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Marhaba (Hello and welcome).

Why choose this Arabic language course ?



                  1- FREE AI tools (not given in any other course)

                                  To test your Arabic pronunciation

                                 without needing an Arabic tutor or someone to listen to you

                                 to tell you if you are pronouncing the Arabic Arabic Correctly

                                 So you can speak Arabic Confidently

Read more

Marhaba (Hello and welcome).

Why choose this Arabic language course ?



                  1- FREE AI tools (not given in any other course)

                                  To test your Arabic pronunciation

                                 without needing an Arabic tutor or someone to listen to you

                                 to tell you if you are pronouncing the Arabic Arabic Correctly

                                 So you can speak Arabic Confidently

                   2- Tricks on how pronounce the Arabic language like

                                  a Native Arabic speaker such as:

                                  - Where to put the STRESS/ EMPHASIS in Arabic words

                                  - How certain Arabic letters are pronounced differently depending on

                                  the Arabic dialect

                                   So you can understand and be understood by ALL Arabic speakers

                  3- A System to help you learn the Arabic language Quickly

                                 Instead of spending LONG hours

                                 Memorizing LONG lists of Arabic vocabulary

                  4- Tactics & the version of the Arabic language to communicate with ANY Arabic


                                 - It is NOT MSA: Modern Standard Arabic as they tell you in other Arabic


                                 - MSA: Modern Standard Arabic is

                                       NOT understood by MOST Arabic speakers.


                    5- Strategies to help you make your own Arabic sentences

                                      Instead of being limited to the course Arabic sentences

                  6- Techniques scientifically proven to help you:

                                  Remember what you learn in Arabic


                                   For ever


                   7- Methods to be able to Write, Read and pronounce Arabic Correctly

                                    So you can Read Arabic stories 

                     8- Ways to allow you to conjugate Easily Arabic verbs you never heard of before

                                    instead of having to memorize hundreds of Arabic verbs


This course has many components. However, it is organized and each section and lecture tells you what you will learn.

Therefore, please skip to the part that you want to learn.

In this Arabic course, I will teach you:

  1. Modern Standard Arabic which is the Formal Arabic (not spoken in every day life) as they tell in other Arabic courses so you can read and write in Arabic

  2. The Arabic White Dialect used to communicate with any Arab/ Arabic speaker

  3. How to correctly read and pronounce Arabic so you can read any material written in Arabic  stories, documents, The Quran and Hadith

  4. How to understand different Arabic accents

  5. Levantine Dialect

  6. Gulf Dialect

  7. FREE AI tools to check your pronunciation

  8. Tricks on how pronounce the Arabic language like a Native Arabic speaker

  9. A System to help you learn the Arabic language Quickly Instead of spending LONG hours Memorizing LONG lists of Arabic vocabulary

  10. Strategies to help you make your own Arabic sentences

  11. Techniques scientifically proven to help you Remember fast and forever

  12. Methods to be able to Write, Read and pronounce Arabic words, the Holly Quran and Hadith Correctly

  13. Ways to allow you to Easily  Conjugate Arabic verbs you never heard of before

      instead of having to memorize thousands of Arabic verbs


You can choose what you want to learn.

Explanation of above features below.


Do you want to:

1- Start

2- Start speaking with and understanding ALL Arabic SPEAKERS?

3- READ the Quran, Hadith or any Arabic material?

4- Use FREE AI tools to TEST your


6- Track your progress with practice tests, exams and answers?

7- Start making your own sentences in Arabic instead of acting like a parrot trying to memorize a bunch of sentences then getting stuck not being able to speak Arabic?

8- Learn Modern Standard Arabic so you can Read:

- Stories,

- The Quran and Hadith

with good and correct Pronunciation?

Let's talk about how you can achieve all the above goals.

1- Start speaking the Arabic language fast?

  • Without spending hundreds of hours memorizing long lists of Arabic vocabulary that you may forget later?

  • Without wasting a lot of energy, getting tired and dropping Arabic all together ?

Unlike other Arabic courses on Udemy, this is the only course that gives you a system and techniques which help you:

Understand and remember up to 40 Arabic words

you have never heard before

just by

knowing 1 Arabic word or the Arabic Root.

Amazing. Isn’t it?

Let's see how it works.

There is something similar in English but it is very limited.

In English if you know the meaning of the verb "to write", you can easily guess what the word "writer" means. "Er" at the end means "the one who writes".

In the Arabic language, you may be able to know the meaning of 40+ Arabic words by knowing just 1 word with the system I will teach you in this Arabic course.

The Arabic root system is a unique and amazing concept in the Arabic language which allows you to rapidly expand your Arabic vocabulary.

Once you start recognizing these patterns, it will be very easy for you to learn, guess, and remember the meanings of new Arabic words instead of spending hundreds of hours memorizing Arabic  vocabulary words that you may forget later.

These 3 letters    "d      r       s" make the root of Arabic words that have the meaning of things to do with studying.   

  • Add "a" after the first letter and "a" after the second letter:

    d   a   r  a     s

    daras means to study

                 See if you can figure out the meaning of this Arabic word:

                 "K     t.     b"  the root of words that have the meaning of things to do with writing 

                  and  books.

                  What does "katab" mean?

  • By adding the bold vowels below, we will have a new word:

                   d  aa    r    i    s :      daaris means the one who studies which means "student"

                    See if you can figure out the meaning of this Arabic word:

                    "K     t.     b"  the root of Arabic words that have the meaning of things to do with


                     What does "kaatib" mean?

  • By adding the bold vowels and letters below, we will have a new word.

                      ma drasah:     ma: means the place where we study

                    madrasah:  school

                   "ah" at the end means that the word is feminine

                    Since the root "k. t.  b" has to do with books, what does "maktabah" mean?

2- Start speaking and understanding all Arabic speakers?

Be careful.

Modern Standard Arabic is NOT spoken as other courses tell you and NOT all Arabic speakers understand the pure version of Modern Standard Arabic.

I have translated and interpreted between the Arabic, French and English languages in person and on the phone for 20+ years in US courts, hospitals, schools, business meetings, customer service calls and many more for Arabic speakers from all Arabic countries.

Therefore, I know what Arabic speakers speak and understand.

I actually was the highest paid Arabic interpreter because I know all Arabic dialects and I could communicate with all Arabic speakers.

I was often called to replace interpreters who tried to use Modern Standard Arabic but failed to communicate with the individuals they were trying to interpret for.

Unlike the other Arabic courses on Udemy that teach you Modern Standard Arabic as a spoken language, I will teach you the language and dialects that Arabic speakers/ Arabs actually use to speak:

  •                                   White Dialect: White Dialect is the answer

It is the version of Arabic that Arabic speakers/ Arabs  use to communicate with each other when they do not speak the same dialect.

White Dialect is made by using:

      Common Words between dialects

     Pronounced the dialect way


      Grammar and Conjugation rules from Arabic dialects

      NOT the complicated ones from  MSA: Modern Standard Arabic


      Words from dialects not used in MSA: Modern Standard Arabic

Be careful:

     In the White Arabic Dialect:

    a-  To say  "Where", we do NOT say "Ayna":

     We use "Ween or Feen"

     I saw that the other Arabic courses are telling you to use:

     "Ayna" for "where"

     It is Not understood by all Arabic speakers/Arabs

     b- To say "What", we do NOT say "Maathaa or Maa"

     As the other Arabic courses teach you.

     We use "Shoo" from Levantine dialect


    "eeh" from Egyptian dialect

    "Maathaa or Maa" are Not understood by all Arabic speakers/Arabs

    c- I saw that some courses use "thahab" meaning "to go".

     This verb is not understood by all Arabic speakers. Instead use "raaH"

3- Speak and understand the version of Arabic that suits your needs:

          In addition to White Dialect, I continue to upload videos from my classes in:

  •           Levantine Dialect

  •           Gulf dialect

  •            Egyptian dialect

I will also teach you:

The differences in pronunciation in all dialects so you can understand all Arabic speakers.

4- Free AI tools to practice and test your pronunciation and see if Arabs can understand you?

I figured out these tools for my own private students and you will benefit from them too.

5- Easily remember what you have learned?

Again this course is different in a way that it takes in consideration how the human brain learns and easily remembers information especially languages. My background is in biology so I know how the brain works.

I use:

  • Color coding:

Studies show that color helps us in memorizing information by increasing our attentional level.

I take the time to color each word in sentences the same color in both English and Arabic to help you learn it easily and remember it forever..

  • Repetition:

I repeat and make you repeat what you learn.

Scientifically, by repeating the same thing many times, connections between neurons in the brain get stronger and therefore, the information moves to the permanant memory. This way you will remember what you learn forever.

“Repetition is the mother of learning.” ― Zig Ziglar.

  • A spiral learning method meaning that you will learn Arabic vocabulary, sentence construction in the Arabic language, Arabic grammar and Arabic conjugation by mastering one topic at a time.

  • Techniques on how to remember any information you learn:

I will also give you other techniques and systems to help you remember what you learn.

You will see that in the course

6- Track your progress with tests, exams and answers?

  • Practice tests:

    • Each lesson is followed by practice tests

    • Each section is followed by an exam

This is the only course that will help you test if Arabic speakers will be able to understand you.

7- Start making your own sentences instead of acting like a parrot memorizing a bunch of sentences?

Unlike other courses, I will teach you how sentences are made and their structure compared to English so you can make your own sentences.

This will help you start making your own sentences and speaking quickly.

8- Read stories, the Quran and Hadith with good and correct


This course also teaches you:

  • The Pure Modern Standard Arabic

Stories are written in Modern Standard Arabic.

The Holy Quran and Hadith are written in Classical Arabic.

Check lecture 4: How many Arabic dialects are there? Is MSA

the same as classical Arabic?

Other courses do NOT help you learn the correct pronunciation

and only teach you the alphabet.

There is more to reading Arabic than just learning the alphabet.

We will cover how to read Arabic Perfectly including where to put the emphasis or stress, the supplemental characters, and much more.

You will pronounce Arabic better than some Arabs.

Keep in mind that NOT All Arabs and Arabic speakers can read and pronounce Modern Standard Arabic

Sorry to say that in courses on Udemy, the individuals who teach MSA do not even pronounce it correctly and do not know its grammar and conjugation.

Modern Standard Arabic which is the Formal Arabic Not the spoken Arabic as other courses tell you.

  • Check out lecture 4 in my course.

This course has the correct pronunciation not as I saw in many courses where the  person who teaches the course (most of them are not even teachers) mispronouncing letters and making grammar and conjugation mistakes.

Can you teach Formal English if you just speak everyday English? Of course not.


     - The letter  ذ  is supposed to be pronounced in MSA similar to "th" as in "this"

      NOT "Z" as I saw in many courses.

     Check lecture 34 in my course for the pronunciation of this letter in MSA.

    - Arabic words in MSA have endings depending on their position in the sentence. These

     ending were wrong in these courses.

Unfortunately beginners Arabic learners do not the difference, only advanced ones know and I saw some reviews on other courses pointing out to these mistakes.

I am a voiceover talent and therefore I know how to pronounce MSA the correct way.

Don't take my word for it, see what this student said about it: (Check the reviews)

"A Perfect Course for Beginners. This course is well-structured and well-delivered. First, Nezha (The teacher) went through how each letter is written and pronounced (in Modern Standard Arabic). I like how she also explained how some dialects pronounced some letters differently from the MSA. Then, she taught some simple everyday phrases (and sentence patterns), which is more useful for beginners rather than going straight to grammars and vocabulary, so the students who knew nothing at all about Arabic (like me) can have a basic idea on how the language work (kinda). The color coding on each slide is GENIUS. It helps students to understand what each word means on each phrase without relying on a lengthy dictionary-like table format."


Also before enrolling in an Arabic course, please look at:

1- How organized the Arabic course is:

The sections are organized in a way that will help you learn Arabic gradually and not get lost.

If you already know how to read and write Arabic, you can skip the how to read and write Arabic.

2- How it is presented:

Using color coding helps your brain remember what you learn. I don't just use colors. I use them to emphasize what you need to remember.

3- How much content you are getting not by counting the hours but the quantity of information and the value of the information given.

I will be adding more topics.

I used my 20+ years of experience teaching and tutoring Arabic to create this Complete Arabic course to help you learn Arabic and go from zero to hero in reading, writing, and speaking Arabic.


- I will be adding more Arabic videos and Arabic material to the course as you progress. This Arabic course is very organized so you can choose the Arabic topic you would like to learn.

- I am here to help you. I am and will be available to:

  • Answer any questions you may have about Formal Arabic, any Spoken Arabic dialect and any Arabic cultural aspect

  • Add material and videos about any topic you may request

    The biggest mistakes students make when they start learning to speak Arabic are:

  • Not learning the tips and ways that help them pronounce Arabic correctly from the start

  • Not knowing that there are many versions of Arabic and that they should choose one version of Arabic depending on their needs and goals

It is usually not the student's fault to spend years and years learning Arabic and not be understood by Arabic speakers.

Most Arabic teachers throw Arabic words and sentences at you without explaining the techniques to pronounce these Arabic words correctly.

Most teachers don't know all these techniques because they are not linguists.

Many students come to me to take classes in order to reduce or eliminate their heavy accent after spending years learning Arabic.

They feel frustrated because Arabic speakers do not understand them.

During my 20+ years of experience teaching Arabic, translating and working as a full time Arabic linguist, I created and developed a set of techniques and tips that made my students learn Arabic fluently and without having a heavy accent. Therefore Arabic speakers understand them easily.

This comprehensive Arabic course will teach you everything so you can avoid these mistakes.

It is the foundation to achieve success in learning Arabic.

Those who sign up for the course will receive a discount on 1-on-1 Arabic lessons. Contact me for details.


  1. My passion is teaching Arabic

  2. I have been teaching Arabic for 20+ years

  3. I have taught thousands of students to speak Arabic with Arabic speakers from around the world.

    I know what works and what doesn't.

    These students always say:

    "I wish I found you earlier"

  4. I am a certified teacher who learned how humans acquire new information

  5. I am a native speaker of Arabic

  6. I master all Arabic dialects: I have been translating and interpreting for Arabs and Arabic speakers from all Arabic countries.

    Therefore, I know what they speak and what they understand.

  7. I master Modern Standard Arabic

  8. My private students are always satisfied:

    Please check the sample videos and recommendation letters written by my students to see what they say about me as an Arabic teacher.

Please do Not take in consideration the number of students as this is a NEW Arabic course.


We would never want you to be unhappy. If you are unsatisfied with the course, you are welcome to get a full refund in the first 30 days. My goal is for my Udemy students to be as satisfied as the thousands of students I have taught in the past.


Take your first step to become fluent in Arabic.

Join the thousands of students I have taught who became fluent in Arabic.

Start your first step to speaking Arabic confidently.

Successful people have a habit of starting right away.

You can always get your money back.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Let's go. Yallah. Sign up.

See you in the first video.

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Uploading 200+ hrs to help you learn faster with root system/not vocab lists - check pronunciation with free ai tools.
  • Read arabic words in 6 days just like an arab & read stories and the quran
  • Be able to figure out meaning of arabic words you never learned by using the root system & make your own sentences
  • Eliminate your bad arabic accent and sound like a native arabic speaker using my unique technique
  • How to make your own sentences and continue learning arabic vocabulary on your own directly from the dictionary
  • Tips to accelerate your arabic learning process
  • Master arabic pronunciation so you sound like a native arabic speaker in order to be understood by all arabic speakers
  • Tips on how to choose which arabic dialect or arabic version you should learn
  • Countries where you will be able to speak arabic
  • How to understand the same phrase spoken in different arabic dialects
  • How to say the same phrase in different arabic dialects
  • Show more
  • Show less


Modern Standard Arabic is NOT understood by all Arabic speakers
Modern Standard Arabic is not understood by all Arabic speakers and not spoken
Read more
In this section, you will learn the parts of the world where Arabic is spoken, the different versions of Arabic, and which form of Arabic you should learn depending on your goals and needs.

In this lecture, you will learn how to greet someone in Arabic and introduce yourself in Arabic, in addition to learning which greeting to avoid when you do not know the individual's religion.

Make sure to finish this Arabic video so you do not offend any Arabic speaker!

In this lesson, you will get to know the countries where Arabic is spoken. Before watching the video, try to guess in which countries Arabic is spoken then play the video to find out if you knew all the countries where Arabic is spoken!

In this lesson, you will gain an understanding regarding the different versions of Arabic including:

The 2 Formal Arabic forms.

✓ The 4 major groups of Arabic dialects and where they are spoken.

Which Arabic dialect should I learn?

What Arabic dialect should I learn?

What is the most common Arabic dialect?

Which Arabic dialect is closest to Quran?

Is the Quran written in Modern Standard Arabic?

Since there are many different forms of Arabic, you may get confused when it comes to which dialect should learn. In this lecture, I clarify this confusion and make it easy for you to choose the version of Arabic you should learn depending on your goals and needs.

Road map to learning Arabic, speaking it confidently, fluently and quickly
Students will get to know me and my qualifications

Max was referred to me by one of my Arabic students who is also a government official. Please check what he says about me as an Arabic teacher in his recommendation letter.

In this video, you will hear what my students say about me as an Arabic teacher. They will tell you that by focusing on their Arabic pronunciation, I helped them be understood by Arabic speakers.

In this video, you will get to know me "your teacher" and my qualifications, and learn that:

✓ I am passionate about languages and teaching.

I am a professional full-time Arabic teacher and linguist who has been teaching for 20+ years.

I have been teaching in high school, college, Arabic centers, foreign language schools, and privately through Skype and other platforms. 

I help government officials learn Arabic language, Arabic culture(s), and Islam, in addition to assisting them in preparing for the oral and written Arabic Proficiency Tests.

✓ I teach all Arabic dialects in addition to Formal Arabic.

I just want to let you know that I am not someone who just speaks an Arabic dialect and decided to make some money using that. I am a professional:

  1. Arabic linguist

  2. Arabic teacher and tutor

  3. Arabic curriculum developper

  4. Arabic translator

  5. Arabic interpreter

  6. Arabic voiceover talent

For 20+ years, I have been teaching and translating :

  • Modern Standard Arabic

  • Classical Arabic

  • Levantine Arabic dialect

  • Egyptian Arabic dialect

  • Gulf Arabic dialect

  • North African Darija or Maghrebi

  • Arabic and Islamic cultures

With all that said, I did not stop learning. I especially learn from my students. So please write a review so I can improve my courses for you and for the other students.

Your feedback is very important to me.

Shukran jazeelan (Thank you very much)

Comparison between the Arabic and Urdu alphabets
For Students who know Urdu alphabet- Watch this - skip to the definite articles
You will learn, step by step and with practice tests, how to recognize and pronounce the Arabic alphabet in Formal Arabic and spoken Arabic.

English alphabet and Arabic alphabet

You learn:

The commonalities and differences between the English and Arabic Alphabets.

✓ Resemblances and differences in the shapes of Arabic letters.

The 3 different ways of saying "Hello and Welcome" in Arabic

In this lecture, you will learn:

How to recognize, name and pronounce the Arabic letters Alef, baa, taa, and thaa.

The equivalents or agreed on in English of the the letters Alef, baa, taa, and thaa.

Arabic Alphabet baa – taa - thaa الحروف الأبجدية ب - ت - ث for preview

Exercise in recognizing and naming the letters   ا - ب- ت - ث   

You will know if you are able to recognize the letters and move on to the next slide.

Letters' sounds.

Answers to Practice Test No. 2: Naming the sounds of the letters: ا - ب- ت - ث

Listening skills.

Answers to Practice test No. 3: Listening skills for the letters: ا - ب- ت - ث
How Muslims say hello in Arabic and how to reply to them

In this lecture, you will learn:

How to recognize, name and pronounce the Arabic letters  jeem - Haa - khaa.

The equivalents or agreed on  in English of the the Arabic letters  jeem - Haa - khaa.

Practice Test No. 4: Naming the letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 4: Naming the letters learned so far
Practice Test No. 5: Naming the sounds of the letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 5: Naming the sounds of the letters learned so far
Practice Test No. 6: Listening skills for the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 6: Listening skills for the Arabic letters learned
Good morning and Good evening in Arabic

In this lecture, you will learn:

How to recognize, name and pronounce the letters  "daal - Thaal- raa - zaay".

The equivalents or agreed on  in English of the letters "daal - Thaal- raa - zaay".

Practice Test No. 7: Naming the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 7: Naming the Arabic letters learned so far
Practice Test No. 8: Naming the sounds of the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 8: Naming the sounds of the letters learned so far
Practice Test No. 9: Listening skills of the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 9: Listening skills of the Arabic letters learned
Have a good night in Arabic when speaking to 1 man, 1 woman, or a group

In this lecture, you will learn:

How to recognize, name and pronounce the letters "seen - sheen".

The equivalents or agreed on  in English of the letters "seen - sheen"

In this lecture, you will learn:

How to recognize, name and pronounce the letters "Saad - Daad - Taa - THaa".

The equivalents or agreed on  in English of the letters "Saad - Daad - Taa - THaa".

In this lecture, you will learn the concept of soft sounds and amplified sounds in Arabic with examples that will help you know how to pronounce these letters and differentiate between them.

Practice Test No. 10: Naming the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 10: Naming the Arabic letters learned so far
Practice Test No. 11: Naming the sounds of the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 11: Naming sounds of the Arabic letters learned
Practice Test No. 12: Listening skills
Answers to Practice Test No. 12: Listening skills for the Arabic letters learned
Have a Good Night! in Arabic when replying to 1 man, 1 woman, or a group

In this lecture, you will learn:

How to recognize, name and pronounce the letters "3ayn - ghayn - faa -  qaaf".

The equivalents or agreed on  in English of the letters "3ayn - ghayn - faa -  qaaf".

Practice Test No. 13: Naming the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 13: Naming the Arabic letters learned so far
Practice Test No. 14: Naming the sounds of the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 14: Naming the sounds of the Arabic letters learned
Practice Test No. 15: Listening skills for the Arabic letters learned
Answers to Practice Test No. 15: Listening skills for the Arabic letters learned
"Goodbye" in Arabic

In this lecture, you will learn:

How to recognize, name and pronounce the letters "kaaf, laam, meem, noon".

The equivalents or agreed on  in English of the letters "kaaf, laam, meem, noon".

Practice Test No. 16: Naming the Arabic letters learned
Answers to Practice Test No. 16: Naming the Arabic letters learned so far
Practice Test No. 17: Naming the sounds of the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Test No. 17: Naming the sounds of the Arabic letters learned
Practice Test No. 18: Listening skills for the Arabic letters learned
Answers to Practice Test No. 18: Listening skills for the Arabic letters learned

In this lecture, we will:

Review the concept of soft sounds and amplified sounds in Arabic.

Add 2 letters

Give examples and practice them which will help you know how to pronounce these letters and differentiate between them.

"See you" when saying goodbye to someone in Arabic

In this lecture, you will learn:

How to recognize, name and pronounce the letters "haa - waaw - yaa - hamza".

The equivalents or agreed on  in English of the letters "haa - waaw - yaa - hamza".

Practice Test No. 19: Naming the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 19: Naming the Arabic letters learned so far
Practice Test No. 20: Naming the sounds of the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 20: Naming sounds of the Arabic letters learned
Practice Test No. 21: Listening skills for the Arabic letters learned
Answers to Practice Test No. 21: Listening skills for the Arabic letters learned
Practice Test No. 22: Naming the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 22: Naming the Arabic letters learned so far
Practice Test No. 23: Naming the sounds of the Arabic letters learned so far
Answers to Practice Test No. 23: Naming the sounds of the Arabic letters learned

In this lecture, we will review and read all the Arabic letters together.

How to write V, P, G in Arabic which do not exist in the Arabic Alphabet
What are the other ways of writing the V and where did it come from?
Tips to help you understand different Arabic dialects
Arabic letters pronounced differently in Arabic dialects: Qaaf (for preview)

In this lecture, we will:

Learn the names of the first 3 letters pronounced differently in dialects.

Review how these letters are pronounced in Formal Arabic.

Learn how these letters are pronounced in spoken Arabic.

Give examples and practice their pronunciations in Formal Arabic and in spoken Arabic.

n this lecture, we will:

Learn the names of 3 more letters that may be pronounced differently in dialects.

Review how these letters are pronounced in Formal Arabic.

Learn how these letters are pronounced in spoken Arabic.

Give examples and practice their pronunciations in Formal Arabic and in spoken Arabic.

Write words and sentences in Arabic and get introduced to Taa marbootah

You will understand the Connecting & Non-Connecting Letters Concept.

Learn which letters are connectors and which ones are not including the hamzah.

You will be able to:

Write the letters "b, t, th" in their initial, middle & terminal shapes.

Combine the letters "b, t, th" to make words.

Practice Test No.24: Combining Arabic letters
Answers to Practice Test No.24: Combining Arabic letters

You will learn:

What is Taa MarbooTah: تاء مربوطة andTaa MabsooTah: تاء مبسوطة.

Differences in shape between Taa MarbooTah: تاء مربوطة andTaa MabsooTah: تاء مبسوطة.

How to write Taa MarbooTah: تاء مربوطة and Taa MabsooTah: تاء مبسوطة in words.

How Taa MarbooTah: تاء مربوطة and Taa MabsooTah: تاء مبسوطة are pronounced.

Practice Test No. 25: Combining letters
Answers to Practice Test No. 25: Combining letters
How to write ج ح خ in their initial, middle and terminal shapes to make words.
Practice Test No. 26: Combining Arabic letters

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Arabic Language Course ALL LEVELS MSA/Dialects/ Quran 2025 with these activities:
Review Arabic Alphabet Basics
Reinforce your knowledge of the Arabic alphabet to prepare for more advanced topics.
Browse courses on Arabic Alphabet
Show steps
  • Review the shapes and sounds of each letter.
  • Practice writing each letter in its different forms.
  • Test yourself on letter recognition and pronunciation.
Review 'Arabic for Dummies'
Supplement your learning with a beginner-friendly guide to Arabic.
View Alter Ego on Amazon
Show steps
  • Read the chapters on basic grammar and vocabulary.
  • Complete the exercises to test your understanding.
  • Focus on the sections that align with the course content.
Pronunciation Practice with AI Tools
Improve your pronunciation by using AI tools to get immediate feedback.
Show steps
  • Identify AI tools recommended in the course.
  • Record yourself speaking Arabic phrases.
  • Analyze the AI feedback and correct your pronunciation.
  • Repeat the process until your pronunciation improves.
Four other activities
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Create a Short Arabic Dialogue
Solidify your understanding of sentence structure and vocabulary by writing a dialogue.
Show steps
  • Choose a topic for your dialogue (e.g., greetings, ordering food).
  • Write a short conversation between two people in Arabic.
  • Use vocabulary and grammar learned in the course.
  • Record yourself and a partner performing the dialogue.
Review 'Mastering Arabic Vocabulary'
Expand your vocabulary with a thematic approach to learning new words.
View Alter Ego on Amazon
Show steps
  • Select a chapter based on a topic covered in the course.
  • Study the vocabulary list and complete the exercises.
  • Create flashcards to help memorize new words.
Practice Arabic Conversation with a Partner
Improve your fluency and confidence by practicing speaking Arabic with a peer.
Show steps
  • Find a language partner who is also learning Arabic.
  • Choose a topic to discuss in Arabic.
  • Take turns speaking and listening.
  • Provide each other with feedback on pronunciation and grammar.
Create a Presentation on an Arabic-Speaking Country
Deepen your understanding of Arabic culture and language by researching and presenting on a specific country.
Show steps
  • Choose an Arabic-speaking country to research.
  • Gather information on its culture, history, and language.
  • Create a presentation with visuals and audio.
  • Present your findings to a group or record a video.

Career center

Learners who complete Arabic Language Course ALL LEVELS MSA/Dialects/ Quran 2025 will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:

Reading list

We've selected one books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Arabic Language Course ALL LEVELS MSA/Dialects/ Quran 2025.
Provides a solid foundation in basic Arabic grammar and vocabulary. It's particularly useful for beginners who want a gentle introduction to the language. While not as comprehensive as some textbooks, it serves as a helpful supplementary resource for reinforcing fundamental concepts. It can be used as a reference or for additional practice.


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