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用 Python 做商管程式設計(一)(Programming for Business Computing in Python (1))

孔令傑 (Ling-Chieh Kung)


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本系列課程共分為三門課程。本門課程做為第一門課程,將介紹程式設計的基本觀念、Python 語言的基本語法、選擇、迴圈、清單,並以作業管理領域的一些簡單演算法作結。

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What's inside


本週我們不寫程式,而是先看看資訊科技在商管領域的一些應用。現在幾乎沒有商業活動是不需要資訊系統輔助的,即使我們專注在「演算」這個面向上,也只能介紹一點點而已,但這應該足以讓大家感受到資訊科技能如何輔助企業經營與管理決策。換句話說,本週的課程也算是對「資訊管理」這個學科的一種簡介了。 本週的最後幾個影片,是介紹在 Windows 和 Mac 作業系統上如何安裝並執行我們這門課要教授的程式語言 Python。如果是還不曾安裝與執行過 Python 的同學,歡迎根據自己的作業系統利用這些影片,為下週的課程預作準備;已經有相關經驗的同學可以直接進入下一週的課程。
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Python 程式設計初探
本週我們開始介紹 Python 程式設計。我們從程式設計的基本概念切入,先介紹何謂程式設計,接著介紹 Python 程式語言的基本語法與程式開發環境。我們將介紹變數與運算的概念,並且讓大家透過 print() 和 input() 指令和電腦程式做第一次的互動。
本週我們介紹條件式選擇,說明如何用 if-else 敘述句來讓程式「看情況做選擇」,並且搭配邏輯運算子讓選擇判斷更具有彈性與威力;我們也介紹邏輯運算子並據此做更複雜的條件式選擇。此外,如果希望能有效率地開發程式,程式碼的良好排版是必要的,因此我們也用一點時間說明 Python 程式的排版原則。
本週我們先深入介紹變數、型態、數值在電腦中儲存的方式,為後續課程打基礎。接著我們介紹迴圈結構,透過 while 和 for 敘述句,來讓程式反覆行動以完成(對人來說)困難的任務。有了條件式選擇與迴圈結構,我們就可以做到很多有趣的事了!我們將用神奇的小數點精確度問題結束本週的課程。
進入課程的最後一週,我們將先介紹清單(list)資料結構,說明如何一次儲存和處理大批資料。帶著邏輯控制和清單的知識,我們將以一些作業管理(operations management)領域的議題和演算法來協助大家總整本課程的所學。我們將介紹生產排程(production scheduling)、存貨控制(inventory control)與物流運輸(logistics and transportation)的基本議題,並且為各議題各實做幾個演算法,引導大家感受程式設計在作業管理領域的應用。

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Designed for beginners, this course is a comprehensive introduction to Python programming aimed at management professionals
The course includes practical examples and projects in operations management to illustrate the applications of Python in the business world
Teaches the fundamentals of Python programming, including variables, data types, operators, and control flow
Provides a solid foundation for those interested in applying Python to solve business problems and improve operational efficiency
Introduces the concept of information management and highlights its applications in various business functions
Covers essential topics such as production scheduling, inventory control, and logistics management, providing practical knowledge for operations managers

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Reviews summary

Python for business computing i

This course is an excellent resource for beginners interested in learning Python for business computing applications. With clear explanations and engaging examples, the instructor guides students through the fundamentals of Python, making it accessible even to those with no prior programming experience. The assignments provide ample opportunities to practice and reinforce the concepts learned in each lesson.
Comprehensive coverage of essential Python topics
Emphasis on understanding the underlying principles
Practical examples that demonstrate the usefulness of Python
Thought-provoking exercises that test understanding
Easy to follow, step-by-step guidance


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in 用 Python 做商管程式設計(一)(Programming for Business Computing in Python (1)) with these activities:
學習 NumPy 函式庫
NumPy 函式庫提供強大的數值運算功能,可擴展 Python 程式設計在運算密集型任務上的應用範圍。
Browse courses on NumPy
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  • 查找並觀看 NumPy 函式庫的介紹影片或文件
  • 安裝 NumPy 函式庫並導入到 Python 開發環境
  • 練習使用常見的 NumPy 函式,例如 numpy.array() 和 numpy.sum()
  • 嘗試將 NumPy 函式庫應用到實際的運算問題中
開發一個小型 Python 應用程式
實作一個小型 Python 應用程式可將所學知識應用於實際問題,並建立有形的成果。
Browse courses on Python
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  • 構思一個應用程式的點子
  • 撰寫程式碼並開發應用程式
  • 測試應用程式並修正錯誤
  • 部署應用程式並收集使用者回饋
  • 更新並維護應用程式
Show all two activities

Career center

Learners who complete 用 Python 做商管程式設計(一)(Programming for Business Computing in Python (1)) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Software Engineer
Software Engineers are responsible for designing, building, and testing computer software. This course can be a great starting point for aspiring Software Engineers, as it provides a solid foundation in Python, which is widely used for web development, data analysis, and machine learning. By completing this course, you will gain the necessary skills to embark on a career as a Software Engineer.
Software Developer
Software Developers design, build, and test computer software. Python is widely used for web development, data analysis, and machine learning. This course will provide you with the skills you need to use Python in your role as a Software Developer, and to build and deploy successful software applications.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts collect, clean, and analyze data to help organizations make better decisions. Python is a powerful tool for Data Analysts, as it allows them to automate tasks, analyze large datasets, and create visualizations. This course will provide you with the skills you need to use Python in your role as a Data Analyst, and to drive data-driven decision-making in your organization.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use scientific methods and algorithms to analyze data, and to extract information and insights from it. Python allows Data Scientists to understand the various aspects of data, and to refine their analysis. As Python is a highly versatile language, Data Scientists can use it to automate tasks, clean data, and visualize insights. This course will help you to harness the power of Python to analyze data, and to gain a competitive edge in the job market as a Data Scientist.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers build and maintain machine learning models. Python is widely used in the field of Machine Learning, as it provides a wide range of libraries and tools for data preparation, model training, and deployment. This course will help you to develop the skills you need to use Python in your role as a Machine Learning Engineer, and to build and deploy successful machine learning models.
Business Intelligence Analyst
Business Intelligence Analysts use data to help organizations make better decisions. Python can be a valuable tool for Business Intelligence Analysts, as it allows them to automate tasks, analyze data, and create visualizations. This course will provide you with the skills you need to use Python in your role as a Business Intelligence Analyst, and to drive data-driven decision-making in your organization.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts work to improve business processes and systems. Building a foundation in Python programming is ideal for aspiring Business Analysts, as the ability to interpret and analyze data, and create reports based on the insights gained is a key part of the role. In fact, almost all large-scale business decisions now depend on data. A background in Python will help you master this essential skill, and help put you into a position for success as a Business Analyst.
Data Engineer
Data Engineers design, build, and maintain data pipelines. Python is an increasingly common tool for Data Engineers, as it allows them to automate tasks, transform data, and create data visualization dashboards. This course will provide you with the skills you need to use Python in your role as a Data Engineer, and to build and maintain data pipelines that support your organization's data-driven decision-making.
Statisticians collect, analyze, interpret, and present data. Python can be a valuable tool for Statisticians, as it allows them to automate tasks, analyze large datasets, and create visualizations. This course will provide you with the skills you need to use Python in your role as a Statistician, and to make a significant impact in your field.
Quant Analyst
Quant Analysts are experts in mathematics and statistics who use their knowledge to analyze financial data. The Python programming language has become an essential tool for Quant Analysts, as it allows them to build and test complex models, perform data analysis, and automate trading strategies. This course will provide you with a strong foundation in Python programming, and help you to understand how it is used in the field of Quantitative Finance.
Operations Research Analyst
Operations Research Analysts apply analytical techniques to solve complex business problems. Python can be a valuable tool for Operations Research Analysts, as it allows them to build models, simulate different scenarios, and optimize solutions. This course will help you to develop the skills you need to use Python in your role as an Operations Research Analyst, and to make a significant impact on your organization.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts use financial data to make recommendations about investments. Python is an increasingly common tool for Financial Analysts, as it allows them to automate tasks, analyze data, and create financial models. This course will help you to build a strong foundation in Python, and to develop the skills needed to succeed as a Financial Analyst.
Cloud Architect
Cloud Architects design and manage cloud computing systems. Python can be a valuable tool for Cloud Architects, as it allows them to automate tasks, manage cloud resources, and monitor cloud performance. This course will provide you with the skills you need to use Python in your role as a Cloud Architect, and to design and manage cloud computing systems that support your organization's business objectives.
Management Consultant
Management Consultants help organizations to improve their performance. A background in Python can be helpful, as it allows them to analyze data, build models, and create visualizations to support their recommendations. This course will provide you with the skills you need to leverage Python in your role as a Management Consultant, and to add value to your clients.
Product Manager
Product Managers are responsible for managing the development and launch of new products. Python can be useful for Product Managers, as it allows them to analyze data, build prototypes, and create user interfaces. This course will help you to gain the skills you need to use Python in your role as a Product Manager, and to launch successful products.

Reading list

We've selected 12 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in 用 Python 做商管程式設計(一)(Programming for Business Computing in Python (1)).
这本以实践为导向的指南介绍了使用 Python 进行数据分析所需的基础知识。它涵盖了数据获取、数据准备、数据探索和数据建模等主题。对于希望将 Python 用于数据分析的学习者来说,这是一本极好的资源。
这个食谱书提供了数百个解决 Python 编程中常见问题的代码示例。对于需要快速查找特定问题的解决方案的学习者来说,这是一个有用的参考工具。
这本以项目为导向的书通过构建实际项目来教授 Python。它涵盖了从数据分析到机器学习等各种主题。对于希望通过动手学习 Python 的学习者来说,这是一个很好的选择。
这本实用指南向读者展示了如何使用 Python 自动化日常任务。它涵盖了从网络抓取到数据处理等各种主题。对于希望提高工作效率的学习者来说,这是一个很好的资源。
这本面向初学者的书以清晰简洁的方式介绍了 Python。它涵盖了 Python 的基础知识,并使用许多示例和练习来帮助学习者理解概念。
这本纲要概述了 Python 的基础知识。对于急于学习 Python 基本概念的学习者来说,这是一个很好的起点。
这本面向初学者的书为 Python 编程提供了循序渐进的介绍。它涵盖了从安装 Python 到编写第一个程序等所有内容。
这本全面指南为 Python 提供了深入的介绍。它涵盖了从面向对象编程到数据结构等高级主题。对于希望拓宽其 Python 知识的学习者来说,这是一个宝贵的资源。
这本以实践为导向的书深入探讨了 Python 的高级特性。它涵盖了从描述符到元编程等主题。对于希望掌握 Python 的更高级方面并提高其编码技能的学习者来说,这是一个宝贵的资源。


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