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البرمجة للجميع - بدء استخدام بايثون

Charles Russell Severance

تهدف هذه الدورة إلى تعليم الجميع أساسيات برمجة أجهزة الكمبيوتر باستخدام بايثون. إننا نغطي أساسيات كيفية إنشاء برنامج من سلسلة من التعليمات البسيطة في بايثون. لا يوجد متطلبات مسبقة للدورة التدريبية وهي لا تستخدم سوى أبسط قواعد الرياضيات. يجب أن يتمكن أي شخص لديه خبرة معتدلة في الكمبيوتر من إتقان المواد في هذه الدورة. تغطي هذه الدورة الفصول من 1 إلى 5 بالكتاب المقرر "بايثون للجميع". بمجرد إكمال الطالب للدورة التدريبية، سيكون جاهزًا لأخذ دورات تدريبية في البرمجة أكثر تقدمًا. تغطي هذه الدورة التدريبية بايثون 3.

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الفصل الأول - لماذا نقوم بالبرمجة؟
هذه هي المواد على مستوى الدورة التدريبية وكذلك الجزء الأول من الفصل الأول حيث نستكشف ما تعنيه كتابة البرامج. ننتهي من الفصل الأول ونجري الاختبار والمهمة الأولى في الأسبوع الثالث من الفصل الدراسي. خلال الدورة التدريبية، قد ترغب في العودة والنظر إلى هذه المواد. ليس من المفترض أن يأخذ هذا القسم منك أسبوعًا كاملًا.
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تثبيت بايثون واستخدامه
في هذه الوحدة ستقوم بإعداد الأمور حتى تتمكن من كتابة برامج بايثون. ليست كل الأنشطة في هذه الوحدة مطلوبة لهذا الفصل، لذا يرجى قراءة مادة "استخدام بايثون في هذا الفصل" للحصول على التفاصيل.
الفصل الأول: لماذا نقوم بالبرمجة (تابع)
في الفصل الأول نحاول تغطية "الصورة الكبيرة" للبرمجة حتى تحصل على "جدول المحتويات" لبقية الكتاب. لا تقلق إذا لم يكن كل شيء منطقيًا في المرة الأولى التي تسمعه فيه. هذا الفصل واسع جدًا وستستفيد من قراءة الفصل في الكتاب بالإضافة إلى مشاهدة المحاضرات لمساعدتك على الاستيعاب والفهم. قد ترغب في العودة وإعادة مشاهدة هذه المحاضرات بعد أن تكون قد قمت بإنهاء بعض الفصول الأخرى.
الفصل الثاني: المتغيرات والتعبيرات
في هذا الفصل، نغطي كيفية استخدام برنامج لذاكرة الكمبيوتر لتخزين المعلومات واستردادها وحسابها.
الفصل الثالث: التعليمات البرمجية الشرطية
في هذا القسم، ننتقل من التعليمات البرمجية التسلسلية الذي يعمل ببساطة على سطر واحد من التعليمات البرمجية بعد الآخر إلى التعليمات البرمجية الشرطية التي يتم فيها تخطي بعض الخطوات. إنه مفهوم بسيط للغاية - ولكن هذه هي الطريقة التي تقوم بها برامج الكمبيوتر "بالاختيارات".
الفصل الرابع: الوظائف
يعتبر هذا الفصل قصيرًا نسبيًا. سوف نتعرف فيه على ماهية الوظائف وكيف يمكننا استخدامها. البرامج في الفصول الأولى من الكتاب ليست كبيرة بما يكفي لتتطلب منا تطوير الوظائف، ولكن مع انتقال الكتاب إلى برامج معقدة أكثر فأكثر، ستكون الوظائف وسيلة أساسية لنا لفهم تعليماتنا البرمجية.
الفصل الخامس: حلقات التكرار والتكرار
تُكمل حلقات التكرار والتكرار أنماط البرمجة الأساسية الأربعة. فحلقات التكرار هي الطريقة التي نطلب بها من بايثون القيام بأمرٍ ما مرارًا وتكرارًا. وحلقات التكرار هي الطريقة التي نبني بها البرامج التي تبقى مع مشكلة حتى يتم حلها.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops foundational programming skills in the Python 3 language
Suitable for beginners with no prior programming experience
Core concepts are taught using the straightforward Python syntax
Emphasizes the practical application of Python programming
Provides a strong foundation for further exploration in programming

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Reviews summary

Learn to code with python

This course received mostly positive reviews. Students found the course to be a good introduction to Python programming. Nearly all reviews were 5-star ratings, with many students going out of their way to mention how much they enjoyed this learning experience. However, a few students requested more content about the fundamentals of Python.


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in البرمجة للجميع - بدء استخدام بايثون with these activities:
Gather Python Resources
Compiling a collection of Python resources will provide you with easy access to valuable materials, such as tutorials, documentation, and code examples.
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  • Create a folder or notebook to store your resources
  • Search for and bookmark relevant Python resources
  • Organize your resources into categories or topics
Review Python Basics
Reviewing Python basics will provide you with a solid foundation for this course, refreshing your understanding of core concepts and syntax.
Browse courses on Python
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  • Go through the official Python tutorial
  • Solve some basic Python coding challenges
Review basic coding principles
Review the fundamentals of coding, such as data types, variables, and control flow, to strengthen your foundation before starting the course.
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  • Review online tutorials or documentation on basic coding concepts.
  • Solve simple coding challenges or exercises to practice applying these concepts.
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Join a Python Study Group
Participating in a Python study group will provide you with opportunities to collaborate with peers, discuss concepts, and reinforce your learning.
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  • Find a Python study group online or in your local area
  • Attend study group meetings regularly
  • Participate actively in discussions and ask questions
  • Work together on Python projects
Assist fellow learners in discussion forums
Engage with fellow learners in discussion forums, providing support and answering questions, which will reinforce your understanding of the course material and enhance your communication skills.
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  • Actively participate in discussion forums related to the course topics.
  • Provide helpful and informative responses to questions posted by other learners.
  • Engage in respectful and constructive discussions, sharing your knowledge and perspectives.
Solve Python Exercises
Regular practice with Python exercises will enhance your problem-solving skills and reinforce your understanding of the language.
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  • Find a collection of Python exercises
  • Set aside time each day to solve exercises
  • Review your solutions and identify areas for improvement
Follow guided tutorials on Python syntax
Enhance your understanding of Python syntax by following guided tutorials that cover the basics of the language, such as data types, operators, and control flow.
Browse courses on Python Syntax
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  • Identify reputable online courses or platforms offering Python syntax tutorials.
  • Follow the tutorials step-by-step, completing the exercises and assignments.
  • Review the material regularly to reinforce your learning.
Follow Python Tutorials
Exploring Python tutorials will expose you to different aspects of the language, helping you expand your knowledge and discover new techniques.
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  • Identify a reputable source for Python tutorials
  • Choose tutorials that align with your learning goals
  • Follow the tutorials step-by-step and experiment with the code
Write a blog post summarizing key concepts
Solidify your understanding of key concepts by writing a blog post that summarizes and explains them in your own words, which will help you retain and recall the information more effectively.
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  • Identify a specific topic or concept from the course that you want to focus on.
  • Research and gather information from the course materials and other sources.
  • Organize and outline your ideas and structure your blog post.
  • Write a clear and concise summary, using your own words and examples.
Build a Python Project
Working on a Python project will allow you to apply your skills, solve real-world problems, and deepen your understanding of the language.
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  • Identify a project idea that interests you
  • Plan your project and outline the steps involved
  • Write the Python code for your project
  • Test and debug your code
  • Deploy your project and share it with others
Contribute to Open Source Python Projects
Contributing to open-source Python projects will give you hands-on experience, expose you to different coding styles, and provide opportunities to collaborate with others.
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  • Identify open-source Python projects that interest you
  • Read the project documentation and understand its goals
  • Find a task or issue that you can contribute to
  • Submit your code and get feedback from the project maintainers

Career center

Learners who complete البرمجة للجميع - بدء استخدام بايثون will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Software Developer
The Programming for Everybody course is a great way to gain the programming skills necessary to succeed as a Software Developer. This course will teach you the fundamentals of computer programming using Python, which is one of the most popular programming languages used in industry today. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information. These skills are essential for any Software Developer, and this course will give you a strong foundation in the basics of programming.
Data Analyst
The Programming for Everybody course will introduce you to the basics of programming using Python, one of the most popular programming languages used for data analysis. You will learn how to store, retrieve, and compute information using Python, which are essential skills for data analysts. While this course is geared towards beginners with no prior programming experience, it can still be beneficial for individuals who want to enter the field of data analysis.
Web Developer
The Programming for Everybody course will provide you with a solid introduction to the basics of programming using Python. This language is widely used for web development, so this course can be a great starting point for aspiring web developers. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information. These skills are essential for web developers, and this course will give you a foundation in the basics of programming.
Computer Scientist
The Programming for Everybody course will give you a solid introduction to the basics of computer science using Python. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information. These skills are essential for computer scientists, and this course will give you a foundation in the basics of computer science.
Information Technology Specialist
The Programming for Everybody course can be useful for individuals who want to enter the field of Information Technology (IT). This course will teach you the basics of programming using Python, which is a popular programming language used in IT. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information.
Database Administrator
The Programming for Everybody course will teach you the basics of programming using Python, which is one of the most popular programming languages used in database management. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information. While this course is geared towards beginners with no prior programming experience, it can still be beneficial for individuals who want to enter the field of database administration.
Computer Programmer
The Programming for Everybody course will give you a solid introduction to the basics of computer programming using Python. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information. These skills are essential for computer programmers, and this course will give you a foundation in the basics of programming.
Software Engineer
The Programming for Everybody course will introduce you to the basics of programming using Python, one of the most popular programming languages used for software engineering. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information. While this course is geared towards beginners with no prior programming experience, it can still be beneficial for individuals who want to enter the field of software engineering.
Data Scientist
The Programming for Everybody course will introduce you to the basics of programming using Python, one of the most popular programming languages used for data science. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information. While this course is geared towards beginners with no prior programming experience, it can still be beneficial for individuals who want to enter the field of data science.
Computer Systems Analyst
The Programming for Everybody course will give you a solid introduction to the basics of computer systems analysis using Python. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information. These skills are essential for computer systems analysts, and this course will give you a foundation in the basics of computer systems analysis.
Information Security Analyst
The Programming for Everybody course can be useful for individuals who want to enter the field of information security. This course will teach you the basics of programming using Python, which is one of the most popular programming languages used in information security. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information.
Network Administrator
The Programming for Everybody course can be useful for individuals who want to enter the field of network administration. This course will teach you the basics of programming using Python, which is one of the most popular programming languages used in network administration. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information.
Quality Assurance Analyst
The Programming for Everybody course may be useful for individuals who want to enter the field of quality assurance. This course will teach you the basics of programming using Python, which is one of the most popular programming languages used in quality assurance. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information.
Technical Writer
The Programming for Everybody course may be useful for individuals who want to enter the field of technical writing. This course will teach you the basics of programming using Python, which is one of the most popular programming languages used for technical writing. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information.
User Experience Designer
The Programming for Everybody course may be useful for individuals who want to enter the field of user experience design. This course will teach you the basics of programming using Python, which is one of the most popular programming languages used for user experience design. You will learn how to create programs from a series of simple instructions in Python, and you will also learn how to use Python to store, retrieve, and compute information.

Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in البرمجة للجميع - بدء استخدام بايثون.
Comprehensive reference guide to the Python language. It covers all the basics of the language, as well as more advanced topics such as object-oriented programming and data structures.
Gentle introduction to computer science and programming. It is written in a clear and concise style, and it provides many examples and exercises to help the reader learn. It good choice for learners who are new to programming, or for those who want review the basics.
Collection of recipes for solving common programming problems in Python. It valuable resource for learners who want to learn how to use Python for practical applications.
Comprehensive introduction to Python 3. It covers all the basics of the language, as well as more advanced topics such as object-oriented programming and data structures.
Practical guide to using Python for everyday tasks, such as automating web browsing, sending emails, and processing data. It is particularly useful for learners who are interested in using Python for practical applications.


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