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Linda Coussement

NEW. Now includes the Business Improvement Blueprint and 2 additional lectures - to help you figure out where to start.

Updated November 6, 2015

  • Responsible for saving >$25M in 1 year at a corporate I used to work for.
  • Responsible for saving crucial cash in various SME's and Startups I worked in.
  • Proven and tested for more than 60 years now in 1000s of companies of all types and sizes.
  • I've used this technique countless times. And no matter the type of business, the type of people or even the size; this always works.

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    NEW. Now includes the Business Improvement Blueprint and 2 additional lectures - to help you figure out where to start.

    Updated November 6, 2015

  • Responsible for saving >$25M in 1 year at a corporate I used to work for.
  • Responsible for saving crucial cash in various SME's and Startups I worked in.
  • Proven and tested for more than 60 years now in 1000s of companies of all types and sizes.
  • I've used this technique countless times. And no matter the type of business, the type of people or even the size; this always works.

    What you'll learn:

    • Save time and money by improving a process or problem
    • Make sure you spend your time on improving the right things
    • Make sure the improvements you make stick
    • Get some actual and measurable results of your efforts

    The course consists of 14 videos for you to watch and lots of additional resources like handy links and templates. You’ll walk out of the class with hands-on results.

    Simply click the 'take this course' button on the top right right now.

    Because, the more you delay, the more it is costing you...

    Linda Coussement

    Enroll now

    What's inside

    Learning objectives

    • Understand the basics of lean and lean improvement
    • Save lots of money in your own business
    • Improve the quality of your business and your product
    • All the knowledge and skills you need to do this on your own


    Introduction to the Basics

    Big welcome to everyone!

    In this video I shortly introduce myself and my background and experience with Lean and continuous improvement. I moved from being frustrated about inefficiencies to making it my job of improving them!

    Also a short introduction of this class: 5 sessions with 12 videos, lots of materials and most importantly: your own improvement project. You could be improving a process in your business but also your grocery shopping routine; whatever it is make sure you have a process ready to practice with.

    I'll be here on the discussion boards to answer all of your questions and continuously improve this class based on your feedback so let me know when there is something I can do for you!

    Check out the example project that I have added as a .pdf as you will be using this as a reference throughout the class.

    Tip: download the Business Improvement Blueprint and watch the 2 accompanying videos first! It will help you get a good overview of all the processes in your business and will guide you through the selection of the one that is most important to focus on right now!

    Read more

    A general introduction just to let you understand what Lean is all about.

    We start with the definition of Lean:

    With Lean you (attempt to) cut out everything that does not add value to the customer. In other words, all wasteful steps that a customer is not willing to pay for should be eliminated.

    I will explain who your customers are, what 'value adding' exactly means and talk more about the wastes.

    These wastes are threefold:

    1. Waste due to variation or unevenness (mura)
    2. Waste due to overburdening machines or people (muri)
    3. Actual waste in the process (muda) or the 8 Lean wastes.

    The 8 wastes in the process are what most organisations focus on, as they are the easiest to spot and improve on.

    The 8 Lean Wastes

    These 8 wastes are a perfect constant reminder when looking for improvement opportunities in your business and processes. That is the way I use them in my work. They are also great to show your colleagues when you explain them what you are doing when you're working on your improvement project.

    Be careful though not to get too stuck on them: it's no use spending lots of time and resources on perfecting 1 of the wastes when there is still much to improve on the others!

    Check out Panview.nl for a really elaborate description of the wastes and other Lean concepts.

    Getting rid of the wastes is of course the logical next step and exactly what we'll be doing in this course! This image sums it up quite nicely:

    Removing wastes

    I have put a powerpoint document in the supplementary material with both these images for you to use whilst explaining your project to your colleagues.

    Be sure to check out the YouTube links I've added for some funny examples!

    Also take a look at my website as I write regular blogs on Lean, project management, change management and other related and useful content.

    The Continuous Improvement Cycle

    The Continuous Improvement Cycle:

    Here’s a quick insight into the 6 steps of the continuous improvement cycle:

    Define: this is where you define the problem and process you’re improving. This is a really important step and one that is often rushed through so be careful to not do that!

    Measure: here we’ll dig deep into the actual process and figure out what is really wrong with it.

    Analyse: this phase is all about the root cause! In the measure phase we’ve found the problems in the process and here we’ll try and figure out what is causing them.

    Generate: Here, we take the root cause and find out what potential solutions go with them. The solutions will then be categorized according to budget, ease and other constraints until we have the final solution or solutions that will be used.

    Implement: now we’re getting to the ‘doing’ part. This phase is the one where you’ll need to step up as a strict project manager and make sure all the actions are assigned to someone, have deadlines and that these are indeed made!

    Control: This takes the implement phase even further; now we’re making sure that the improvements stick for the long term. Usually you keep on measuring the results to see if it shows a fall-back but also it implies implementing some tricks like standard operating procedures, or assigning clear responsibilities to assure this.

    Your own improvement project:

    Please think about what process you would like to improve during this class. With process I mean any type of repetitive sequence of steps that have elements, such as time and products, coming in to get to a clear outcome such as a product or service.

    Consider the following:

    • Try not to boil the ocean with your project but choose something with a limited scope
    • You can choose whatever you like as long as it is a process where you feel like you are wasting something (time, money, talent, transport etc.)
    • Try to choose something that is measurable somehow. Trying to increase a level of happiness is possible but is pretty hard to quantify


    • Your sales/invoice/logistics/hiring/etc. process
    • Your grocery shopping route
    • The way you produce/create something
    • Cleaning the house
    • Etc.

    Tip: download the Business Improvement Blueprint and watch the 2 accompanying videos first! It will help you get a good overview of all the processes in your business and will guide you through the selection of the one that is most important to focus on right now!

    I will also use a fictional case as an example along the way. You can find this next to the very first video!

    You will also find a pdf here with the main questions to each phase of the cycle and the overview of the wastes. This might come in handy when you want to introduce Lean and you project to your surroundings.

    The Define Phase

    The Problem and Goal Statement

    The Define phase is all about the ‘think before you start running’. This is where you figure out what it is that you’re exploring, what the actual problem is and of course what your goal is.

    A problem statement, in this case, consists of 1 or 2 sentences and clearly describes the problem and it’s consequences.

    A good problem statement is:

    - written as a fact and not as a question

    - specific as it includes relevant data and facts

    - does not lead to causes or solutions

    An example:

    “The baking process at Cookie Monster Inc. takes up so much time that we have difficulty getting all the requested cookies to our customers and we have no more time for sales and marketing”

    The goal statement, is a sentence or 2 in which you describe what result you will have reached by the end of the project.

    Sometimes a goal statement is simply the opposite of you problem statement but be sure to take some time to think this over as it is not always the case!

    A good goal statement is at least SMART.

    This means that it is:

    - Specific

    - Measurable

    - Acceptable

    - Realistic

    - Timebound

    In the Cookie Monster example the initial goal statement is to ‘shorten the baking process so that we save a total of 1000 minutes a day. This way we can easily meet customer requests and we have time for sales and marketing’

    Your Improvement Project

    Try and define the problem an goal statement for your project and perhaps share it on the discussion board or with a select few other colleagues or students. Usually it helps when different people take a look at it as they are not necessarily caught up in the content and the desired outcome.

    The Project Charter

    In this video I go over all the elements in the project charter. Download it from the supplementary materials and keep it next to you as a reference!

    • Project name and project manager: that's you!
    • Problem and Goal statement: exactly like we discussed in the previous video

    • Scope: this is where you define what is, and probably more important, what is not part of your project. If you’re for example improving a sales process in a larger organisation you might want to scope it to ‘the inbound sales process starting from a lead coming in to a signed contract’. And you could mention that all outbound or other types of salesprocesses are excluded.

    • Business case: this is the one thing every manager understands and loves; as long as the business case is good, you’re good to go to spend time and resources on it. Just to be clear: a business case is simply a calculation of the benefits that will come from doing this improvement, usually against the resources that need to go in the project.

    • Stakeholders are those people that are somehow involved in the process that you’re improving or in the result of that improvement. They can therefor vary from your end-customers, your direct colleagues, your manager, your managers manager etc. Everybody who has a stake in what you’re doing is involved and needs to be recognised as such.

    • Risks: Preparing for that what might go wrong is what risk management is all about. You’ll need to take some time and think what might hinder the success of your project. This might be other projects working in the same area, budget restraints, vital stakeholders being against the change or simply not having any time to do the project.

    • The milestoneplanning in your projectcharter is a simple overview of when your main phases will be done. This will give you and your colleagues a structure to work with.

      There are 4 questions that sum up the Define phase:

    • What is the problem (in 1 sentence)?
    • What are the goals (SMART)?
    • What is the context
    • Who are involved?
    • What are barriers for success?

    Your Improvement Project:

    Fill in the project charter for your project by using the template attached.

    Remember the following:

    • Do not rush this phase!
    • Remember the charter is an organic sheet: if you do not have the data right now make sure you now fill in the basics and come back later to refine
    • Use the template and Cookie Monster Inc. example for guidelines on filling in the charter
    • Do this together with your team if you have one
    • This is the one page you will take around with you constantly and is the one that will 'sell' your project to stakeholders.
    • From reading just this one page a manager should for example be willing to give you all the required time and resources to make this happen. Of course, only given the business case is interesting enough.
    The Measure and Analyse Phases

    This video is all about the how and what of the Measure phase!

    The goal of this phase is to be able to look back at your problem statement and be able to quantify it; you know what the problem costs you and where these costs are made in the process.

    There are a few steps in this phase:

    1. Draw up the high-level process using the input you have gathered from previous exercises or talking to people. Do not make this a highly elaborate exercise though; it serves mainly as a basis from which you can work and to give you an initial clue of what is going on.
    2. Invite the main people who work within the process to a workshop. Make sure you take enough time for them to clear their calendars for this or even ask them upfront, but make sure they are there. Be careful with inviting managers though; often people feel hindered in saying what they actually want to say with their manager there!
    3. In the workshop, explain the goal of that session and go over the problem and goal statement with the group. If necessary, be sure to also explain the improvement process to them using the documents provided in the supplementary materials.
    4. Validate the process with the group. Prepare the process by using post-its or printouts in A5 size on a flipchart or brown paper beforehand and then ask the group to add, substract and shuffle as much as necessary until everybody agrees that this is indeed the process as it is right now.

      Example high-level process from the Cookie Monster Inc. example.

    5. Find out what problems are occurring in the process. Again use the post-it notes and let people stick them on the brown paper where they belong > no restrictions in what people can write! If it will help the process use the picture of the 7 wastes for this.
    6. Specifying the problems. Usually there is much overlap and usually people want to talk about it so make sure you build in that room but also help them become very concrete and precise. You go over all the post-its, remove the doubles and rewrite the vague ones.
    7. Quantify the problems. How often do they happen? How long does this take? How much money does it cost? The questions often vary per type of problem but get a good feel of the actual pain and make it measurable so your improvement becomes really clear as well! Sometimes this can't be done in the workshop and you will need to go back some other time when you've measured it all!

    To conclude this video, the questions that need to be answered:

    • What does the process look like?
    • Do all the process steps add value to the customer?
    • What are the problems in the process?

    Whether you are improving a complex process in a multinational organization or the process of organizing your quarterly bakesale; the steps are the same, just tone it down or spruce it up where it needs to to best fit your environment and the people you work with!

    Your Improvement Project:
    Measure your problem by taking the next steps (preferably together with all the involved people):

    - Write down the different process steps (I like to use post-its for this excercise)
    - Run through all the steps and question whether they add value to the customer or are in another way essential for the process. Take into account the different type of wastes
    - Define the problems (red flags) in the process
    - Look at each flag individually and assess:
    - How often it happens
    - How much extra time, money etc. it costs
    - In how far it impacts customer value
    - Refine your project charter and business case

    The Analyse Phase

    This video explains you how to find the root causes for the problems you've found in the Measure phase. I use 2 tools for this:

    • 5 Why Method
      Really, you just pretend that you’re 5 years old and have no clue of what’s going on or how things came about that way.

      Take the top 3 of 5 problems that you’ve defined to be the most costly, be it in time, money, customer satisfaction or any other important metric, and take another brown paper or whiteboard or flipchart, or whatever it is that you are using.

      Per problem you just keep asking why until the root cause is there! Again make sure you get some real answers and not get stuck at answers like ‘because we’ve always done it that way’ or something.

      5 Why example

      This example shows how asking 4 times 'why' leads you to a whole new insights and perspectives.

    • Root Cause Diagram
      My favourite tool and best explained with an example

      Root Cause Diagram example

      Obviously not all root causes are found in exactly 5 questions, some take 3, others 8 before you get to the point.

      To conclude this phase, the main questions that will have to be answered:

    • What is causing the problem(s)?
    • What is the root cause to the problem(s)?
    • What root causes do we now want to focus on considering size and impact?

    • Your Improvement Project:

      Analyse your process by taking the following steps:

      • Prioritise your 'red flags' from the measure phase according to time and impact
      • Start asking 'Why'! (also check out the example I added and the root cause diagram in the Cookie Monster Inc project)

      Sometimes this is really straightforward, sometimes it can get quite complex.

      For the complex problems make a cause and effect diagram (use post-its):

      • Start with the problem
      • Ask 'why' this problem is happening
      • Write down the reasons on separate post-its
      • Again ask why for each reason and write the answers down on separate post-its
      • Keep repeating until you get to the root cause

      Update your project charter when necessary!

    Analyse your process by taking the following steps:

    • Prioritise your 'red flags' from the measure phase according to time and impact
    • Start asking 'Why'! (also check out the example I added and the root cause diagram in the Cookie Monster Inc project)

    Sometimes this is really straightforward, sometimes it can get quite complex.

    For the complex problems make a cause and effect diagram (use post-its):

    • Start with the problem
    • Ask 'why' this problem is happening
    • Write down the reasons on separate post-its
    • Again ask why for each reason and write the answers down on separate post-its
    • Keep repeating until you get to the root cause

    Update your project charter when necessary!

    The Generate, Implement and Control Phases

    This is where the fun begins! Here I talk about how to get your root causes translated to solutions and the best way to learn how to do this is by doing it!

    Your Improvement Project

    Gather your prioritised root causes and take your team to brainstorm on potential solutions. Use the following points as guidelines:

    • Bring in the whole team.
    • Use post-its, a flipboard or other low-tech means; these will not distract you from the creative flow
    • Make sure 1 person in in charge of the process. This person ensures asks critical questions and aims to push the creativity further.
    • In brainstorming there are usually more great ideas to be found after the initial exhileration has ebbed out; make sure you do not stop too soon.
    • Try not to give feedback on 'crazy' ideas; in this phase everything is possible and welcome
    • Challenge yourself by trying to limit the options. For example: only solutions that are free or cost a maximum of 2 hours to implement etc.

    Take all your ideas and then prioritise them in the matrix in the attachment. Whatever comes up as high impact and low effort is what you do. Again some guidelines:

    • Make sure to define what high and low means; this could be time, money, quality, customer experience etc. Look back at your goal statement for this.
    • Solutions with a high impact that are still realistic in time and money should be put on the long-term improvement plan.
    • When solutions are a no-brainer and hardly cost you anything don't fuss about them too much and just do them.

    The Implement Phase

    You take your solutions and you translate them into actions which you then make happen together with the team!

    There are a pitfalls you want to stay clear from though:

    1. The actions are vague.
      More often than not, actions get forgotten or sidetracked in the hustle and bustle of daily operations and having to come back to them when they’re only described in a vague way does not help in effectively closing them.

    2. There is no action owner defined.
      Not assigning an owner to an action is setting you up for trouble big time because no way is that action ever going to be done by anyone else but yourself this way.

    3. The action owner does not know or understand the action.
      Now this seems rather straightforward but it happens a lot! People just nod when you ask if you understand or perhaps you’ve assigned the action to someone who was not there and forgotten to tell them properly…either way; the action is not going to happen!

    4. The date is not set, set too ambitious or way too far back.
      When you don’t set a date people will not feel any pressure to do anything and you have no foot to stand on when you next ask them whether this action can be closed of or not. Same thing happens when you set a date too far away in the future…this means that the pressure is of and an action can be forgotten easily because of all the other things that need to be done.

      When the action is set too ambitious things on the other hand, can get frustrating; people do not like not being able to deliver on what they promised and it’s no fun to tell someone off or feel like you have to because a deadline has not been met.

    5. Actions are not managed.
      Now this is your job! Handing out things to do and letting go from there is unfortunately not the way to get things done. Managing your actionlist does not simply mean running after people and asking them whether or not they’ve done stuff already. You need to make sure that these things get done so you need to make sure that nothing is in the way of the people doing them.

      Remember though when things get difficult, people are not against working or against changing; 90% of the time it is the circumstances that create this tensions and it is these that you need to manage.

      The most important questions for this phase:

    • Who is responsible for the final result?
    • Who performs what actions when?
    • Do these people know that and do they have the time and skills?
    • What else is required to make this change successful?

    Your Improvement Project

    This is where you actually do the work.

    You can use the attached template as an actionlist but of course you just need to make sure you use whatever works best in your situation.

    The Control Phase

    This is where you check whether you goal statement has indeed come true and the problem statement no longer exists.

    There are at least 3 things that need to be done or in place to make sure something sticks and they come in all sorts of different shapes and forms:

    1. Communication.
      You’ll need to figure out what the best way of communicating is and how to do this and you need to make it happen properly taking into account all your defined stakeholders.

    2. Standard operating procedures.
      This is all about making the change part of your daily business. One of the ways to do so is by creating standard operating procedures or work instructions. These are detailed descriptions of processes and what needs to be done by whom in what step.

      Sometimes you will use a workflowtool that guides you through the steps. Other times you don’t have any other choice that to print out whatever needs to be know and hang it right above everybody's heads. It seriously does not matter how low tech it is, as long as it sticks in the minds of people so they don’t go back to the way that has already been proven not to be the best.

    3. Standard metrics.
      With these I mean that set of metrics that you track on a, preferably, regular basis to assure you’re still on the right track or not. After doing your project you might want to take a look at the existing reports and the metrics within them and perhaps adjust the target or add a metric to ensure that that what you’ve just improved does not get lost.

    The most important questions for this phase:

    • What are the measurable results?
    • Are the changes now part of the standard process? In other words, is it impossible to slip into old habits?
    • What needs to happen in the future?

    Your Improvement Project

    Create your 'controlplan'; this will help you make sure you get your improvements to stick.

    Take the following questions into account:

    • Do the people who will need to do the work know why they need to do it differently?
    • Do they have all the knowledge/skills and resources required to do the work?
    • Are the changes part of the standard processes and procedures?
    • Does the manager know, understand and support the changes?
    • Should a KPI or KPI target change because of this improvement?
    • Etc.

    Change management is hard but important, vital even!

    Check out the blogs on my website and also on www.thechangemanagementtoolbook.com and www.strategiesformanagingchange.com for more information.

    Performance management should be an integral part of your continuously improving business.

    Again, check out my blogs on my website but also follow Bernard Marr from the AP-Institute for some high quality blogs and books on this particular topic!

    Bonus: The Business Improvement Blueprint

    The first out of 2 videos that moves you along the Business Improvement Blueprint (see the additional resources).

    These 2 bonus videos are great for when you want to get a birds eye perspective on your business and its processes and will definitely help you figure out which process to focus on first!

    Get Honest About What Your Current Processes Are Costing You

    Good to know

    Know what's good
    , what to watch for
    , and possible dealbreakers
    Explores the core principles of Lean, which are highly relevant to business improvement and optimization
    Taught by Linda Coussement, who is recognized for her expertise and experience in business improvement and Lean
    Provides a comprehensive overview of the Lean approach, including its history, principles, and tools
    Offers practical guidance on how to implement Lean principles in various business processes
    Includes real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the application of Lean principles
    Provides an opportunity for learners to apply Lean principles in their own improvement projects

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    Reviews summary

    Costs cut by six simple steps

    According to students, Lean Secrets offers business cost-cutting advice using straightforward principles and practical examples.
    Advice is basic yet useful.
    "Very straight forward."
    "The six principles are basic, yet very useful."
    Course offers relevant business scenarios.
    "These examples made cost-cutting scenarios easier to understand."


    Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Lean Secrets: 6 Simple Steps That Cut Business Costs with these activities:
    Brush up on basic knowledge of Lean and its history
    Helps you bring key concepts to mind to facilitate faster understanding as you progress through the course.
    Browse courses on Lean
    Show steps
    • Review the course syllabus and identify the key terms and concepts related to Lean.
    • Read introductory articles or blog posts on Lean to refresh your memory.
    • Watch a few videos on YouTube or other platforms to visualize Lean principles in practice.
    Compile a collection of Lean resources
    Provides easy access to a curated set of materials for further exploration and reference, enhancing your understanding of Lean principles.
    Show steps
    • Gather articles, videos, books, and other resources on Lean from various sources.
    • Organize the resources into categories such as Lean tools, case studies, and best practices.
    • Share your compilation with colleagues or classmates for their benefit.
    Join a study group or peer learning session on Lean
    Facilitates knowledge sharing, peer support, and diverse perspectives, enriching your understanding of Lean and its applications.
    Show steps
    • Find or create a study group or peer learning session focused on Lean.
    • Attend regular meetings and actively participate in discussions.
    • Share your experiences, insights, and challenges with the group.
    Four other activities
    Expand to see all activities and additional details
    Show all seven activities
    Practice identifying and classifying waste in processes
    Provides hands-on experience in recognizing and categorizing waste, which is crucial for effective improvement efforts.
    Show steps
    • Gather examples of processes from your own work or personal life.
    • Identify and list all the steps involved in each process.
    • Analyze each step and classify it as either value-added or waste.
    • Discuss your findings with a colleague or mentor to compare perspectives.
    Follow online tutorials on specific Lean tools and techniques
    Provides step-by-step guidance on applying Lean tools and techniques, enabling you to gain practical experience and build confidence in their usage.
    Browse courses on Lean Tools
    Show steps
    • Identify specific Lean tools or techniques that you want to learn.
    • Search for reputable online tutorials or courses that cover those topics.
    • Follow the tutorials carefully, completing all exercises and assignments.
    • Apply what you have learned in your own work or personal projects.
    Read "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries
    Provides insights into Lean principles and their application in创业 environments, fostering a mindset of continuous improvement and customer-centricity.
    Show steps
    • Purchase or borrow a copy of "The Lean Startup".
    • Read the book thoroughly, taking notes and highlighting key concepts.
    • Discuss the book's teachings with others to reinforce your understanding.
    Attend a Lean workshop or training session
    Offers a structured and interactive environment to learn from experts, share experiences, and apply Lean tools and techniques.
    Show steps
    • Research and identify reputable Lean workshops or training programs.
    • Register for a workshop that aligns with your learning goals and schedule.
    • Actively participate in the workshop, ask questions, and take notes.
    • Implement what you have learned in your own work environment.

    Career center

    Learners who complete Lean Secrets: 6 Simple Steps That Cut Business Costs will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
    Operational Excellence Manager
    Operational Excellence Managers are responsible for improving the overall performance of a business in terms of quality, cost and efficiency, often by focusing on continuous improvement. A graduate of this course may be able to bring fresh insights into how to implement continuous improvement initiatives across the organization.
    Business Process Analyst
    A business process analyst examines how a company operates with the goal of optimizing processes and streamlining operations. This course can help you better understand how to analyze how a business functions and offer insight into what areas need improvement.
    Business Consultant
    Business consultants analyze how businesses operate and develop solutions to improve efficiency and profitability. With a foundation in business process improvement learned from this course, you could be a more valuable asset to clients. In fact, this course may help you build a stronger foundation on which to form business solutions.
    Information Systems Manager
    Information Systems Managers plan, implement, and maintain computer systems for organizations, which often includes identifying areas for operational improvements. This course may help you understand how to identify areas for improvement and plan and implement effective solutions.
    Performance Improvement Consultant
    Performance Improvement Consultants help organizations identify and address performance gaps, usually in the workplace. If you're looking to break into this field, this course may help you build a valuable set of skills for analyzing performance and recommending solutions.
    Process Engineer
    Process Engineers develop and improve processes for manufacturing and other industries, with a focus on improving efficiency and productivity. Graduates of this course may be more prepared for identifying and optimizing key processes within an organization.
    Systems Analyst
    Systems Analysts analyze, design, and implement computer systems, often working to improve the efficiency of a system or process. This course may help you understand the principles of process improvement and how to apply them to system analysis and design.
    Industrial Engineer
    Industrial Engineers design, improve, and install integrated systems of people, materials, and equipment, and this often includes manufacturing processes. Graduates of this course may be able to utilize what they learned here to identify and correct inefficiencies in a manufacturing process.
    Continuous Improvement Manager
    Continuous Improvement Managers plan, implement, and maintain continuous improvement initiatives across all facets of an organization. As a graduate of this course, you may be more capable of supporting continuous improvement initiatives within your organization.
    Supply Chain Manager
    Supply Chain Managers plan, implement, and oversee the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers, often seeking to optimize processes and reduce costs. This course may help you build a foundation of process optimization and improvement that can be directly applied to supply chains.
    Project Manager
    Project Managers plan, execute, and close projects, and are responsible for identifying and mitigating risks, which often includes optimizing processes and resources. This course may be a great asset to your ability to plan and execute improvement projects as a Project Manager.
    Data Analyst
    Data analysts are responsible for collecting, cleaning, and analyzing data to identify trends and patterns, and communicating these insights to stakeholders. This course can help you develop the skills needed to translate insights into actionable plans for business improvement.
    Quality Assurance Manager
    Quality Assurance Managers plan and implement quality assurance programs to ensure that products and services meet customer requirements. Graduates of this course may wish to bring their expertise to an organization to build an effective quality assurance program.
    Healthcare Consultant
    Healthcare consultants work with healthcare providers to improve patient care, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. This course can help provide insight into better process management practices for healthcare systems. Even if you're just starting your journey into the healthcare industry, this course can help establish a solid baseline for healthcare improvement best practices.
    Financial Analyst
    Financial analysts collect and analyze financial data to assess the financial performance of companies and make recommendations to management. This course can help you build a stronger analytical foundation for your financial analysis.

    Reading list

    We've selected 13 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Lean Secrets: 6 Simple Steps That Cut Business Costs.
    Is considered a foundational text on Lean. It provides a comprehensive overview of the Lean philosophy and its implementation, with a focus on identifying and eliminating waste in business processes.
    Provides an in-depth look at the Toyota Production System (TPS), one of the most successful Lean implementations in the world. It explains the principles and practices of TPS and how they can be applied to improve performance in any organization.
    Introduces the concept of Kaizen, a Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement. It explains how Kaizen can be applied to improve productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction in any organization.
    Practical guide to Lean principles for startups. It explains how startups can use Lean to validate their business ideas, build products that customers want, and grow their businesses quickly.
    Handy reference guide to 100 Lean and Six Sigma tools and techniques. It provides a quick overview of each tool, its purpose, and how to use it.
    Provides a practical guide to Lean principles for product development. It explains how to use Lean to develop products that customers want, reduce waste, and get to market quickly.
    Explains the Toyota Kata, a coaching method for continuous improvement. It teaches how to coach employees to identify and solve problems and improve their performance.
    Novel that teaches Lean principles through a story about a factory manager who is trying to save his factory from closing. It good way to learn about Lean in a fun and engaging way.
    Provides a practical guide to creating continuous flow in manufacturing processes. It explains how to identify and eliminate waste and how to create a more efficient and productive process.
    Applies Lean principles to healthcare. It explains how to identify and eliminate waste in healthcare processes and how to improve patient safety and satisfaction.
    Introduces the Kanban method, a Lean approach to project management. It explains how to use Kanban to improve the flow of work and to reduce waste.
    Provides a step-by-step guide to planning and executing a Kaizen event. Kaizen events are short-term, focused improvement events that can help to identify and eliminate waste and improve performance.


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