responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of databases. They work with users to identify needs, develop specifications for new databases, or evaluate and recommend database software and hardware. Database Administrators often work on teams, collaborating with other administrators, developers, and end users to ensure that databases are running smoothly and efficiently. If you want to be a Database Administrator, this course may be useful, especially modules around programming basics, database design, and testing.
Computer Programmer
Computer Programmers write, test, and maintain the code that makes computer software and applications work. They use their knowledge of programming languages and software development tools to create programs that meet the needs of businesses and consumers. Computer Programmers often work on teams, collaborating with other programmers, designers, and testers to bring their ideas to life. If you want to be a Computer Programmer, this course may be useful, especially modules around programming basics, testing, and debugging.
Network Administrator
Network Administrators are responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of computer networks. They work with users to identify needs, develop specifications for new networks, or evaluate and recommend network hardware and software. Network Administrators often work on teams, collaborating with other administrators, developers, and end users to ensure that networks are running smoothly and efficiently. If you want to be a Network Administrator, this course may be useful as it can help teach you many of the basics of computer science and networking.
Systems Engineer
Systems Engineers design, develop, and maintain complex systems, such as computer networks, telecommunications systems, and software systems. They work with users to identify needs, develop specifications for new systems, or evaluate and recommend hardware and software. Systems Engineers often work on teams, collaborating with other engineers, developers, and end users to ensure that systems are running smoothly and efficiently. If you want to be a Systems Engineer, this course may be useful, especially modules around programming basics, systems design, and testing.
Technical Writer
Technical Writers create documentation for computer software, hardware, and other technical products. They work with engineers, developers, and other subject matter experts to gather information and write clear and concise documentation that helps users understand how to use and maintain products. If you want to be a Technical Writer, this course may be useful, especially modules around programming basics, technical writing, and communication.
IT Auditor
IT Auditors assess the security and effectiveness of computer systems and networks. They work with organizations to identify risks, develop security plans, and implement controls to protect systems from unauthorized access, damage, or misuse. If you want to be an IT Auditor, this course may be useful as it can help teach you many of the basics of computer science and security.
IT Consultant
IT Consultants provide advice and guidance to organizations on how to use information technology to achieve their business goals. They work with clients to identify needs, develop solutions, and implement new systems. If you want to be an IT Consultant, this course may be useful, especially modules around computer programming basics, business analysis, and problem solving.
Project Manager
Project Managers plan, organize, and manage projects from start to finish. They work with stakeholders to define project goals, develop project plans, and track progress. If you want to be a Project Manager, this course may be useful as it can help teach you many of the basics of project management. Additionally, modules on problem-solving and communication may be particularly helpful.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts collect, analyze, and interpret data to help organizations make better decisions. They use their knowledge of statistics, data mining, and machine learning to identify trends and patterns in data. If you want to be a Data Analyst, this course may be useful, especially modules around programming basics, data analysis, and statistics.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts work with organizations to identify and solve business problems. They use their knowledge of business processes, data analysis, and technology to develop solutions that improve efficiency and effectiveness. If you want to be a Business Analyst, this course may be useful as it can help teach you many of the basics of business analysis. Additionally, modules on problem-solving and communication may be particularly helpful.

Reading list

We've selected 14 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in برمج بنفسك! مقدمة حول البرمجة.
A highly visual and accessible introduction to algorithms, featuring clear explanations and engaging illustrations.
A collection of projects and exercises to reinforce Scratch programming skills and encourage creativity.
Designed specifically for children, this book teaches Python programming through interactive games and challenges.
Provides a gentle introduction to Python programming, which can serve as a foundation for transitioning from Scratch to text-based programming.
A seminal work in computer science, providing a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of fundamental algorithms and data structures.
A classic textbook on algorithms and data structures, offering a comprehensive overview of foundational concepts that underpin programming.
A unique and engaging introduction to database concepts, using a manga-style format to make complex topics accessible.


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