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Reggie Dawson

React Native allows you to use the React framework to build mobile apps. This course will teach you the steps involved to build a complete app using the React Native Command Line Interface workflow.

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React Native allows you to use the React framework to build mobile apps. This course will teach you the steps involved to build a complete app using the React Native Command Line Interface workflow.

Building a mobile app ready for release on the app store is possible with React Native. Unfortunately it can sometimes be overwhelming to build a complete app. In this course, Building Mobile Apps with React Native, you’ll learn to build a complete mobile app. First, you’ll explore setting up React Native and installing the Android and iOS development kits. Next, you’ll discover how to configure React Navigation which allows you to traverse between the pages of your app. Finally, you’ll learn how to use XMLHttpRequest to access remote web based API’s. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of React Native needed to build a mobile app.

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What's inside


Course Overview
Creating the React Native Project
Building the React Native App
Utilizing Data from a Remote Source
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Completing and Compiling the App

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Builds deep expertise in using React Native to build mobile applications
Provides a complete workflow for building production-ready mobile apps
Offers hands-on experience in implementing React Navigation and fetching data from remote APIs
Taught by instructors recognized for their expertise in React Native
Covers skills and knowledge that are highly relevant to mobile app development industry

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Building Mobile Apps with React Native with these activities:
Review Mobile App Development Concepts
Strengthen your foundation in mobile app development principles, enhancing your ability to apply React Native effectively.
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  • Review notes and materials from previous coursework or online resources
  • Focus on core concepts such as mobile app architecture, UI design, and user experience
  • Complete practice exercises or quizzes to test your understanding
Review key concepts of React Native
React Native is the focus of this course, so reinforcing the core concepts will help create a foundation for the entire course.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Review the official React Native documentation
  • Go through online tutorials or articles on React Native basics
React Native Framework Overview
Complete guided tutorials to understand the React Native framework's components, principles, and best practices.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Explore React Native's website for tutorials and documentation.
  • Follow along with tutorials to learn the basics of React Native development.
  • Build a small test project to practice using React Native.
21 other activities
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Participate in React Native Study Group
Gain insights and support from peers by participating in a React Native study group.
Show steps
  • Find or form a React Native study group
  • Meet regularly to discuss course topics
  • Share knowledge and experiences
React Native Study Group
Join a peer study group to discuss React Native concepts, share knowledge, and work through challenges together.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Find or create a React Native study group online or in person.
  • Attend regular meetings to discuss course material and work on projects.
  • Collaborate with group members to solve problems and enhance understanding.
Design App Wireframes and Prototypes
Translate your app ideas into tangible artifacts, enhancing your ability to visualize and plan the user experience of your mobile application.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Sketch out ideas and concepts for your app
  • Use design tools or software to create wireframes and prototypes
  • Share your designs with others for feedback and critique
  • Iterate and refine your designs based on feedback
Follow React Native Tutorials
Enhance your understanding of React Native by exploring external tutorials and resources.
Show steps
  • Search for React Native tutorials
  • Select tutorials relevant to your learning goals
  • Follow the tutorials step-by-step
  • Practice implementing the concepts in your own projects
Solve React Native Challenges
Engage in problem-solving exercises specifically tailored to React Native, reinforcing your understanding of the framework and its capabilities.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Find a list of React Native challenges or exercises online
  • Start solving the challenges, focusing on applying the concepts covered in the course
  • Refer to the course materials for guidance and support
  • Discuss your solutions with peers or mentors
Follow react-native tutorials
Following guided tutorials can help you familiarize yourself with the fundamental concepts and tools used in React Native.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Identify a reputable tutorial series
  • Set aside dedicated time to work through the tutorials
  • Take notes and experiment with the code
Follow tutorials to build a simple React Native app
Building a simple app will help you apply the concepts learned in the course and solidify your understanding.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Find a tutorial that covers the basics of React Native development
  • Follow the steps in the tutorial to build the app
  • Experiment with the app to see how it works
Build React Native App Components
Solidify your React Native skills by building individual app components.
Show steps
  • Identify common app components
  • Design and implement the components in your own projects
  • Experiment with different ways to style and interact with the components
React Native Debugging Exercises
Engage in practice drills to improve debugging skills and troubleshoot common React Native issues.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Set up a React Native project with common bugs introduced.
  • Attempt to fix the bugs using React Native's debugging tools.
  • Collaborate with peers to share solutions and learn from different approaches.
Build a To-Do List App
Experiment with the skills acquired in the course to build and deploy a tangible mobile app, helping solidify your grasp of the subject matter.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Design the UI and functionality of your app
  • Implement the React Native components
  • Connect the app to a remote API
  • Build the app using the React Native Command Line Interface
  • Deploy the app to an app store
Build a React Native Project
Apply your React Native knowledge by building a comprehensive project.
Show steps
  • Define the scope and purpose of your project
  • Plan and design the project architecture
  • Develop and implement the project
  • Test and refine your project
Build small React Native projects
Building small projects provides hands-on experience and reinforces the concepts learned in the course.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Choose a simple project idea
  • Set up your development environment
  • Implement the features of your project
  • Test and debug your code
Practice writing React Native code
Practice is essential for developing proficiency in React Native. Writing code exercises will help.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Find coding challenges or exercises online
  • Write code to solve the challenges
  • Review your code and identify areas for improvement
Create a React Native Blog or YouTube Channel
Enhance your understanding and share your knowledge by creating React Native content.
Show steps
  • Define the purpose and target audience of your content
  • Create engaging and informative content on React Native
  • Publish and promote your content on a regular basis
Follow React Native Tutorials
Supplement the course content with additional resources, expanding your knowledge and deepening your understanding of React Native.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Identify reputable sources for React Native tutorials
  • Select tutorials that cover specific concepts or skills you want to improve
  • Follow the tutorials step-by-step, implementing the concepts in your own projects
  • Experiment with variations and modifications to enhance your understanding
Create a React Native App Portfolio
Showcase your React Native skills by building a portfolio of apps.
Show steps
  • Plan and design your app portfolio
  • Develop and implement the apps
  • Deploy the apps to a public platform
  • Share your portfolio with potential employers or clients
Blog About React Native
Share your insights and experiences with React Native, solidifying your understanding of the framework and contributing to the community.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Choose a topic related to React Native that you're passionate about
  • Conduct research and gather information from reliable sources
  • Write a well-structured blog post, sharing your knowledge and insights
  • Publish your blog post on a relevant platform
  • Promote your blog post and engage with readers
Develop a React Native mobile app
Developing a complete mobile app allows you to apply all the skills learned in the course and create a functional product.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Brainstorm an app idea
  • Design the app's UI and UX
  • Implement the app's functionality
  • Test and publish your app
Develop a mobile app using React Native
Creating a full-fledged app will challenge you to apply the concepts learned in the course and test your skills.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Brainstorm an idea for your app
  • Design the app's interface
  • Implement the app's functionality using React Native
  • Test and debug your app
  • Deploy your app to the app store
Help other students learn React Native
Teaching others is an effective way to reinforce your knowledge and identify areas where you need more practice.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Join a React Native community or forum
  • Answer questions and provide support to other learners
  • Mentor a beginner in React Native
Attend a React Native workshop or conference
Workshops and conferences provide opportunities to learn from experts in the field and network with other developers.
Browse courses on React Native
Show steps
  • Find a React Native workshop or conference in your area
  • Register for the event
  • Attend the event and participate in the activities

Career center

Learners who complete Building Mobile Apps with React Native will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Mobile App Developer
React Native is a framework for building mobile applications. This course is a relevant resource for anyone who wants to build mobile applications.
Software Engineer
Mobile applications are a type of software program. This course is a relevant resource for anyone who wants to build software.
Web Developer
React Native is a framework for building mobile applications. However, there are many similarities between building mobile applications and building websites. This course may be helpful for someone who wants to build websites.
Database Administrator
This course teaches how to utilize data from a remote source. Database administrators are responsible for managing and securing data. Having experience with accessing data from remote sources is useful for this career.
Information Technology Specialist
This course teaches how to build a mobile app. Information technology specialists provide technical support for computer systems and networks. This course may be useful for someone who wants to become an information technology specialist.
Computer Scientist
This course teaches how to build a mobile app. Computer scientists study the theory and design of computer software and hardware. This course may be useful for someone who wants to become a computer scientist.
Technical Writer
This course teaches how to use React Native to build mobile applications. Technical writers explain technical concepts to non-technical audiences. This course may be useful for someone who wants to become a technical writer for mobile development.
Software Developer
This course teaches how to build a mobile app. Software developers design, build, and maintain software applications. This course may be useful for someone who wants to become a software developer.
Systems Analyst
This course teaches how to utilize data from a remote source. Systems analysts must understand how to collect and use data.
Computer Programmer
This course teaches how to build a mobile app. Computer programmers write and maintain code for computer programs. This course may be useful for someone who wants to become a computer programmer.
Quality Assurance Analyst
This course covers topics such as setting up React Native and installing the Android and iOS development kits. Quality Assurance Analysts are responsible for testing software. Having a basic understanding of how to set up development kits is useful for this career.
Project Manager
This course covers topics such as setting up React Native and installing the Android and iOS development kits, as well as configuring React Navigation and accessing remote web based APIs. Project managers are responsible for leading teams of developers. Having experience with these topics is useful for this career.
Information Systems Manager
This course teaches how to utilize data from a remote source. Information systems managers are responsible for overseeing the use of information systems. Having experience with accessing data from remote sources is useful for this career.
Data Scientist
This course teaches how to build a mobile app. Data scientists use data to find patterns and insights. This course may be useful for someone who wants to become a data scientist.
Data Analyst
This course teaches how to access remote data sources. Data analysts work with data and are often responsible for gathering data from remote sources. This course may be useful for someone who wants to become a data analyst.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Building Mobile Apps with React Native.
Comprehensive resource for creating stunning animations in React Native apps. It covers various animation techniques, performance optimization, and best practices for building interactive and engaging user interfaces.
Provides a gentle introduction to React Native for beginners. It covers the basics of the framework and offers hands-on guidance for building simple mobile apps.


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