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Elshad Karimov

Welcome to Complete Python Bootcamp for Everyone, the best and the most comprehensive Python course on the internet.

At 86+ hours, this Python course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and detailed Python course available anywhere online. If you are someone who has zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to professional.

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Welcome to Complete Python Bootcamp for Everyone, the best and the most comprehensive Python course on the internet.

At 86+ hours, this Python course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and detailed Python course available anywhere online. If you are someone who has zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to professional.

Learning Python is one of the fastest ways to improve your career prospects as it is one of the most in demand tech skills. This course will help you in better understanding every detail of Python programming and how these concepts are implemented in high level programming language.

  • We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to succeed as a professional programmer.

  • The course has been updated to be 2023 ready and you'll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and more.

  • This course explains everything in details with beautiful animated explanation videos and tens of real life projects which you will get to build. e.g. Ping Pong Game, Snake game, Blackjack , Form Filler and more.

  • The curriculum was developed based on my 10+ years programming experience over a period of 2 years.

  • We've taught over 100,000 students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becoming professional developers at top tech companies or starting their own tech startup.

  • You do not need to waste your money on expensive bootcamps out there, the course teaches the same curriculum with lifetime access.

  • The course is constantly updated with new content, with new projects and modules determined by students - it is a lifetime course.

  • We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Python developer.

  • The course includes over 86+ hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real-world Python projects.

  • The course will guide you master Python Programming language from beginner to advanced

Throughout this comprehensive course, we cover a massive amount of tools and technologies, including:

PART 1 Getting Started With Python

Section 1 - Why We Program?

  • Getting Started with Python

  • Why Should You Learn to Write Programs?

  • Computer Hardware Architecture

  • Installing Python on Mac

  • Installing Python on Windows

  • Learning a New Language

  • The First Conversation with Python

  • What is a Bug? What are the Types of Bug?

  • What is Debugging?

  • Interpreter and Compiler

  • Bug, Debugging and Error Types

  • Code Editors and IDEs

  • Getting Started with Code Editors

  • Introduction Quiz

  • Print Statement

  • Solution to Print Statement Coding Exercise

Section 2 - Variables, Expressions and Statements

  • Values and Types

  • Variables

  • Values and Types Quiz

  • Variables Quiz

  • Coding Exercise Switch Values

  • Switch Values

  • Operations and Expressions

  • Input Function - Asking the User for Input

  • Coding Exercise Input Function

  • Type Errors and Type Conversion

  • Comments in Python

  • Variable Naming

  • Variable Naming Quiz

  • Coding Exercise - Data Types - Weeks in Years

  • f Strings and Rounding Numbers

  • Mathematical Operations Quiz

Section 3 - Real Python Projects ( Variable, Expressions and Statements)

  • Project 1 Greeting

  • Project 2 Band Name Generator

  • Project 3 Gross Pay

  • Project 4 Celsius to Fahrenheit

  • Project 5 Trip Cost Calculator

Section 4 - Conditional Execution

  • Boolean Expressions

  • Conditional Execution (IF)

  • Coding Exercise - Even or Odd

  • Nested Conditionals

  • Chained Conditionals (IF/ELIF/ELSE)

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

  • Multiple IF Statements

  • Coding Exercise - Burger Order

  • Logical Operators

  • Try and Except

  • Conditional Execution

Section 5 - Real Python Projects ( Conditional Execution)

  • Project 6 - Gross Pay with Overtime

  • Project 7 - Leap Year

  • Project 8 - Love Calculator

  • Project 9 - Gross Program using Try and Except

  • Project 10 - Score Checker

Section 6 - Python Functions

  • Function Calls and Built in Functions - Type and Math Functions

  • Built in Functions

  • What is a Module? - Python Math Module

  • Module Quiz

  • Coding Exercise - Area of Circle

  • Coding Exercise - Factorial

  • Randomisation in Python

  • Coding Exercise -Random - Coin Toss

  • Creating New Functions - User Defined Functions

  • Indentation in Python

  • Indentation Quiz

  • Functions in Practice

  • Function with Inputs - Parameters and Arguments

  • Coding Exercise - Area of Square

  • Coding Exercise - Volume Converter

  • Positional and Keyword Arguments

  • Coding Exercise - Painting the Wall

  • Functions with Outputs

  • Coding Exercise - Concatenate

  • Multiple Returns

  • Password Controller

  • Solution to Password Controller

  • Docstrings

  • Print or Return?

  • Why Functions?

Section 7 - Real Python Projects (Python Functions)

  • Project 11 - Leap Year with Function

  • Project 12 - Gross Pay with Functions

  • Project 13 - Cold, Warm and Hot

  • Project 14 - Maximum of Three Numbers

Section 8 - Iteration (Lists)

  • Understanding the Lists

  • For Loop

  • Updating Variables

  • Coding Exercise - Highest Score

  • Coding Exercise - Find Integer Numbers

  • Coding Exercise - Sum of Above Average Scores

  • Loop Over Custom Function

  • Using range() Function with For Loop

  • Coding Exercise - Adding Odd Numbers

  • Coding Exercise - Adding Even Numbers in ANY Range

  • For Loop in Practice

  • While Loop

  • While Loop in Practice - Hurdle 2

  • Finishing iterations with

  • What is an Algorithm?

  • Why are Data Structures and Algorithms important?

  • Types of Data Structures

Section 11 - Strings

  • What is a String?

  • Coding Exercise - Sum of Digits of 2 Digit Number

  • String Traversal

  • Coding Exercise - Backward Traversal

  • Coding Exercise - Sum of Digits

  • Coding Exercise - Count Characters in a String

  • String Operations

  • Coding Exercise - First and Last 2 Characters

  • String Methods

  • Coding Exercise - Replace Character in a String

  • String Methods Quiz

  • Parsing Strings

  • Escape Sequence

  • String Formatting

  • Coding Exercise - Format a String

  • Coding Exercise - Print Pattern

  • Project 20 - String Formatting

Section 12 - More on Python Lists

  • More on Lists

  • Coding Exercise - Square Of Items

  • Index Out Of Range

  • List Operations

  • Index Quiz

  • Coding Exercise - Reverse a List using Slice Operator

  • List Methods Practice

  • Coding Exercise - Update the First Occurrence

  • Coding Exercise -First and Last Characters

  • List and Functions

  • Coding Exercise - Create a List from Two Lists

  • Coding Exercise - Remove and Add

  • Coding Exercise - Three Equal Chunks

  • Strings and Lists

  • Coding Exercise - Format List

  • Nested List

  • Coding Exercise - Add Item in Nested List

  • Coding Exercise - Extend Nested List

  • Objects and Values

  • Coding Exercise - List Addition with Function

  • Coding Exercise - Concatenate Two Lists in One List Item Wise

Section 13 - Real Python Projects (List)

  • Project 21 - Bill Roulette

  • Project 22 - Find the Gold

  • Project 23 - Escaping the Maze (From Previous Section)

  • Project 24 - Cryptography with Python Caesar Cipher

  • How to Encrypt Data?

  • Debugging Encrypt Function

  • How to Decrypt Data?

  • Debugging Decrypt Function

  • Putting Encrypt and Decrypt Together

  • Code Optimization

  • Project 25 - Practice What We Learned

  • Dividing the Program into Steps

  • Project 26 - Putting Everything Together (Hangman)

Section 14 - Dictionaries

  • What is a Dictionary?

  • Creating Dictionary and Accessing Dictionary Elements

  • Insert/Update an Element in Dictionary

  • Coding Exercise - Generate Dictionary

  • Traverse / Search for Element in Dictionary

  • Coding Exercise - Multiply Dictionary Items

  • Coding Exercise - Student Grades

  • Remove Elements from Dictionary

  • Coding Exercise - Rename Key

  • IN / NOT IN Operators with Dictionary

  • Coding Exercise - Count Characters in a Word

  • Nested Dictionaries

  • Handling Missing Keys in Dictionary - get() and setdefault() methods

  • Keys in Dictionary - fromkeys() and keys() methods

  • Coding Exercise - Group Value Types

  • Dictionary items() Method

  • Coding Exercise - Length of Dictionary Values

  • Dictionary update() Method

  • Coding Exercise - Concatenate Three Dictionaries

  • Dictionary values() Method

  • Coding Exercise - Remove Empty Items

  • Reference to Dictionary - copy() Method

  • Coding Exercise - Merge Two Dictionary

  • Deep Copy

  • Coding Exercise - Custom Deep Copy for List Values

  • Dictionary Operations and built in Python Functions

  • Dictionary vs List

  • Dictionary Quiz

Section 15 - Real Projects (Dictionary)

  • Project 27 - Calculate Total Price

  • Project 28 - Blind Auction Program

  • Project 29 - Quiz APP

Section 16 - Tuples

  • What is a Tuple?

  • Why Tuples?

  • Unpacking Tuples

  • Coding Exercise Sum Tuple Elements using Unpack

  • Traverse Tuple - Enumerate()

  • Coding Exercise Even Index with Enumerate

  • Searching in Tuple

  • Tuple Operations / Functions

  • Coding Exercise Find Most Frequent Item

  • Nested Tuples

  • Nested Tuple Indexing

  • Tuple vs List

  • Coding Exercise Convert Tuple to Dictionary

  • Tuple Quiz

  • Project 30 - English to Pig Latin

  • Project 31 - Music APP

Section 17 - Sets

  • What is Set? Set Terminology

  • Sets in Python

  • Set Membership

  • Adding Members to Set

  • Coding Exercise Adding Members from List

  • Coding Exercise Remove Duplicates

  • Deleting Items from Set

  • Delete Restricted Items Using Remove Method

  • Union Set

  • Coding Exercise Combine Sets

  • Coding Exercise Union List of Sets

  • Set Intersection

  • Set Subtraction

  • Set Symmetric Difference

  • Modifying Sets

  • Subsets and Supersets

Section 18 - Real Projects (Sets)

  • Project 32 - Powerball Lottery

Section 19 - Data Structures and Algorithms in Python

  • Python Programming Data Structures

  • Python Programming Algorithms

PART 3 Recursion, Regular Expressions, Files and OOP

Section 20 - Recursion

  • What is Recursion?

  • Why do we need Recursion?

  • The Logic Behind Recursion

  • Recursive vs Iterative Solution

  • How to write a recursive solution in steps?

  • Fibonacci Numbers using Recursion

  • Coding Exercise 'a' to the power 'b' - using Recursion

Section 21 - Project 33 - Flooder Game

  • bext Module in Python

Section 22 - Scope in Python

  • Global vs Local Scope

  • Block Scope in Python

  • Modify Global Variable

  • Python Constants and Global Scope

  • Scope Quiz

  • Project 34 - BlackJack - Practice What we have learnt

Section 23 - Debugging - Find and Fix Programming Errors

  • Identify the Problem (Error)

  • Reproduce the Bug

  • Analyse Each Line

  • Fix Errors - IDE Messages

  • Using print() in Debugging

  • Debugger Tools

  • Error Types - Syntax Errors

  • Runtime Errors

  • Logical Errors

  • Handling the Errors

  • Raise Your Own Exceptions

  • Handling Exceptions

Section 24 - Regular expressions

  • What is Regular Expression?

  • Metacharacters

  • Groups and Alteration

  • Repetition in Regular Expression Patterns ( ?, *,)

  • Greedy and Non Greedy Matches

  • Character Classes

  • Custom Character Classes

  • Caret, Dollar and Dot / Dot-Star

  • Anchors

  • Grouping Constructs

  • Regex Matching with Flags

  • re Searching Functions

  • re Substitution Functions

  • re Utility Functions

  • Project 35 - Phone and Email Scraper

Section 25 - Local Development Environment - Installing PyCharm

  • Steps for setting up Local Development Environment

  • Download PyCharm (Windows/Mac)

  • Install PyCharm on Mac

  • Install PyCharm on Windows

  • Common Features of PyCharm

  • Project 36 - Strong Password Detection using Local Development Environment

Section 26 - Files and Directories

  • File Systems

  • Terminal on Mac and Command Prompt Windows

  • Relative and Absolute File Paths

  • Quiz Paths

  • Navigate the File System with OS Module

  • Get File Details with OS Module

  • List All Files in Directory Recursively

  • Filename Matching with glob Module

  • Python's New Pathlib Module

  • Operating System Differences

  • Find Last Modified File using Pathlib

  • File System Modules (os, glob, pathlib)

  • Project 38 - Display a Directory Tree

  • Project 39 - Rename all Files in a Directory TODO

  • Open and Read Files Text Files

  • File Cursor, Read Line and Read Lines

  • Searching Through a File

  • Reading File Challenge / Exercise

  • Parsing Text File

  • File Modes

  • Writing to Files

  • Printing a Text to Files

  • Time Table Exercise - (File Writing)

  • What is a Binary File?

  • Writing and Reading to Binary File

  • Shelve Module

  • Data Manipulation with Shelve

  • Moving and Copying Files

  • Deleting Files

  • Project 40 - Quiz using Files

Section 27 - Object Oriented Programming - OOP

  • What is OOP? Why we need it?

  • Object Oriented Thinking

  • OOP Concepts Classes, Objects, Attributes and Mehtods

  • Constructing Objects - Accessing Attributes and Methods

  • BlackJack OOP

  • Classes - Create Your Own Class

  • Class Attributes

  • Class Methods

  • Checking Instance Types

  • Encapsulation

  • Getters and Setters

  • Inheritance

  • Inheritance with Parameters

  • Inheritance Challenge

  • Overriding Methods

  • Project 41 - Bike Rental System using OOP

  • datetime Module in Python

  • Basic HTML Skills

  • Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup

  • Find and Select Specific Elements

  • Steps for Web Scraping a Real Website

  • Do All Websites Allow Web Scraping?

  • Project 45 - Beautiful Soap - Airpods rating on Amazon

  • Section 31 - Selenium Library - Python BOTs

    • Why Selenium?

    • Setup Selenium

    • How Select Elements in Website

    • Scrap Data using Selenium

    • How to Clicking Buttons and Filling Text Fields

    • Sending Special Keys and Browser Buttons

    • Project 46 - Selenium - Follow on Instagram

    Section 32 - GUI Automation

    • What is GUI Automation? Installing He codes a lot in the course, and he is fast at it, so for people looking for a fast paced course, this is a great option. ." - Hyper O.

      "The teacher is great. he explains everything in full details especially with real life examples. he uses the right algorithm in making his teaching methods effective so students don't get bored and sleepy." - Precious Ogbonna Nwakama

      "Nicely explained with graphics for non non programmers. Thank you. Amazingly simple to understand. Best wishes to the instructor." - Shahnawaz Ayon

      "- Amazing Explanation

      -The guy explains everything.

      -He explains with diagrams. Then with algorithm. Then with code.

      -This three times explanation makes the topics very retentive for a learner.

      ." - Abinash Dash

      "Thats how a course should be. Excellent explanation and lot of coding excercises to practice.

      I read some comments on the accent of the trainer being not so good and all, but its very clear in fact.

      Am excited for the next sections...

      ." - Siddhesh Sule

      "Excellent course for those looking to understand data structures and algorithms from beginner to advanced level. The theoretical explanations are well done, along with concrete real life examples. All data structures and algorithms described and then implemented, which makes the concepts easier to understand and gives you a chance to apply them in a real practice. The top tech's interview questions and answers sections are excellent bonus which allow for preparing real interviews."

      - Johanna David

      So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world's best and most comprehensive development course.

    Enroll now

    What's inside

    Learning objectives

    • You will master the python programming language by building 100+ projects.
    • Be able to use python programming for data scraping and automation
    • Build guis and desktop applications with python programming
    • Create a portfolio of real python projects to apply for developer jobs
    • You will learn selenium, beautiful soup, request, flask, pandas sqlite, mysql, postgresql, seabon, and matplotlib.


    --------------PART 1 - Getting Started with Python--------------
    Getting Started with Python Programming
    Why We Program?
    Why should You Learn to Write Programs?
    Read more
    Computer Hardware Architecture
    Installing Python on Mac
    Installing Python on Windows
    Learning a New Language
    The First Conversation with Python Programming
    What is a Bug? What are the Types of Bug? Python Programming
    What is Debugging?
    Interpreter and Compiler
    Bug, Debugging and Error Types
    Code Editors and IDEs
    Getting Started with Code Editors - Python Programming
    Introduction Quiz
    Print Statement - Python Programming
    Solution to Print Statement Coding Exercise
    Variables, Expressions and Statements
    Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
    Values and Types - Python Programming
    Variables - Python Programming
    Values and Types Quiz - Python Programming
    Variables Quiz - Python Programming
    Switch Values - Python Programming
    Solution to Switch Values - Python Programming
    Operations and Expressions - Python Programming
    Input Function - Asking the User for Input - Python Programming
    Input Function
    Solution to Input Function - Python Programming
    Type Errors and Type Conversion - Python Programming
    Comments in Python - Python Programming
    Variable Naming - Python Programming
    Variable Naming Quiz
    Data Types - Weeks in Years
    Solution to Data Types
    f Strings and Rounding Numbers - Python Programming

    This quiz is going to check to see if you can use concepts like round(), f Strings and Mathematical Operations correctly.

    Well Done!
    Real Python Projects ( Variable, Expressions and Statements)
    Project 1: Greeting - Python Programming
    Project 2: Band Name Generator - Python Programming
    Project 3: Gross Pay - Python Programming
    Project 4: Celsius to Fahrenheit - Python Programming
    Project 5: Trip Cost Calculator - Python Programming
    Conditional Execution
    Boolean Expressions
    Conditional Execution (IF)
    Even or Odd
    Solution to Even or Odd
    Nested Conditionals
    Chained Conditionals (IF/ELIF/ELSE)
    Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator
    Solution to BMI Calculator
    Multiple IF Statements
    Burger Order
    Solution to Burger Order
    Logical Operators
    Try and Except
    Real Python Projects ( Conditional Execution)
    Project 6 - Gross Pay with Overtime - Python Programming
    Project 7 - Leap Year - Python Programming
    Project 8 - Love Calculator - Python Programming
    Project 9 - Gross Program using Try and Except - Python Programming
    Project 10 - Score Checker - Python Programming
    Python Functions
    Function Calls and Built in Functions - Type and Math Functions
    Built in Functions
    What is a Module? - Python Math Module
    Module Quiz
    Area of Circle
    Solution to Area of Circle
    Solution to Factorial Exercise
    Randomisation in Python
    Random - Coin Toss
    Solution to Coin Toss
    Creating New Functions - User Defined Functions
    Indentation in Python
    Indentation Quiz
    Functions in Practice
    Function with Inputs - Parameters and Arguments
    Area of Square
    Solution to Area of Square
    Volume Converter
    Solution to Volume Converter
    Positional and Keyword Arguments
    Painting the Wall
    Solution to Painting the Wall
    Functions with Outputs
    Solution to Concatenate
    Multiple Returns - Python Programming
    Password Controller
    Solution to Password Controller
    Docstrings - Python Programming

    Good to know

    Know what's good
    , what to watch for
    , and possible dealbreakers
    Begins with the fundamentals, such as installing Python and understanding basic syntax, which is helpful for learners with no prior programming experience
    Covers a wide range of Python libraries, including Selenium, Beautiful Soup, and Pandas, which are essential for web scraping, data analysis, and automation
    Includes projects such as a ping pong game, a snake game, and a blackjack game, which allows learners to apply their knowledge in a practical and engaging way
    Explores object-oriented programming (OOP) principles, which are crucial for building scalable and maintainable applications
    Features sections on debugging and regular expressions, which are essential skills for any programmer to master
    Teaches file handling and directory navigation using the OS and Pathlib modules, which are useful for automating tasks and managing data

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    Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Complete Python Bootcamp For Everyone From Zero to Hero 2025 with these activities:
    Review Basic Programming Concepts
    Reinforce fundamental programming concepts to prepare for Python-specific syntax and features.
    Browse courses on Variables
    Show steps
    • Review notes or online resources covering variables, data types, and operators.
    • Complete basic coding exercises on platforms like HackerRank or LeetCode.
    • Write simple programs to practice using control flow statements (if/else, loops).
    Read 'Automate the Boring Stuff with Python'
    Gain practical experience with Python by automating simple tasks, reinforcing core concepts learned in the course.
    Show steps
    • Read the first few chapters covering basic Python syntax and data structures.
    • Work through the examples and exercises in the book.
    • Try to automate a simple task you encounter in your daily life using Python.
    Build a Simple Calculator
    Apply learned concepts to create a functional calculator, solidifying understanding of functions, conditional statements, and user input.
    Show steps
    • Define functions for basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
    • Get user input for numbers and the desired operation.
    • Use conditional statements to perform the correct operation based on user input.
    • Display the result to the user.
    Four other activities
    Expand to see all activities and additional details
    Show all seven activities
    Create a Python Cheat Sheet
    Summarize key Python syntax and concepts in a concise cheat sheet for quick reference and improved retention.
    Show steps
    • Review course materials and identify key syntax elements (e.g., loops, functions, data structures).
    • Organize the information into a clear and concise format.
    • Include examples for each syntax element.
    • Share the cheat sheet with other students for feedback.
    Solve List and Dictionary Problems
    Sharpen skills in manipulating lists and dictionaries through targeted practice problems, improving problem-solving abilities.
    Show steps
    • Find coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank focusing on lists and dictionaries.
    • Solve at least five problems of varying difficulty levels.
    • Analyze your solutions and identify areas for improvement.
    Read 'Python Crash Course'
    Expand your understanding of Python with a comprehensive guide that covers a wide range of topics and projects.
    Show steps
    • Read through the chapters covering topics you found challenging in the course.
    • Work through the projects at the end of each chapter.
    • Compare your solutions to the book's solutions and identify areas where you can improve.
    Contribute to a Python Project on GitHub
    Gain real-world experience by contributing to an open-source Python project, enhancing collaboration and coding skills.
    Show steps
    • Find a Python project on GitHub that interests you and aligns with your skill level.
    • Read the project's documentation and contribution guidelines.
    • Identify a bug or feature you can contribute to.
    • Submit a pull request with your changes.

    Career center

    Learners who complete Complete Python Bootcamp For Everyone From Zero to Hero 2025 will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
    Python Developer
    A Python developer uses the Python programming language to create a range of applications, often focusing on a specific area like web or data science. This course is designed to help someone with zero programming experience become a professional developer, and it is ideal for learners wanting to transition into a Python developer. With over 86 hours of content, the course covers a large amount of material, and it will help build a foundation in all aspects of the Python language. The hands-on real world practices, like the many projects included, provide an excellent practical learning experience that is ideal for a Python developer.
    Software Engineer
    A software engineer designs, develops, and maintains software systems. This course is beneficial because it provides a comprehensive introduction to Python, including its syntax, data structures, and object-oriented programming concepts. This Python course helps build a foundation in programming logic and problem-solving, crucial for any software engineer. Furthermore, the course emphasizes hands-on projects, which is a great way for a future software engineer to gain practical experience. The course's emphasis on real-world applications, including building projects like games and utilities, ensures that learners are equipped to tackle a variety of software engineering tasks.
    Web Developer
    A web developer creates and maintains websites and web applications. This course will help any aspiring web developer since it covers Python, a popular language for web development frameworks like Flask. The course's coverage of web scraping with Beautiful Soup and Selenium is also essential for a web developer who needs to work with data from various sources. By mastering Python, a web developer can build both the front-end and back-end aspects of a website. The wide range of projects in this course, combined with instruction in libraries like Flask can help someone who wishes to become a web developer. With this course, they can gain hands-on experience that is applicable to a variety of web development tasks.
    Data Scientist
    Data scientists analyze complex data sets to extract insights and actionable information. This Python course is incredibly relevant for aspiring data scientists. It covers essential topics like data structures, algorithms, and tools like Pandas, and Matplotlib, which are used in data manipulation and visualization. The course provides hands-on experience with real-world projects that help a data scientist to hone their skills in extracting, analyzing, and presenting data. Through this course, an aspiring data scientist can learn how to use Python to solve real problems, building the foundation for a career in data science.
    Automation Engineer
    An automation engineer designs, develops, and implements automated systems and processes. This course will be particularly helpful for someone aiming to become an automation engineer because it teaches Python, which is widely used for scripting and automation. The course's coverage of Selenium for web automation and GUI automation is directly applicable to the work of an automation engineer. Additionally, the practical projects in this course provide experience in developing automated solutions. This course will prepare an automation engineer to create efficient, reliable, and automated systems.
    Backend Developer
    A backend developer is responsible for the server-side logic and database interactions of a web application. This course is useful for prospective backend developers. It teaches Python, which is often used in backend development with frameworks such as Flask. Furthermore, the course covers how to work with databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, which is essential for backend developers. The practical projects provide hands-on experience with these technologies. With its focus on relevant tools and technologies, this course will prove a springboard for a career as a backend developer.
    Game Developer
    A game developer is responsible for creating the software behind video games. This course provides a strong foundation in programming concepts that are applicable to game development. The course includes several game development projects, which are a helpful introduction for a game developer. By learning Python, an aspiring game developer will gain experience in coding and problem solving, skills that are readily transferable to other game development environments. The practical projects, including games like Ping Pong and Blackjack, will help a game developer gain hands on experience in game development.
    Data Analyst
    A data analyst is responsible for collecting, processing, and performing statistical analysis on data. This Python course provides a great foundation for a data analyst, as it includes data manipulation, data analysis, and data visualization. Libraries such as Pandas, Seaborn, and Matplotlib are covered in the course. By mastering these skills, a data analyst will be able to extract, interpret, and present data. The hands-on projects give valuable experience in applying the tools and skills of a data analyst.
    Software Testing Engineer
    A software testing engineer is crucial to the software development lifecycle, as they are responsible for finding and reporting bugs. This course is beneficial for any aspiring software testing engineer. The course includes several exercises in debugging and finding bugs, which may help one to develop an eye for detail. Moreover, since Python is often used in test automation, the course will be useful for anyone looking to become a software testing engineer. The course will give them a foundation to make them proficient in the practice of software testing.
    Machine Learning Engineer
    A machine learning engineer designs, builds, and deploys machine learning models. While this course does not cover advanced machine learning, it may be useful for an aspiring machine learning engineer, as Python is the most popular language in the field. This Python course helps build a foundation in programming logic and problem-solving, which are critical for machine learning. Moreover, it introduces libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib that are often used in data preprocessing, which is important in the machine learning workflow. The many practical projects in this course may help an aspiring machine learning engineer.
    Database Administrator
    A database administrator manages and maintains databases. This course may be useful for someone looking to become a database administrator. While this course primarily focuses on Python and programming, it also covers how to work with databases such as SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. A database administrator will benefit from the course's emphasis on practical programming, which can simplify the work involved in database management. With experience in these database technologies, a database administrator can more efficiently build systems and maintain them.
    Technical Writer
    A technical writer creates documentation, such as API guides, that explain technical information. While a technical writer does not directly code, this course may be useful as it provides a deep understanding of Python, which is popular in many technologies. A technical writer who is familiar with Python can explain and document technical concepts more effectively. Moreover, the course's coverage of debugging and error handling can provide a technical writer insight to write more accurate documentation. Through this, future technical writers may be able to better communicate with the engineers they document.
    Research Scientist
    A research scientist conducts studies and experiments to advance knowledge in a particular field. While a research scientist may not directly code, this course may be useful to them, as many fields involve data analysis and coding. This Python course gives a strong foundation in programming, data structures, and algorithms, which many research scientists will find valuable. By learning Python, a research scientist can automate data analysis and perform more complex statistical analysis. The course will help any research scientist who works with data.
    Financial Analyst
    A financial analyst analyzes financial data to make recommendations for investment strategies. Though not directly involved in programming, a financial analyst may find this course useful, since Python is increasingly used in finance. This Python course provides a foundation in data manipulation and analysis using libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib, which are used in financial analysis. By gaining a better understanding of the Python language, a financial analyst may be able to better automate data analysis, saving time and resources. As such, this course may prove beneficial for any financial analyst.
    IT Support Specialist
    An IT support specialist provides technical assistance. This course may be useful to an IT support specialist because it provides a foundation in programming and problem solving, both of which are valuable in IT support. By learning Python, an IT support specialist may develop scripts to automate tasks, which are common in the IT field. The debugging skills learned in the course will also be valuable for troubleshooting in the IT space. The course may be helpful for any IT support specialist.

    Reading list

    We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Complete Python Bootcamp For Everyone From Zero to Hero 2025.
    Provides a practical introduction to Python programming, focusing on automating everyday tasks. It's an excellent resource for beginners to learn Python syntax and apply it to real-world problems. The book complements the course by providing hands-on examples and projects that reinforce key concepts. It is commonly used as a textbook for introductory Python courses.
    Offers a fast-paced, thorough introduction to Python that will have you writing programs, solving problems, and making things that work in no time. In the first half of the book, you’ll learn about basic programming concepts, such as lists, dictionaries, classes, and loops, and practice writing clean and readable code with exercises for each topic. You’ll also learn how to make your programs interactive and how to test your code safely before adding it to a project. It useful reference tool and provides additional depth to the course.


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