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Pornwan Wongpakdee

This course I teach by speaking Thai language and will have Closed Captions in English in each Lecture - so, you will understand very well in my teaching videos.

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This course I teach by speaking Thai language and will have Closed Captions in English in each Lecture - so, you will understand very well in my teaching videos.

This course you learn about the principles and techniques of how to make polymer doll with polymer clay - Including all the fundamental techniques to create a cute doll - step by step - from start to finish that you can easily follow and practice from this video . Each section and lecture explains how to shape a doll, what parts of doll should be done before or after and the techniques of how to make a beautiful doll which you could not find in any YouTube. Don't waste your valuable time practicing by yourself with poor quality, incomplete YouTube videos. Learning from this course takes only a few hours, you can make cute dolls .

Additionally, this course explain you how to keep the polymer clay in good condition, knead the clay and create new colors of clay, make decorations for the dolls in details, customize dolls to look more beautiful, as well as other techniques thoroughly and clearly instructed for you.

For anyone who want to make a doll as a career, for gifts, or for extra income - This course teaches you how to pack the dolls safely for transportation as well.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Learn the basics and principles of making dolls with polymer clay
  • The whole process of how to create a doll step by step from start to finish, that's easy for anyone to do it.
  • Know the technique how to make beautiful doll
  • How to knead polymer clay and make new colors clay
  • How to make a base and set the doll on the base
  • How to pack dolls for transportation


Learn how to start creating a doll. How to connect each piece of doll together

Start making doll legs by using 1-2 mm wire, depending on the doll size.

The foil should be covered with another layer of wire for strength and saving clay.

After foiled doll legs, then covered with polymer clay.

Sculpting doll's legs and feet, then smooth surface.

Then bake the doll's legs to dry the clay surface before doing next step.

(at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes)

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This course helps you to understand the technique in overview. Don't waste time studying on YouTube because they did not teach in detail

The dolls in this clip are one part of my work.

After you learn the principles and techniques of how to make the doll with polymer clay from this course,

You can create your own dolls, various characters and styles as you seen in this clip. SO CUTE !!!!!

This course teaches you about the fundamentals of kneading and techniques how to make doll with polymer clay. 

- Clay kneading

- How to create new colors clay.

- How to make separated part of legs, body, arms and heads.

- Forming doll, decorate and adjust the doll to look more beautiful.

- Baking the doll for dry.

- How to keep the clay in always good condition.

- How to adapt or create new character of your doll.

Recommend the main materials and tool kits for doll making.

- Soft polymer clay

- Foil

- Wire 1 -2 mm

- Wire cutting pliers

- Acrylic Roller (Clay roller)

- Silicone sheet (Kneading pad)

- Dotting tool

- Silicone rubber pen

- Clay knife (Slicing blade)

- Stainless steel tool

- Sharp cutter

- Flat brush No.2

- Fine brush No.0

- Pure petroleum jelly / Clay softener

- Scissors

- Polymer clay glue

- Acrylic Paint

- Sandpaper no.400

- Oven

Learn how to knead polymer clay, create new colors clay and how to keep the clay in good condition. Understand how to shape a doll, which parts of doll should be done before or after.

Brief description of sculpting techniques for how to create figures and sculpt dolls. The figures created by starting from the bottom till the top part of doll body. Sculpting each piece of the body, then plugging and sticking together.

Kneading polymer clay, roll the clay on acrylic sheet (kneading pad) to soften the clay and malleable before making doll.

If polymer clay is relatively new, you can simply move the clay back and forth your hands to soften it.

If the clay is firmer, you can run it through a pasta machine several times to soften it.

If your clay is drastically dry due to age of clay, need to use a few drops of oil or clay softener to condition it.

Before mixing your polymer clays, identify which colour you would like to create and prepare the clays needed for the recipe.

The example in this video is colors combination to create a light pink color by using fuchsia pink and white clay mixed together, then will get a light pink clay.

Example for how to create a cream color by mixing 3 colors of polymer clay; peach, beige and white colors mixed together. If you want dark skin, add more peach or brown color.

This example is mixing the clay to make denim color by using blue, purple, white, and black. Jeans do not need to be mixed well, then the color will come out like denim.

The clay should be kept at room temperature.

Not store the clay in hot place or too cold.

Rolling and flattening polymer clay into a thinnest flat sheet and long.

Cut the clay into strip to wrap around the doll's ankle.

Smooth the clay, make it the same surface with socks and feet.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

Flattening the chunks of white clay into sheets.

Cut the flat clay into long strips.

Before wrapping around the feet, we do tongue of sneaker first.

Press a small piece of white clay on instep of doll's foot.

Wrap the white strip clay around the foot.

Sculpt the clay into a sneaker shape.

Cut the clay into small strips and can stretch the clay to be longer.

Put line by line on sneakers, make the length of 3 lines equally.

Dot the eyelets by dotting tool.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

Make a shoe stripe in white and red.

Flattening the chunks of white clay into long thin sheet.

Cut the clay into long strip.

And flatting the red clay into long thin sheet as well.

Cut the red clay to be small strip and put together with the white thin sheet.

Cut the unwanted clay, the red strip will be smaller than white strip.

Stretch the clay by pulling the top clay with the left hand.

The right hand stretched the clay down by using clay roller.

Stretch the clay to make the stripe smaller.

Then, we get the red-white stripe for sneaker.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

The body of the doll should has the wrapped foil inside of the body.

This will save your polymer clay and make your doll hard and solid.

Except when you make a tiny doll, you will then use purely polymer not foil.

Wrap the clay on the thighs of legs first.

Takes another clay wrap cover the hip part and also the body part.

Then, use the steel tool drills two holes of the body In order to connect both legs to the body.

Smooth the clay and shape it nicely.

Before we continued the body part, we will oven this part first.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

Make a skirt for doll before sculpt doll's body.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

The body is inside the outfit and it will not be seen.

Wrap the body with clay sheet.

The size of upper body doen not need to be in a good shape as it's invisible.

So, make the body shape to be a straight bar.

After finished the body, prepare for the head and nect part...

by prepare a wire to be a connector between head and body.

Use a steel tool to make a hole from top to body part in order to put a wire into the body part.

Put a wire into the body that already made a hle.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

The doll head must have aluminum foil filled inside.

Make foil into a sphere for the doll's head.

Sculpt the doll's head into an oval shape.

Press the clay in the eye area and push the clay form small curved nose.

Gently spread the clay and gradually shape up the doll face.

Use dotting tool to help spreading and pushing the clay from back to forth of doll face in order to have chubby cheeks.

Making doll's mouth by slitting the clay with sharp cutter.

Sculpt a small piece of clay on the lower lip.

Push up the upper lip by silicone brush.

Completed with pure petroleum jelly for smooth surface.

Followed by water, then baked it for dried surface.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

Drill the doll's head at the neck position.

Put the polymer clay glue into the hole that is drilled.

Add more clay into the hole.

Connect doll's body and head by pierce the wire into the doll's head.

The wire must be reached the foil.

Cut the clay as stripe, then wrapped around the wire to form a doll's neck.

Add more clay until the shoulder of doll.

Smooth the clay and baked it to dry.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

Make a shirt with collar by using white color clay.

Flattening the brown clay into wider and long sheet for ruffle dress.

Wide enough to be wrapped around the doll.

Stretch the clay at the end of doll's dress like flared skirt.

Then, fold the clay for the other side of dress.

Stick the dress on doll's body.

Then, baked it to dry the surface of doll's dress.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

Use gold or cream colors clay for making strip.

Make two strips and stick on the front gown with glue.

Paint two strips with gold acrylic color after baked.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

If the doll will hold anything, must finish it first.

Make that thing to dry before being stick to the doll.

This lesson, the doll hold a camera, so sculpt it before stick.

And also painting camera before stick it on the doll, it's easier to paint.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

Sculpt two doll arms without having to make sleeves.

Knead the pair skin color clay, roll and sculpt into shape of doll's arms.

Sculpt the doll's hands, make only the thumb.

Or if you want to complete 5 inches, you can.

Consider the proportion of the doll's arm if it's too short or long.

Stick the doll's arm with the doll's body, use baked glue to help tighten.

Stick the camera on doll's hand.

Before making sleeve, baked the doll for dry.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

Flattening the chunks of clay into sheets.

Be careful for air bubbles when you flatten the clay.

Fold the clay on the side that will stick to the upper arm.

Stretch the sleeves slightly.

Slice the clay for thinness, so that the clay on the shoulders of the doll is not too thick.

Stick tightly, do not see the arms inside the sleeve.

Push the clay inside to stick to the doll's arm.

Sculpt another dress sleeve.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

There are two colors hood, blue and purple.

Have to make the blue hood first because it is under the purple one.

Strip for hood edge, the clay must be thin, because stick the other layer on blue hood.

Otherwice, will look not nice because it's too thick.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

After completed the blue hood, continue with the purple hood.

This purple color comes from a mixture of two clay colors: violet and fuchsia pink.

It's depend on the pattern of each institution how is the hood look like.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

Make up the doll, starting in the eyes first by using dark brown acrylic color.

Or light brown or black depending on the doll's face.

Put a dark brown color in the eye socket.

After finished, then draw the eyebrows and eyelashes.

When the color in the eye sockets is dry, put a white and black clay for making doll's eyes.

Doll hair making

Should have a bit of clay on the back of the neck, otherwise, you will see a hole in the neck.

After finished the hair at doll's neck, started sculpting doll's hair at back first.

Then do the hair on the other side of the doll.

After that, see what part of doll's hair is less.

If less, then add more clay in the missing part of hair.

Also check if any excess clay to be cut off.

Design and arrange the doll's hair to be beauty.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

This dress has details about the institution's brooch.

Decorate the details dress according to the institute's gown.

And make two strips on each sleeves

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

Painting the doll's lips with acrylic color after baking the doll in the final step.

The heat causes the acrylic paint to spread out, the mouth will look sloppy.

Therefore, recommend to paint the acrylic colors after baked the final step.

Put small pieces of clay one by one into doll's mouth.

Blowing at the doll's mouth only for a short time by Dryer about 1-2 minutes.

Use Dryer instead of Oven.

Making doll lips with polymer clay.

When sculpting the doll's face, should make smaller lips.

If not make it smaller, the doll's lips will become too thick.

After this lesson, able to make a doll base of both thin and thick for standing doll. This can be applied to other clay and other bases as well.

Thin base molding for dolls standing on the base.

Sculpt the thin base by using light pink color clay (for this tutorial).

Sculpt the clay into a round and flat shape.

You also can use cookie cutter to cut the clay sheet.

The size of base is depdending on the varied sizes of dolls.

After finished the thin base, stick the doll on the base and bake together.

After finished thin base, setting the doll on the base.

Apply baking glue under the doll's feet.

Put a bit more clay spread out under the doll's feet.

If using only baking glue without clay under doll's feet, It is not as tight as putting more clay.

Cut the length of the wire (under feet), do not longer than the thin base.

Drop the glue into the wire and under doll's feet.

Then stick the doll on the thin base which already done in light pink color.

Press the doll down to the center of base and press firmly.

Then, baked the doll.  This is the final step of baking doll.

This step is final step of doll completed, so have to bake the doll in high temperature about 125-130degree Celsius for 20-25 minutes.

Making a thick base, using foam inside the clay.

The clay that is cover the foam, use Air Dry Clay in this tutorial.

Put the acrylic colors into air dry clay.

Knead the clay and acrylic colors together.

Roll the clay larger in order to cover the foam.

Apply Latex glue before wrapping, then wrapped it.

Remove the air bubbles on the side of base by drilled the clay and your hands.

After finished, continue to do a strip.

The length of the strip must be wrapped around the base.

No need to put glue all over. Just enough for the strip to stick to the base.

Make a bow or other shape to cover the connected clay of strip.

You can adapt or create your own idea for making your base after learned this lesson.

This Air Dry Clay is dried by itself at room temperature, don't bake it for dry.

Use the same Air Dry Clay that is made of a thick base.

Mixed together with acrylic paints

Use silicone molds for making the letters, English alphabet.

Or you can sculpt the letters by your hands.

Press the clay into each alphabet of molds as required.

Take the letters out from the molds and leave them on the fabric.

So that the clay piece will not stick to the table surface.

Wait for the letter to dry, but do not let it dry so hard.

Apply Latex glue to stick the letters on the strip of base.

This Air Dry Clay is dried by itself at room temperature, don't bake it for dry.

Setting the dolls on base by apply super glue on the thick base.

Apply super glue on top of base on the area that your dolls going to stand.

Be careful of the glue that will mess off.

Put the dolls on the base in the desired position.

Finished and waiting the super glue is dry.

Learn the principles and techniques of baking in each step of doll making.

After finished sculpting each clay piece, you must baked in order to dry surface of claly every time at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

For a flared dress like Graduate's dress or wedding dress, when you oven, you have to use a blowl with a fine fabric and the put a doll inside.

Put the doll in a vertical way so your doll will not press itself.

Dry the surface of clay piece at low temperature about 110 degree Celsius for 7 minutes.

When you finished completely your doll sculpting, the temperature of final baking 125-130 degree Celsius for 20-25 minutes.

Suggest to oven at low termperature first for the clay parts which never been oven before, but the other parts already oven.

To make that parts become harder first.

Then final baking by high temperature at 125 degree Celsius for 20-25 minutes.

During the process of doll making and using low temperature for dry the clay pieces.

Do not touch or press it so hard. Otherwise, you may break it and it is hard to fix the doll.

For some parts which is very small like teeth, that you place it after you oven the whold doll.

You can use a hair dryer instead of oven to make that part hard and solid.

Other techniques

To remove the excess clay from the doll by using sandpaper.

After the oven and found that it's not yet right shape,

Add more clay by using that same clay color on the missing area.

Then, smooth it into the same surface.

Varnishing the doll

In case that the doll put his arms out, recommend to put a wire insert into the doll's body.

Wrap the bubble in many layers around the dolls without space inside.

The buble can support the doll's weight, then can reduce the defect.

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Polymer Doll Making, Craft and Sculpting Character Art Doll. with these activities:
Practice Clay Conditioning Techniques
Reinforce the fundamental skill of properly conditioning polymer clay to prevent cracking and ensure smooth sculpting.
Show steps
  • Gather various brands of polymer clay.
  • Practice different kneading and conditioning methods.
  • Document the results and compare the workability of each clay.
Color Mixing Exercises
Improve your ability to create custom colors for your dolls by practicing color mixing techniques.
Show steps
  • Gather a variety of polymer clay colors.
  • Experiment with mixing different color combinations.
  • Document the color recipes and results.
  • Create a color chart for future reference.
Read 'Polymer Clay Art Jewelry: How to Make Colorful & Stylish Fashion Accessories'
Expand your knowledge of polymer clay techniques and applications beyond doll making.
Show steps
  • Obtain a copy of the book.
  • Read the book and take notes on new techniques.
  • Experiment with the techniques described in the book.
Three other activities
Expand to see all activities and additional details
Show all six activities
Read 'The Art of Polymer Clay: Millefiori Techniques'
Learn advanced millefiori techniques to enhance the detail and complexity of your doll designs.
Show steps
  • Obtain a copy of the book.
  • Study the millefiori techniques described in the book.
  • Practice creating millefiori canes.
  • Incorporate millefiori elements into your doll designs.
Design and Sculpt a Custom Doll Accessory
Apply the learned techniques to create a unique accessory for your polymer dolls, enhancing their character and style.
Show steps
  • Brainstorm ideas for a unique doll accessory.
  • Sketch the design and plan the construction.
  • Sculpt the accessory using polymer clay techniques.
  • Bake and finish the accessory.
Create a Time-Lapse Video of a Doll-Making Process
Document and share your doll-making process to reinforce your understanding and inspire others.
Show steps
  • Plan the doll-making project to be recorded.
  • Set up a camera and lighting for time-lapse recording.
  • Record the entire doll-making process.
  • Edit the footage into a time-lapse video.
  • Share the video online.

Career center

Learners who complete Polymer Doll Making, Craft and Sculpting Character Art Doll. will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Doll Designer
A doll designer conceptualizes and creates dolls, often specializing in particular styles or materials. This course on polymer doll making is directly applicable, since it provides the fundamental techniques to create a doll from start to finish. Understanding how to shape the doll, the proper order for assembling pieces, and methods for sculpting will all help you as a doll designer. Furthermore, you will learn how to customize a doll to look more beautiful. The section of this course that discusses making decorations for dolls in detail may be especially useful to a future doll designer. Gaining a solid foundation in these techniques helps build a portfolio, which is useful for breaking into doll design.
Polymer Clay Artist
A polymer clay artist crafts various items, from jewelry to sculptures, using polymer clay. This course will be useful since it covers how to make polymer dolls and also provides essential skills for working with this medium. You will learn how to knead the clay, mix colors, and keep it in good condition. The course details shaping techniques, including which parts to do before or after others, all of which are particularly helpful for sculpting a variety of forms with polymer clay. This course helps you create character art dolls and explores how to adapt or create new characters of your own, which may be important for a polymer clay artist. The knowledge gained would be invaluable for creating unique and expressive pieces.
Toy Maker
A toy maker designs and constructs toys. This course may be useful for anyone interested in becoming a toy maker since it teaches the entire process of creating polymer dolls, from the initial concept to the finished product. The course emphasizes fundamental techniques needed to create a doll, including shaping, assembling, and customizing. Specific instructions on how to pack dolls safely may enable a toy maker to ship their items safely. The section on sculpting techniques will also translate well to making toys beyond just dolls. The expertise gained from this course is a solid foundation to break into the toy industry.
Craft Instructor
A craft instructor teaches various crafting techniques to students of all ages. Taking this course would enable you to teach others how to make polymer clay dolls. The detailed, step-by-step instructions provided in the course make it easy to learn and then teach the process to others. The course explains how to shape dolls, customize them, and keep the clay in good condition. The course also discusses how to communicate these techniques effectively, helping a craft instructor explain the techniques clearly. If you aspire to teach crafting, consider this course to develop your skills in doll making.
A sculptor creates three dimensional works of art. This course is useful for sculpting since it extensively covers the techniques for sculpting dolls using polymer clay. Not only will you learn how to mold and shape the clay into specific forms, but you will get the chance to create your own dolls, various characters and styles. The course emphasizes the importance of understanding the fundamental techniques, which you can apply to other sculpting projects as well. The instructor also provides information on how to keep the clay in good condition, essential for any sculptor working with polymer clay.
Miniature Artist
A miniature artist creates small scale models and scenes, often with incredible detail. This course on polymer doll making may be useful to those wishing to gain experience sculpting miniatures. The techniques taught will provide a great foundation in working with polymer clay to create detailed figures. The course emphasizes creating small parts of dolls such as legs, arms, and heads, then assembling each together. The detail of these projects will provide good experience for miniature artists. The course also covers how to bake the doll for drying and will be important knowledge for anyone working with miniatures made of polymer clay.
Special Effects Artist
A special effects artist creates visual effects for film, television, and theater. This course on polymer doll making may be useful for someone hoping to get into special effects who is in the early stages of their career. Creating character art dolls will help with the process of creating visual effects, and can be applied to the art of creating special effects. The course emphasizes how to form a doll, decorate, and adjust the doll to look more beautiful. The course also provides an analysis of what materials and tool kits will be useful. The course can help build a foundation in the skills important to special effects artistry
Stop Motion Animator
A stop motion animator brings inanimate objects to life through frame-by-frame animation. This course on polymer doll making may be useful for creating characters and puppets for stop motion animation. Character design and construction are key to stop motion, and this course provides the fundamentals of kneading and techniques for how to make dolls with polymer clay. The techniques for sculpting figures, and then joining them together may be useful for stop motion animation. The course will benefit those wishing to create their own stop motion animation.
Character Designer
A character designer conceptualizes and illustrates characters for various media, such as animation, video games, and books. This course may be useful for anyone who wants to become a character designer, as it teaches how to make polymer dolls, including how to adapt or create new characters of your own. The course explains the techniques used in creating a doll with polymer clay. It also covers the steps of forming a doll, decorating it and adjusting to to look more beautiful. The knowledge taught by this course could be transferred to character design in any medium.
Model Maker
A model maker builds scale models for various purposes, including architectural visualization, product prototyping, and hobbyist projects. This course on making polymer dolls may be useful for building modeling skills. The course covers the steps needed for building dolls using polymer clay, including mixing colors, using tools, and baking the doll. The course will also help in the development of fine motor skills. These skills are transferrable across modeling, whatever the medium or purpose.
Arts and Crafts Retailer
An arts and crafts retailer sells art materials and finished creative products. This course may be useful because it directly involves the making of a particular craft, which the retailer can then sell. The course involves making dolls with polymer clay and understanding the principles and techniques involved. This could also inspire the arts and crafts retailer to teach classes or workshops. The course covers fundamentals such as clay kneading and making new colors, as well as other topics such as how to pack dolls for transportation.
A potter creates functional and decorative items from clay, usually using a pottery wheel. It may be useful for a potter to take a course on polymer clay. The potter will learn the basics and principles of making dolls with polymer clay. The potter will learn about the whole process of how to create a doll step by step from start to finish. They will also learn about how to knead polymer clay and create new colors of clay. They will also learn about how to make a base and set the doll on the base.
Textile Artist
A textile artist creates art using fabrics, fibers, and other textile materials. This course may be useful because textile artists often incorporate dolls or figures into their work. The course emphasizes the fundamentals of kneading and techniques for making a doll with polymer clay. The course covers the steps of forming the doll, decorating it, and adjusting it to look more beautiful. The course provides the understanding needed for creating a doll that will blend well with the fabrics that textile artists use.
Fine Artist
A fine artist creates original works of art, such as paintings, sculptures, and installations, for aesthetic expression. This course may be useful as it exposes the fine artist to a specific kind of art, namely making dolls with polymer clay. The artist will learn the basics and principles of making dolls with polymer clay. The artist will learn the whole process of creating a doll from start to finish. The artist will also learn about how to pack dolls for transportation. The artist may gain inspiration to create works of fine art.
Art Therapist
An art therapist uses creative methods of expression to help people explore their emotions and improve their mental well being. This course may be useful since one can use dolls as a medium for art therapy. For example, the therapist may ask the patient to create a doll that expresses their feelings. The therapist will learn the basics and principles of how to make dolls with polymer clay. They will also learn how to knead polymer clay and make new colors clay. They will also learn how to make a base and set the doll on the base.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Polymer Doll Making, Craft and Sculpting Character Art Doll..
Focuses on the millefiori technique, which involves creating intricate patterns within polymer clay. Mastering this technique can add a new level of detail and complexity to your doll designs. It is especially useful for creating detailed clothing patterns or decorative elements. This book valuable resource for advanced polymer clay artists.
Provides a comprehensive guide to creating jewelry with polymer clay. It covers various techniques, including color mixing, sculpting, and finishing. It is useful for expanding your skills beyond doll making and applying polymer clay to other art forms. This book can serve as a source of inspiration for doll accessories and decorations.


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