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Performing Statistical Analysis with MATLAB

Martin Burger
MATLAB has many different uses for different types of statistical analysis. In this course, Performing Statistical Analysis with MATLAB, you’ll gain the ability to analyze and model standard datasets. First, you’ll explore summary statistics. Next, you’ll...
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MATLAB has many different uses for different types of statistical analysis. In this course, Performing Statistical Analysis with MATLAB, you’ll gain the ability to analyze and model standard datasets. First, you’ll explore summary statistics. Next, you’ll discover how probability distributions are defined for our course dataset. Then, you'll see how models and curve fits can be tailored to accurately describe data. Finally, you’ll learn how to use industrial statistics for advanced analysis like durability analysis, process control and design of experiments. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of MATLAB needed to analyze standard datasets containing numeric, integer and categorical variables.
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Develops skills for modeling and analyzing standard datasets and modeling statistical data
Taught by Martin Burger, an authority in statistical computation and programming
Covers probability distributions essential for data analysis and modeling
Utilizes MATLAB, an industry-standard tool for statistical analysis and modeling
Delves into industrial statistics for specialized applications and research
Requires prior knowledge in MATLAB, statistics, and probability

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Career center

Learners who complete Performing Statistical Analysis with MATLAB will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Analyst
Data Analysts use MATLAB to analyze data and identify trends. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Data Analyst.
Statisticians analyze data in order to find patterns and trends. They use this information to make inferences about the world around them. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Statistician.
Quantitative Analyst
Quantitative Analysts use MATLAB to analyze financial data and make investment decisions. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Quantitative Analyst.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use MATLAB to analyze data and build models. They use this information to make decisions and solve problems. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Data Scientist.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers use MATLAB to build and train machine learning models. They use these models to make predictions and solve problems. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Machine Learning Engineer.
Biostatisticians use MATLAB to analyze data in the medical field. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Biostatistician.
Actuaries use MATLAB to analyze financial data and assess risk. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as an Actuary.
Market Researcher
Market Researchers use MATLAB to analyze data about consumers and markets. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Market Researcher.
Operations Research Analyst
Operations Research Analysts use MATLAB to analyze data and solve problems in the business world. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as an Operations Research Analyst.
Quality Control Engineer
Quality Control Engineers use MATLAB to analyze data and ensure the quality of products and processes. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Quality Control Engineer.
Risk Manager
Risk Managers use MATLAB to analyze data and assess risk. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Risk Manager.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers use MATLAB to develop and test software. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Software Engineer.
Data Visualization Specialist
Data Visualization Specialists use MATLAB to create visualizations of data. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Data Visualization Specialist.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts use MATLAB to analyze financial data. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Financial Analyst.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts use MATLAB to analyze data and solve problems in the business world. This course can help you get started in this field by teaching you the basics of statistical analysis in MATLAB. You'll learn how to use MATLAB to calculate summary statistics, fit probability distributions to data, and create models to describe data. This knowledge will be essential for you to succeed as a Business Analyst.

Reading list

We haven't picked any books for this reading list yet.
Comprehensive guide to using MATLAB for data analysis. It covers a wide range of topics, including data import, cleaning, visualization, and statistical analysis.
Comprehensive guide to using MATLAB for numerical computing. It covers a wide range of topics, including linear algebra, differential equations, and optimization.
Collection of recipes for solving common problems in MATLAB. It covers a wide range of topics, including data analysis, visualization, and numerical methods.
Comprehensive guide to the MATLAB language, designed for beginners with no prior programming experience.
Concise and comprehensive introduction to MATLAB. It covers topics such as the MATLAB environment, data types, operators, control flow, and functions. It good choice for students who want to learn the basics of MATLAB quickly.
Provides a collection of MATLAB recipes for solving common problems in earth sciences. It covers topics such as data analysis, visualization, and numerical methods. It good choice for students and researchers who work with earth science data.
Provides a comprehensive introduction to deep learning using MATLAB. It covers topics such as neural networks, convolutional neural networks, and recurrent neural networks. It good choice for students and researchers who want to learn how to use deep learning for solving real-world problems.
Provides a comprehensive introduction to bioinformatics using MATLAB. It covers topics such as sequence analysis, gene expression analysis, and protein structure analysis. It good choice for students and researchers who work with bioinformatics data.
Provides a comprehensive introduction to financial applications using MATLAB. It covers topics such as financial data analysis, financial modeling, and financial risk management. It good choice for students and researchers who work with financial data.
Provides a comprehensive introduction to signal processing using MATLAB. It covers topics such as signal analysis, signal filtering, and signal compression. It good choice for students and researchers who work with signal processing data.
Provides a gentle introduction to statistical thinking. It covers topics such as data collection, data analysis, and statistical inference. It valuable resource for students and researchers who are new to statistics.
Provides a comprehensive overview of modern statistical learning methods. It covers topics such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and statistical modeling. It valuable resource for students and researchers in machine learning, data science, and other fields that use statistical methods.
Provides a comprehensive overview of applied statistics, using the S-PLUS statistical software package. It covers topics such as data analysis, statistical modeling, and graphical methods. It valuable resource for students and researchers in statistics, biostatistics, and other fields that use statistical methods.
Provides a comprehensive overview of statistical analysis using the R statistical software package. It covers topics such as data analysis, statistical modeling, and graphical methods. It valuable resource for students and researchers in all fields that use statistical methods.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Bayesian statistical methods. It covers topics such as Bayesian inference, hierarchical models, and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. It valuable resource for students and researchers in statistics, biostatistics, and other fields that use statistical methods.
Provides a free and open-source introduction to statistics. It covers topics such as descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. It valuable resource for students and researchers who are new to statistics.
Provides a comprehensive overview of statistical power analysis. It covers topics such as effect size, sample size, and power analysis. It valuable resource for students and researchers in all fields that use statistical methods.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Bayesian data analysis. It covers topics such as Bayesian inference, hierarchical models, and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. It valuable resource for students and researchers in statistics, biostatistics, and other fields that use statistical methods.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the MATLAB language, including its syntax, data types, and control structures. It also covers a wide range of topics in numerical computing, such as linear algebra, differential equations, and optimization.


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