Step-01: Install CLI - Introduction
Step-02: Install AWS CLI
Step-03: Install kubectl CLI
Step-04: Install eksctl CLI
Step-05: EKS Cluster Introduction
Step-06: Create EKS Cluster
Step-07: Create EKS Managed Node Group & IAM OIDC Provider
Step-08: Verify EKS Cluster Nodes
Step-09: EKS Cluster Pricing Note - Very Important
Step-10: EKS Delete Cluster
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Docker Fundamentals
Step-01: Docker Fundamentals - Introduction
Step-02: Introduction to Docker, Why Docker, What Problems Docker Solve.
Step-03: Docker Architecture or Docker Terminology
Step-04: Docker Installation
Step-05: Docker - Pull Docker Image from Docker Hub and Run it locally
Step-06: Docker - Build Docker Image locally, Test and Push it to Docker Hub
Step-07: Docker - Essential Commands Overview
Kubernetes Fundamentals - Imperative Commands using kubectl
Step-00-01: Kubernetes Architecture
Step-00-02: Kubernetes vs AWS EKS Architecture
Step-00-03: Kubernetes Fundamentals - Introduction
Step-01: Introduction to Kubernetes Pods
Docker Images present on Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry
Step-02: Kubernetes Pods Demo
Step-03: Kubernetes NodePort Service Introduction
Step-04: Kubernetes NodePort Service and Pods Demo
Step-05: Interact with Pod - Connect to contianer in a pod
Step-06: Delete Pod
Step-07: Kubernetes ReplicaSet - Introduction
Step-08: Kubernetes ReplicaSet - Review manifests and Create ReplicaSet
Step-09: Kubernetes ReplicaSet - Expose and Test via Browser
Step-10: Kubernetes Deployment - Introduction
Step-11: Kubernetes Deployment - Demo
Step-12: Kubernetes Deployment - Update Deployment using Set Image Option
Step-13: Kubernetes Deployment - Edit Deployment using kubectl edit
Step-14: Kubernetes Deployment - Rollback Application to Previous Version - Undo
Step-15: Kubernetes Deployment - Pause and Resume Deployments
Step-16: Kubernetes Services - Introduction
Step-17: Kubernetes Services - Demo
Kubernetes Fundamentals - Declarative Approach using YAML
Step-01: Introduction to Kubernetes Declarative Approach
Step-02: YAML Basics Introduction
Step-04: Create Pods with YAML
Step-05: Create NodePort Service with YAML and Access Application via Browser
Step-06: Create ReplicaSets using YAML
Step-07: Create NodePort Service with YAML and Access Application via Browser
Step-08: Create Deployment with YAML and Test
Step-09: Backend Application - Create Deployment and ClusterIP Service
Step-10: Frontend Application - Create Deployment and NodePort Service
Step-11: Deploy and Test - Frontend and Backend Applications
EKS Hosted Applications Storage with AWS EBS - Elastic Block Store
Step-01: EKS Storage Introduction
Step-02: Install EBS CSI Driver
Step-03: Create Kubernetes Manifests for Storage Class, PVC and ConfigMap
Step-04: Create Kubernetes Manifests for MySQL Deployment & ClusterIP Service
Step-05: Test by connecting to MySQL Database
Step-06: Storage References
Step-07: Create Kubernetes Manifests for User Management Microservice Deployment
Step-08: Test User Management Microservice with MySQL Database in Kubernetes
Step-09: Test User Management Microservice UMS using Postman
Kubernetes Secrets, Init Containers, LivenessProbes, Request Limits & Namespaces
Step-01: Kubernetes Important Concepts for Application Deployments -Introduction
Step-02: Kubernetes Secrets
Step-03: Kubernetes Init Containers
Step-04: Kubernetes Liveness & Readiness Probes Introduction
Step-05: Create Kubernetes Liveness & Readiness Probes
Step-06: Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits
Step-07: Kubernetes Namespaces - Introduction
Step-08: Kubernetes Namespaces - Create Imperatively using kubectl
Step-09: Kubernetes Namespaces - Limit Range - Introduction
Step-10: Kubernetes Namespaces - Create Limit Range k8s manifest
Step-11: Kubernetes Namespaces - Limit Range - Update App k8s Manifest, Deploy
Step-12: Kubernetes - Resource Quota
EKS Hosted Applications Storage with AWS RDS- Relational Database Service
Step-01: EKS Storage - RDS DB Introduction
Step-02: Create RDS DB
Step-03: Create Kubernetes ExternalName Service & Other Manifests, Deploy & Test
EKS with AWS Load Balancers - Classic & Network Load Balancers
Step-01: AWS Load Balancers Introduction
Step-02: Create EKS Private Node Group
Step-03: EKS with Classic Load Balancers Demo
Step-04: EKS with Network Load Balancers Demo
ALB Ingress - Install AWS Load Balancer Controller Install on AWS EKS Cluster
Step-00-02: Ingress Introduction Part 2
Step-01: Introduction to AWS Load Balancer Controller
Step-02: Verify Pre-requisites
Step-03: Create IAM Policy, IAM Role, k8s service account and annotate it with I
Step-04: Install AWS Load Balancer Controller using HELM
Step-05: Verify AWS LBC Deployment and WebHook Service
Step-06: LBC Service Account and TLS Cert Internals
Step-06-02: Uninstall Load Balancer Controller Command SHOULD NOT BE EXECUTED